A Longer Series could have been made.
But now it is time to vote.

A Longer Series could have been made.
But now it is time to vote.
Leadership matters.
God willing, the gerrymandering nonsense by team Benson (non partisan my ass) will have failed in the 2020 elections.
Anyone voting for Democrats is literally by definition ..insane. Don’t think so? Try this – Insanity:
- Severe mental illness or derangement.
- Unsoundness of mind sufficient to render a person unfit to maintain a contractual or other legal relationship or sufficient to warrant commitment to a mental health facility.
- Incapacity to form the criminal intent necessary for legal responsibility, as when a mental disorder prevents a person from knowing the difference between right and wrong.
Having said that.. Anyone voting for Republicans need to keep an eye on them as well. When our enemies in power hurt us, we expect it, but when our friends fail to defend us when given the opportunity and mandate, it hurts even more.
In the end, the gatekeepers of craziness can mean very much to us. To that end, what the Executive Director of Great Lakes Gun Rights Brenden Boudreau says is very true. (follow below)
New Rules violate the law - Will she adhere to the court correction?
Benson’s Abuse of Office is a threat to the Democratic process.
70% of the top 50% donors from outside Michigan?
Whitmer Needed Benson's Cover to accept illicit money.
There is no Dog voter suppression in Michigan
Liars lie.
Secure Elections?
Zero Evidence of Jocelyn Benson's claims exist.
Testifying at January 6 Committee??