Michigan Politics

Michigan Political considerations.

Northern Michigan Shake Up

Challenging the Republican in the 107th District is Lee Chatfield, who decries incumbent Frank Foster’s votes to expand welfare, (medicaid expansion) Common Core, and an effort to amend the Elliott-Larsen [Civil Rights] Act.”

He might add to this; Cronyism and constituency rewards.

Below is a video of Lee Chatfield speaking in Petoskey. More information on his candidacy can be found at Izzy’s WatchDog Wire column.

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The Only One

homer-constThe Michigan congressional delegation Republicans had the right idea with regard to Roll Call 61.

Except for Michigan’s very own captain courageous, Dave Camp.  Camp along with 27 other GOP congressional critters carried the water for Democrats and Barack Obama.

Maybe he was confused by the title of the bill that raised the debt ceiling?  Only in government, can a bill with the title:

To designate the air route traffic control center located in Nashua, New Hampshire, as the “Patricia Clark Boston Air Route Traffic Control Center”

be used to continue out of control spending by an unaccountable administration that needs to have its criminal leadership removed, not rewarded with more resources.

Going forward in Michigan’s 4ths congressional district, there IS another choice.

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37th District Slaughter

BLOODyMichigan’s 37th Senate District race promises to turn out like one of those movies Mommy didn’t let you watch as a kid.

The poll paints Wayne Schmidt as an undesirable Republican candidate for the 37th district seat.  The poll of 599 likely Republican primary voters who were reached last Monday, February 10, said no to the big spender by more than 20 points, even WITH the MOE. (Margin Of Error of 4.0%) Maybe its something about Schmidt’s willingness to expand government into places where it ought not go?  Maybe its his Welfare expansion vote?  Maybe its his affinity to give Southern Michigan more tax dollars?

But ..wow

Greg MacMaster……………….41.57% (249)
Wayne Schmidt………………..17.36% (104)
Undecided……………………41.07% (246)
Total………………………100.00% (599)

Of course polling is only a snapshot in time, but the advantages of incumbency no longer exist, AND something else revealed itself in the polling done by the MacMaster campaign. One of the largest blocks of voters has Schmidt getting an electoral intent wedgie at about the margin of error.

Grand Traverse County (Schmidt’s home turf) favors MacMaster 34% 29%

Continued below the fold

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Dangerous Indeed

Yet another traditional Michigan community is pressured to elevate a behavior based identity to protected status

If, after reading the previous article by Mr. Heine, any of the Bay County Commissioners could still affirm the dangerous lifestyle of Sodom, we would know there is at least one more formerly ‘traditional’  community that has lost its way.County Commission 2013

We are being told that Today at 4 p.m.,  those Bay County Commissioners will be considering passage of an ordinance banning discrimination of LGBT workers in Bay County with a public hearing.  Actual voting on the controversial issue will not happen until March 11.

And even though there have been no reported incidents of this type of discrimination, it is being pushed through by those with an agenda of self destructive behavior. It’s one more opportunity for this lifestyle to be ‘in our face’ and promoted as ‘normal’ civilized behavior, to grow the ranks of those who participate in an unhealthy paradigm.

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Crony Capitalism Keeps Rolling along as Michigan Taxpayers Take the Hit

The new Red Wings Arena has been approved to be stolen from the taxpayers and I mean “all” taxpayers of Michigan not just Detroit because first off Detroit doesn’t have any taxpayers to speak of. Remember Governor Snyder has pledged 350 Million of Michigan taxpayers money to “Bailout” Detroit and the DIA.

The construction of the arena itself would be about 60% publicly funded. No Detroit general fund dollars would be spent; the state (taxpayers) is contributing the bulk of the public investment. Through the “failed” MEDC and Governor Rick Snyder who is an advocate for the deal, which will use “bonds” from the Michigan Strategic Fund one of numerous subsidiaries of the quasi government entity the un-elected MEDC.Arena New Red Wings

A quick refresher course on the definition of “Bonds” where the taxpayers are concerned. The seller of these “Bonds”, in this case the state of Michigan (we taxpayers) are the borrowers, the buyers of these bonds are essentially the lenders. Sounds a lot like a Bank doesn’t it?

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Obsolescence And The Electoral Hereafter

gates-medcWe’re thinking Michigan’s 104th district representative Wayne Schmidt doesn’t expect to win Michigan’s 37th state senate seat in 2014.

In fact, he might have had that realization for several months now. Perhaps an angel of mercy descended at that time from the polling pearly gates, because it was in September that Schmidt, authored a bill that has yet to make it out of committee. Schmidt appears to be trying to create a quasi-government highly paid position that will be ‘tailored’ for his haberdashery retail management (suit store clerk) background, and  government experience.

“And he’s buying a stairway to heaven …”

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Look to David Kroll in the 90th District

Just happened across this little blurb in mLive, and talk about a vicious circle of dysfunction.

A Holland woman who was a Washington, D.C., aide to former U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra is running for state House in the 90th District.

The seat is currently held by state Rep. Joe Haveman, R-Holland, who cannot seek re-election due to term limits.

Garcia said. “With term limits, we can’t afford to have somebody learn the ropes (before they get to work).”
Daniela Garcia planned to announce her candidacy for the Republican nomination Friday, Feb. 7, at Alpenrose Park, 4 E. 8th St. in Holland, with Hoekstra in attendance. She joins a field that has five other candidates.

She is the daughter of former Holland schools superintendent Frank Garcia [collected pension age 54].
Garica worked with U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers and during Hoekstra’s last two years in Congress [snip]

Is anything above really something to boast about? Let’s refresh our memories on Pete Hoekstra.

Folks, you have an opportunity for better in the 90th District, and his name is David Kroll.

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