Michigan Politics

Michigan Political considerations.

nesseL : Lessen

Not even a month in operation and she’s in damage control mode.

The first-term Democrat testified before the Senate Oversight Committee, where she used her opening statement to dispel what she called “misconceptions” about the unit she officially launched last month.

“We are not policing thoughts or words,” Nessel told lawmakers. “While some people in this state may choose to exercise their right to free speech by thinking hateful thoughts, saying hateful words or associating with hate-filled people, as attorney general it is my job to protect that right, not to prosecute it, even if I vehemently disagree with those thoughts, words or associations.

And, Michiganians are supposed to believe a radical lesbian Democrat that just said this about upholding Law?

Uh-huh, here, pull my finger…

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

One Dumb Nerd

There is little doubt Slick Rick is brooding in his $2M condo with regrets about the Party division he and Calley created in during the 2018 election. Think not? Read on…

Washington — Michigan officials have provided congressional investigators with tens of thousands of documents related to the Flint water crisis since the start of the year.

The office of Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is continuing to work “cooperatively” with the House Oversight and Reform Committee to produce the documents that the panel requested, Nessel spokesman Dan Olsen said this week.

“Our office has already supplied the committee with tens of thousands of pages of documents, and we are diligently working to send the rest,” Olsen said.

Olsen added that, while some of the records provided to the committee have been submitted previously, “most of these pages of documents are new.”

The Attorney General’s Office is sending the documents in response to Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings of Maryland, who in late December wrote to then-Gov. Rick Snyder asking he “fully comply” with the committee’s 2016 bipartisan request for documents related to the water crisis.

Well, there is a lesson to be learned in all this.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Nessel: Above The Law

This is pure evil.

Lansing — Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said Tuesday she would not enforce a state abortion ban if federal protections are overturned, and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said she would veto any new anti-abortion legislation that reaches her desk.

The first-term Democrats promised a dramatically new approach to abortion and reproductive rights in Michigan during separate speeches at a Planned Parenthood of Michigan conference in Lansing.

“You’ve got a powerful backstop in a veto from my office,” Whitmer said. “But the goal is not just to stop bad things from happening. It’s to set an agenda that respects women and girls and family planning.”

Irresponsible women getting knocked up and owning their choices = bad. “Butchering” infant boys and girls = okay, got it?

Why are you seeing things like this occur in Jason’s post?

Whitmer, Nessel and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson make up an “amazing” “triumvirate of women that protect us all in the state,” Planned Parenthood of Michigan CEO Lori Carpentier said during an introduction.

Boobus Michiganderus you’re getting the government you elected.

Oh, by the way… why does the Detroit News reference Rick Snyder vetos in the article?

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

The New Stasi

Michigan's new thought police effort violates the 1st and 14th Amendments according to lawsuit by AFLC

Some of Michigan’s new administration’s nonsense goes beyond ‘virtue signalling’ or shaming.

We’ve had a few minutes for it to settle in.  But the bottom line is that Michigan’s newest Attorney General Dana Nessel is clearly using the power of the state to persecute those who would disagree with her worldview.  To the level legally possible, she is using public monies to pressure those who have something to say to either shut up or be pilloried in the court of public opinion.

And this publicly funded defamation, riding under the guise of fighting ‘hate speech’ is being done indiscriminately, and lazily.  Nessel’s new thought police unit is using a map to target, and developed by the SPLC, a private, ideologically driven legal services cult that frequently identifies churches or family organizations as hate groups.

One of those groups is having none of it.

In a lawsuit naming (the new hate crimes unit) DANA NESSEL, and AGUSTIN V. ARBULU (Michigan dept of civil rights director), the American Freedom Law Center has charged that Nessel has officially sanctioned the SPLC’s opinions as those of the state, putting groups like the AFLC officially under the umbrella of hate as described by a private entity.  Officially sanctioning the partisan opinions with the use of taxpayer dollars and the authority of the office to punish free speech and educational activities engaged in by the AFLC.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Editorial: News flash – vetting who enters your country prevents outbreaks

The ignorance is glaring.

Maybe this is what it’s going to take to wake up parents who’ve decided they know better than their doctors. The quickly spreading measles outbreak in Oakland County is needless. Infectious diseases once thought eradicated in the U.S. are roaring back as growing numbers of children aren’t getting shots.


Maybe this is what it’s going to takes to wake up heritage Americans who’ve become comfortably complacent with their elected representatives in government. The quickly spreading measles outbreak in Oakland County and across this nation is needless. Infectious diseases once thought and were eradicated in the U.S. are roaring back as growing numbers of third-worlders and anchor baby children are invading our borders.

There it is- ever since Reagan singed off on the Simpson-Mazzoli Act amnesty baitpile, circa November 6, 1986.

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)

Sure son, you’re Talcum X

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Meet, Robert Dale Truax Jr.

Truax was charged with creating a disturbance in a public place. He pleaded guilty Thursday to the misdemeanor charge, which is punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a $500 fine.

Truax, who says he is unemployed, returns to court for sentencing next month.

Rest of this moron’s story here

Gee, can’t imagine why he’s unemployed….

Their parents failed them, and being very generous using it in the sense of a plural. At age 20, and still doing childish ‘muh feelz’ based garbage like that in public, then record yourself doing it – one can tell there wasn’t a male present in the household.

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

Energy so Clean it can be Seen and Smelled Miles Away

Meet Exelon, not sure if it’s Harvest I or, Harvest II, but it is wind turbine #17.

Said it before but, let’s revisit the wind scam again from the blog Watts Up With That?, If Solar And Wind Are So Cheap, Why Are They Making Electricity So Expensive?

Hirth predicted that the economic value of wind would decline 40% once it reached 30% of electricity, and that the value of solar would drop by 50% when it reached 15% of electricity.EP

In 2017, the share of electricity coming from wind and solar was 53 percent in Denmark, 26 percent in Germany, and 23 percent in California. Denmark and Germany have the first and second most expensive electricity in Europe.

By reporting on the declining costs of solar panels and wind turbines but not on how they increase electricity prices, journalists are — intentionally or unintentionally — misleading policymakers and the public about those two technologies.

The Los Angeles Times last year reported that California’s electricity prices were rising, but failed to connect the price rise to renewables, provoking a sharp rebuttal from UC Berkeley economist James Bushnell.

Recall what the Recucklican Majority passed during lame duck 2016?

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Gretchenomics: Yoopers Digging Their Next Meal out of the Dirt, in the Cold, and in the Dark

Alas! The DetNews highlights just how reprehensible the Bolshevist union of an offspring of the insurance lobby (Whitmer), and radical lesbian Nessel ✡️, has unfolded for Michiganians.

But new Gov. Gretchen Whitmer promised on the campaign trail to shut down Line 5, and she’s allowing that ill-considered vow to get in the way of sound policy.

Whitmer teamed with Attorney General Dana Nessel to block the work by declaring the tunnel unconstitutional.

Nessel’s opinion, issued last week, is that the law approving the deal violates the state constitution because its title doesn’t reflect what’s actually in the bill. That semantical objection seems an iffy legal stance, considering that so many laws in Michigan bear lofty titles that have little connection to their contents.

*Think* the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: it did the exact opposite.

But it was enough for Whitmer, who seized the ruling to order preparations for the tunnel work to cease.

This will surely end up in court. The Republican-controlled Legislature won’t stand by while the new Democratic administration usurps its lawmaking authority, nor should it.

Read the entire opinion here

SML Shirkey, Speaker Chatfield, I do believe you have your marching orders.

Ps. when it comes to Line 5 transporting daily 540,000 barrels of light crude oil and synthetic petroleum, 65% of the propane used in the Upper Peninsula, and 55% used statewide, methinks, someone takes the matter at hand a wee too nonchalantly.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

Kim you said Jose’s name, why not Vesta’s?

This is beyond insulting to one’s intelligence.

Isn’t that just grand? An illegal alien Mexican drug smuggler is sprung free for $200. Uh-huh, now meet the magistrate.

Vesta Svenson was born on 10/19/1937 and is 81 years old. Vesta’s Reputation Score is 3.90. Vesta’s current home is located at Detroit, MI. Other names that Vesta uses includes Vesta E Svenson and Vesta Elizabeth Svenson. We know that Vesta’s political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; ethnicity is Hispanic American; and religious views are listed as Christian.

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Healthcare Reform Supporter
Gun Control Supporter
Pro Choice Supporter
Tax Issues
Marriage Equality Supporter
Hilary Clinton Supporter

Yes, that is the magistrate.

President Trump needs to direct AG William Barr to investigate this court.

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