Michigan Politics

Michigan Political considerations.

Old Men Throwing Tantrums – A Sad Account of the Oakland County Republican Party Convention

Although Trump may have won the state of Michigan in unexpected and dramatic fashion, it didn’t feel like that was the case at the Oakland County Republican Party Convention yesterday. Whereas we should have been singing Kumbaya and toasting the imminent demise of liberalism, there was instead strife, turmoil and mayhem due in large part to many dubious local swamp rats chomping at the bit to be drained.

Let’s cut straight to the chase, I will cover the insipid bureaucratic squabbling later. The conquering heroes did all they could to keep order during the event. The chairman was put into place fairly, and he was immediately confronted and challenged by the fringe minority. This unhinged minority presented confusing and contradictory motions. They yelled obscenities. They staged histrionics designed to trick unwitting delegates into siding with them in the frenzy of the madness they artificially created.

Chairman Matt Maddock entertained the motions of the crybaby minority, going out of his way to hear concerns that were frankly rude, unnecessary and embarrassing. This fringe minority called division on a motion to stop discussion that took roughly thirty minutes to sort out amidst constant chatter in the audience and poor audio quality staged throughout the venue. Old men were throwing tantrums like little children. Obviously, egotistical infighting had taken precedence to party unity and crushing liberal scum within these petty, desperate individuals.

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Michigan’s Energy Senate Bill 437/ VOTE NO!

Cronyism alive and well in Lansing with renewable energy mandate 'lighting' it up.

fuscaldoThe Michigan Chamber of Commerce and the two energy oligopolists in Michigan, through their lobbyists are attempting to railroad through a lame duck Michigan legislature Senate Bill 437. The bill would line the pockets of the energy oligopolists with subsidies and alleged necessary rate increases. The “climate change” advocates are being bribed to support the legislation because the legislation includes the production of more renewable energy in Michigan via windmills, etc. pursuant to Granholm’s 2008 Renewable Energy Mandate.

The following quote is from the linked article that substantiates the claim that in view of the 2016 Presidential Election results the legislature should stand fast and not support this wind fall profit package to the energy oligopolists and climate change advocates.

QUOTE: “The election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States and the GOP maintaining control of the U.S. House and Senate means the key reason for pushing forward with Senate Bill 437, a bill that will revise utility regulations in Michigan, has effectively gone away.”

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Michigan Election Results

Trump 47.6 Clinton 47.3

Supreme Court:
67-23 for Viviano
59-28 for Larsen

Education Boards:
SBOE:  McMillin and Snyder win, pulling Rs into a 4-4 tie.  Big loss for D bathroom policy.
UofM:  Weiser wins, Illich second.  Now 3R, 5D.
MSU: Kelly and Byrum win. Now 4-4 tie.
WSU: Gaffney and Busito win Now 3R, 5D.

1. 55-40 for Bergman over Johnson. Big win in a race many pundits called a tossup.
2. 63-32 for Huizinga
3. 59-38 for Amash
4. 62-32 for Moolenaar
5. 35-61 Kildee
6. 59-36 Upton over Clements. Wenke got 5%.
7. 55-40 Walberg over Driskell. Big win in a race Ds fought for.
8. 56-39 Bishop. Secure.
9. 37-58 for Sander Levin
10. 63-32 for Paul Mitchell
11. 53-40 for Trott.  Surprisingly, this was the closest congressional race.
12. 29-64 for Debbie Dingell
13. 16-77 for Conyers
14. 19-79 for Lawrence

State House:
17. 52-44 for Bellino over Lavoy. Shocking upset and PICKUP.
20. 56-44 for Noble.  Big conservative win.
23. 49.7-50.3 Camilleri beats Howey.  Tough LOSS in a tough district.
24. 55-45 for Marino. The tapes didn’t matter.
30. 54-46 for Farrington
39. 50-42 for Kesto
40. 53-47 for McCready. Close call in an upscale district.
41. 56-44 for Howrylak
50. 48-52 for Sneller. This wasn’t even on the radar.  Trump did well here.
52. 45-52 Lasinski wins.  Not that close, but this might have been won with a stronger candidate.
57. 56-44 for Kahle
61. 49-45 for Iden. Iden seriously underperformed.
62. 48.0-47.5 Bizon wins a very tough district.
66. 54-46 for Griffin
71. 54-43 for Barrett
85. 56-34 for Frederick. Locked down early.
91. 49-44 for Hughes
99. 55-45 for Hauck
101. 54-46 for VanderWall
104. 51-43 for Inman
106. 61-35 for Allor over sign-stealing Kennedy.
108. 53-47 for LaFave. Dems top recruit loses.

Macomb: Candace Miller wins public works. Rs win Treasurer and Clerk narrowly.
Oakland: Incumbents win, including Patterson and Bouchard.
Kalamazoo:  All incumbents win.
The metro Detroit transit millage failed.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Breaking – Illegal Voting In Traverse City

We are becoming a nation of the lawless.

Sometimes law enforcement or appropriate legal action arrives too late.

This morning, I learned about an election law violator.  A call from a contact in Lansing gave me the heads up on a high profile lawbreaker in Traverse City.  Apparently, Michael Moore thought it would be good to let people not just know how he voted, but to broadcast the image of his ballot explicitly:

Gosh, haven’t we been warned incessantly by the media constantly about how showing pictures of our ballots is illegal?

Certainly in Michigan it is.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Yes, You Want To Vote For Trump.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at the Family Leadership Summit in AmesDonald Trump will likely be our next president.

It should really come as no surprise, but due to the nature of folks holding their voting choices close to the vest, the media has seemed content to report that he is already an also-ran candidate. We know better, and so do some on the other side.

Yes, on November 8, you Joe Blow, Steve Blow, Bob Blow, Billy Blow, all the Blows get to go and blow up the whole goddamn system because it’s your right. Trump’s election is going to be the biggest ‘f*** you’ ever recorded in human history and it will feel good.

Yeah.  We quoted that guy.

Truly, if in fact he gets it, all of those inbetwixt he-and-I are likely to get it too. Yes, he is now screaming it is taken out of context, and that we should all go see his movie to see why, but he identified the underlying (and rightful) angst that actually exists.

There is no doubt that Hillary Clinton is the man, the machine, the mechanization of oppression and crap policy that leaves middle America feeling like a lone protester in Tianemen square after all of the cameras are turned off.

She offers more-of-the-same. And by golly there are few, if any folks who think that is a good thing.

Especially “more” of the same.

And of course, the tried and true ‘what is the definition of insanity?’ question comes in two parts. The first part of doing the same thing and expecting change is the gimme, but leaving in place the system that produces the same thing is the viral component that must be recognized as a continuation of it.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Someone might want to keep a close eye on that Brian Calley character.

Along with that Rick Snyder character, that Nolan Finley Character, etc...

In case you haven’t caught the latest in the 24-hour cycles, there was an “incident” at a Trump speech in Reno yesterday.

Video below:


Bottom line: Trump is okay and continued his speech shortly afterwards (and thanking local law enforcement afterwards).

The agitator, self proclaimed “republican” (along with Hillary Clinton contributor & supporter…go figure) Austyn Crites was subdued and restrained by the crowd until he was taken into custody by Secret Service.

In an interesting twist that will make the LGBTIQ-crowd go into a major meltdown is this little blurb (which obviously WON’T be widely reported reasons soon-to-be made crystal clear):

“Donald Newton, 47, of Santa Rosa, Calif., was right next to the bedlam when it happened and took video of the immediate aftermath.

“He had something on his belly. I don’t know what it was,” Newton said. “Somebody yelled gun and everyone jumped on him. My friend put his knee on his head but he kept getting up.”

Newton’s partner Michael, 45, of Santa Rosa, was the one who put his knee on Crites’ head.

“I was trying to get the Secret Service’s attention for them to respond,” he said. “They didn’t respond. I thought I had to do something. I put my knee on what I think was his head so I’m not really sure. There were five guys on him and he was moving. I tried to help them immobilize him.”

Say, Isn’t Donald Trump scheduled to be in Grand Rapids on Monday?

It might not hurt to keep a closer eye on republican malcontents like Brian Calley, Nolan Finley and a laundry list of other unstable elements in the establishment class.

Who knows WHAT is going through their minds?


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