Perhaps a little perspective is in order.
I ran against Larry Inman in 2016.
Not because he and I disagreed greatly in principle, or that he was far left (he is most certainly not), but mostly because I didn’t trust his instincts with people. This may have led to some of his recent problems, and perhaps how easily he can get roped into bad decision making or votes by those with other agendas.
But Larry is not a BAD guy, or evil, or anything that many of those who rise to higher office become. He just trusts too many of those who make a living off of dealing with, or taking advantage of an overly benevolent government.
The rent seekers find players they can successfully manipulate, and there are plenty enough within both political ranks in Michigan alone to fill Cobo hall. But on the fringes of those, are the strategists who work to find the chinks in the armor of political rivals. Willing to ruin the life of a person for political gain is easy for far too many on either side.
I would guarantee that Larry was in some-way victimized by those who have been trying to flip his Northern District and reverse polarity in the State house. He might have also been confused on how to solicit contributions (100% legal) for the over-moneyed process that is politics in Michigan.
But larry Inman is no criminal. And apparently, the first round of court battles he has been engaged in says as much.
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