Michigan Politics

Michigan Political considerations.

Yet Another Government Triumph in Michigan

Rewarding Incompetence and Corruption With Your Tax Dollars

Snyder Duggan Orr Image aMayor Mike Duggan startled Michigan yesterday by disclosing that Detroit found the actuarial accrued liability (AAL) in their pension plans to be $ 491 million higher than that calculated in their U.S. Bankruptcy Court Plan of Adjustment. The very expensive Detroit bankruptcy consultants used an outdated version of the IRS Static Mortality Table when calculating Detroit’s future pension payments. Detroit’s unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL) was not the $ 731 million stated in the Plan of Adjustment, rather it was $ 1.222 billion. Big money in a city whose total governmental revenues were $ 1.415 billion in FY 2014. Mayor Duggan blames erstwhile Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr for this little oversight, but others were also responsible.

GLWA Detroit Seal ImageNo word yet from the Great Lakes Water Authority whether all those Detroit Water & Sewerage Department employees they absorbed from the City of Detroit have the same AAL calculation error in their pension funding schedules. You can bet they did, and the suburban geniuses politicians who spent a year doing due diligence also missed it. The DW&SD pension funding schedules were determined by the same very expensive bunglers who wrote the Detroit Plan of Adjustment.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

How Could They Be So Cruel?

Knee-jerk legislation can only make conditions for animals even worse.

Part of being in leadership, is to have a bigger picture of what might happen when certain decisions are made.

The scope of legislative authority carries with it great responsibility. A large part is to have an understanding of human nature, and the effect that some rules will have on people’s actions. So it is important to be able to step back and logically follow through on what might stem from a vote that is cast for any particular issue.

Rules made with the intention of limiting bad behavior often cross the line into the limiting of good or neutral behavior as well. Certain regulations and laws sometimes must necessarily encroach on an absolute freedom of the individual to do whatever is desired at the moment. Examples of this might be anti abortion measures, rules limiting the ability to marry (even those with consent) minors, drug and pornography laws, and poaching.

Our social fabric depends on certain limits and boundaries to ensure that ALL are equally protected under the law in ways that promote life, healthy families, safe communities, and maintain our vibrant resources. If all of the people in our communities behaved perfectly, had good hygiene, and gratuitously respected boundaries, such laws and rules might not be necessary.

So its no surprise that when more stories of inhumane treatment of animals appear, the natural reaction of so many is to call for more laws to protect our animal friends from being at the hands of those who are disposed to cruelty and abuse. We love our pets.  Why wouldn’t we want to promote such legislation?

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(1)

Poll: Which Candidate Does Bush Exit Help Most?

Michigan GOP leadership now will look to others with Bush exit from Race.

PollThe SC Republican presidential primary in 2016 had a nearly 25% greater turnout than in 2012.

The less than 8% showing by Jeb Bush was enough for him to declare “no mas!” and suspend his campaign.  Both Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz will be expecting to see some of the support Bush formerly held.

Michigan establishment players had been strongly in the Bush camp even throughout the miserable polling and results of the first two voting/caucus events.  Only now have they been released to look at the other candidates.  We ask, “Who do you think will benefit from Jeb Bush dropping out?”

[poll id=”2″]
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Our Last Chance Dance…

Buying the Future...

Most folks think we elect our governments, we do not…

Let’s look at this through the lens of reality for just a moment, and hope it sinks in…Money buys power, which in turn buys more money, through the trading of favors…Both parties hand pick their candidates for primary elections, which would appear to be ‘normal’ on its face, but they also provide these people with a well oiled mechanism not only to win, but also to destroy any and all competition…This was demonstrated with devastating effectiveness in the 2014 37th District Senate primary…Republican establishment lobbyists and support groups attacked Greg MacMaster with hideous ads and heralded the ‘virtues’ of Wayne Schmidt as a true ‘conservative’…When confronted (personally, by me) with the blatant lies and pandering of the campaign ads, Wayne simply said “I didn’t put those out.”…So I guess that made it just fine with him…

PastedGraphic-1There was also this mailer (again, “I didn’t put those out,”) that our ‘conservative’ Senator-to-be used to encourage ‘crossover’ voting in the primary…

Please note that the “League of Conservation Voters” (responsible for this, and many radio and TV ads) is NOT a ‘conservative’ organization, but Senator Schmidt had no problem embracing this support…and refuses to reject it and its venom…

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)


Just to be clear.

A while back this site left the rah-rah part of the neighborhood.

Rightmi.com stopped being the default cheerleader for the Michigan GOP as a matter of principle.  Particularly since the primary part of the MiGOP has all but abandoned its tenets and reason to exist.  What exists now is a shell of pseudo conservatism, and a mockery of the platform under which the party pretends to exist.  Arguably, we still prefer the Republicans who run on conservative platforms but the party mechanism makes it tougher to sort them out.

There is some seriously spoiled fruit in the party.  Snyder is no ‘Republican,’ yet his ‘purchasing’ of, and carrying the flag as one, is enough to fool the soft stupid on both sides of the aisle.  The machinery in place to keep Republicans in majority has corrupted the ability to recruit and retain true conservative leadership as well.  Ronna Romney does her part to keep those crazy doctrinaire Republicans in check using party money and resources.

In fact, its one of the reasons I am changing my phone service to a different carrier.  It allows me to block solicitations for the MiGOP, and these calls usually come from outside the state anyhow.

Having said all that, I still believe today’s loyalist Democrats are the bane of intellectual development.  Even more so than the blind loyalist Republicans who still support bad apples no matter what..  Flint, Detroit, etc..  The inability to look at the results of generational liberal rule and deduce the higher incompetency rate is beyond mind blowing.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(0)

Very Sad News

Scalia 1

Associate U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin G. Scalia was found dead this morning at Cibolo Creek Ranch, during a quail hunt in the Big Bend region south of Marfa, Texas. Natural causes are presumed.

Justice Scalia was the author of District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), the landmark decision which held that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution applies to federal enclaves and protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm for traditionally lawful purposes.

Justice Scalia was the most prominent advocate of originalism, the principle of constitutional law interpretation which finds the Constitution’s meaning was fixed at the time of enactment.  This philosophy has challenged the ‘living document‘ fraud promoted by lefties determined to reshape America in their socialist vision.

Justice Scalia’s legal wisdom informed innumerable Michigan court decisions and guided a generation of liberty oriented lawmakers across our entire country as well.  Historians will rank him with Oliver Wendell Holmes as the greatest two intellects ever seated on the U.S. Supreme Court.

We extend our deepest sympathies to his wife, Maureen Scalia,  and his nine children.  A terrible loss.

His passing will create a a legal (and political) vacuum, but for now let us thank God for allowing us 79 years of this great legal mind and wish him God Speed.


You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Case for Strategic Bipartisanship to Dump Rick Snyder

In lieu of the Flint water crisis, our very own Governerd, Rick Snyder, has become the focal point of national fury. While grassroots patriots have hated him for many years for his Medicaid expanding, Common Core pushing, tax hiking, socialism-loving ways, the rest of the country is following suit! But what has dismayed me is to see many conservative Republicans defending this turkey. What gives?

To a certain extent, I understand the inclination to defend him. It’s not like Democrats have been fair with their attacks. They have made it into a racial issue, of course. The fat idiot Michael Moore interjected himself into the mess, and everybody hates that guy. They have shirked the blame from the corrupt and incompetent local Democratic city officials, and made Snyder the fall guy. By doing so, they have given grassroots patriots a golden ticket.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(3)

A Close Call

Shunned former 'Republican' representative joins anti gun lobbying efforts

fosterIn 2014, voters of the northern Michigan 107th house district did the rest of Michigan ‘a solid.’.

It was becoming clear that the incumbent Republican for that district was in no way representative of the conservative values he had pretended in his initial bid. From accepting tens of thousands for his upcoming campaign loss from pro-homosexual lobbying interests, added to an otherwise liberal voting record, Frank Foster had completely alienated the very (tea party) base he had enchanted in 2010.

Foster lost to Lee Chatfield in the primary of 2014, marking a rare incumbency defeat in the Michigan house races. Voters turned him out in a 6 point rout:

“In Northern Michigan, a good thing happened Tuesday.  Frank Foster, a man who by virtue of his lunch dates in Lansing alone, should not be representing the 107th district was voted off the animal farm.  Voted most desirable date to go to the Capitol prom by lobbyists, he was a top recipient of food and drink topping Randy Richardville the Senate majority leader in 2013.”

His departure has hardly left him out in the cold however. He is apparently remaining in the political scene as a gun grabber.

An examination of the minutes from a recent hearing on preemption bill (HB 4795)  before the committee on local government reveal Foster is still active, and has apparently gone completely to the dark side.  His time there was to represent opposition to legislation which provides further 2A protections for gun owners from abusive local government.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(2)

First Do No Harm…..

First Do No Harm ImageThe most disturbing aspect of the Flint water quality fiasco was the Legionnaires’ Disease outbreak in Genesee County and its concealment from the public. Eighty-seven people fell ill and ten died, nine if you want to be fussy about one victim lingering more than a month after diagnosis. By MDHHS’ definition, it isn’t Legionnaires’ Disease if you linger longer than 30 days after your hospital stay. So one of the ten Legionnaires’ Disease deaths got scrubbed from the statistics.

Harvey Hollins III

Harvey Hollins III

AP is reporting that Governor Snyder’s immediate subordinates were discussing whether the Legionnaires’ Disease outbreak was related to Flint water quality by March 13, 2015   Harvey Hollins III, Governor Snyder’s Office of Urban and Metropolitan Initiatives Director, received an eMail from former MDEQ Communications Director Brad Wurfel referring to the Genesee County Legionnaires’ Disease cluster.

Far earlier, in 2014, Jim Henry in the Genesee County Health Department was emailing Flint city leaders, the Flint emergency financial managers, MDEQ, and MDHHS. MDHHS Chief Medical Executive Dr. Eden V. Wells said the June 2015 [Bohm] report on the first outbreak was shared with officials from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well. No one in this vast chain of communications felt compelled to inform the public.

Dr. Eden Wells

Dr. Eden Wells

Dr. Eden Wells replaced Dr. Matthew Davis as MDHHS’ Chief Medical Executive at the end of March, 2015. One has to wonder why Dr. Davis suddenly returned to U of M after only two years as the MDHHS Chief Medical Executive, in the midst of the first Genesee County Legionnaires’ Disease outbreak. Did he jump, or was he pushed?  Perhaps MDHHS Director Nick Lyon found the career MDHHS bureaucrat Dr. Wells more accommodating than Dr. Davis? It was four months after Governor Snyder consolidated MDCH into the new MDHHS.  However, nothing in the U of M faculty manual suggests that Dr. Davis would have had to return to U of M to maintain his status there.

Dr. Matthew Davis

Dr. Matthew Davis

The public was not informed until Governor Snyder’s startling statement on January 13, 2016. Snyder said he himself was not informed of the Legionnaires’ Disease cluster in Genesee County until “days before” his public announcement. Michigan’s lefties have pounced on this 10 month delay, insinuating that Governor Snyder knew well before his announcement. This may or may not be true, and people will draw conclusions according to their political predilections.  Facts no longer matter on this question, even if you could penetrate the wall of obfuscation.

Director Hollins now says there was not enough information to take the issue to the Governor. Essentially, he is saying that no one could prove the source of the Genesee County Legionnaires’ Disease cluster, so there was no reason to disclose it to his superior. The other bureaucrats in this chain of communications also stayed mum, apparently following the same line of reasoning as Director Hollins.

There is a much bigger story here. One without any ‘he said, she said’ doubt.

It is now indisputable that a lot of CDC, MDEQ, MDHHS, and Genesee County Health Department bureaucrats knew of the first Genesee County Legionnaires’ Disease cluster by March 2015 and concealed it from the Michigan public for over 10 months.  Throughout the entire second Genesee County Legionnaires’ Disease cluster .

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Battle Cry – Ted Patterson

ICYMI - Highlights from the Battle Cry event.

If like me you were not able to attend this year, here is the first of a few highlights from the Battle Cry event this last weekend.

Ted Patterson serves as the Executive Director for the Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership, and is a national consultant who has used the confrontational model to grow grassroots organizations and lead successful political projects around the country.

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