The conservative base has never truly measured itself in Michigan nor anywhere else. Perhaps some sort of yardstick is in order, say…in November. True conservatives I tend to network with have had enough of the establishment definition. An organized effort to measure the strength of the disenfranchised base might therefore be in order. I have a suggestion.
An accurate ‘head count’ of the principled portion of the MIGOP can only be had in one way…an organized ‘boycott’ by vote. Staying home doesn’t count in the final tallies, neither does a blank spot on any particular space on any ballot. What is required for a ‘hard count’ is a place on the ballot to voice an objection. That place would be a “Write-in” space in certain particular races where the only principled choice might be “None of the above”. The name would be irrelevant, the space on the ballot totally relevant.
This exercise in democracy might prove very interesting indeed, as many Democrats of basic conservative values might find the spaces in those races appealing also. It should be noted that in the last election (a Presidential election) Dr. Dan beat Gary McDowell by less that 2,500 votes. Now our illustrious VA doctor has a real veteran challenger running against him, Jerry Cannon’s warts aside. Imagine the damage this cycle could inflict on a RINO incumbent, facing a real and money backed (Lon Johnson’s in charge, remember) challenger, with Mr/Ms Brand X also running as a write-in. There are many advantages to this plan of action, the first being an officially recorded count of dissatisfied voters…of all ranks. The second would be the forcing of a hand count of ballots, electronic “Tom Foolery” foiled. In the end, the official results would show just how strong in numbers “Brand X” really is.
For the candidates, it is a no brainer…no funds to raise, speeches to give, dinners to pretend to enjoy…just a day trip to Lansing to formally file. All anyone would need would be some gas money and a name folks could remember and spell correctly. The internet would take care of the rest. Maybe some of the more radical activists could throw a BBQ or two to have a few signs printed up that read: “WRITE IN (your name here) for Congress/State Rep/State Senate/Governor
“paid for by the committee to elect no one”
Let’s see the establishment find a way around that.
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(10)Nuh Uh.