Michigan Politics

Michigan Political considerations.

Let’s nip the “Little Ronna” Talk in the bud Right here, Right now

It sure doesn’t take long for the dregs of the Third world voting MI-GOP to reveal what is their next scheme. For example? OK, take a full-time wannabe somebody in Oakland County, who used to be a staffer for ousted Joe “it’s not your money” Knollenberg, now working the crony nepotism angle for filling the opening of the National Committeewoman spot. Skip to 20:57 in the podbean.

Yippie. It’s the “Big Ronna” and “Little Ronna” show.

Oh, and old brother “arithmetic” Romney, 24 + 4 = 30

Michigan’s Gang Of Polyps. These people making up the state Party apparatchik truly are sociopaths.

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Dumb Dumb Dumb

More and more the left side reveals its mission to undercut the principles within the Republican Party

lennox-corpsNeedless to say, if I were to write a response that is in any way appropriate to this nonsense, it would almost assuredly result in a lawsuit.

A guy who has (as far as I know) never held a REAL private sector job, never owned a business, seems to travel the world on pixie dust, and is a persistent cancer within the Republican party has now hit the pancreas.  When Dennis Lennox says:

Instead of falling into the left’s trap, Republicans should go on the offensive with a bold manifesto focused on creating opportunities that not only raises the minimum wagean increase to $12 would impact 40 percent of working Americans — but reforms welfare and reduces taxes on main street innovators, entrepreneurs and job creators.

It has to be a trap itself.

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Bentivolio Safe Federal Websites Act Secures 100 Sponsors

100 Congressmen Cosponsor Rep. Bentivolio’s Safe and Secure Federal Websites Act


The Information security community agrees: Healthcare.gov is an urgent national security risk

Following new revelations that the ObamaCare website, healthcare.gov, still lacks basic security protections, support for Rep. Bentivolio’s Safe and Secure Federal Websites Act attained 100 cosponsors this week. More information can be found in the Greengeeks reviews.

Four committee chairmen, two-thirds of the Republican members of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and three past and present chairmen of the Republican Study Committee count themselves among cosponsoring supporters of Rep. Bentivolio’s bill.

“I thank my colleagues for giving this issue the attention it deserves and responding quickly to the national emergency that this is,” Rep. Bentivolio asserted.

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Low Information Reporters: Where low information voters are created

If you ever wondered where low information voters come from, here’s one place to start: Low information reporters.

Here’s an excerpt from MLive.com. See if you can spot the problem sentence in this excerpt of our MLive reporter recanting Mark Schauer (Democrat) latest campaign speech:

He pledged to fight for a minimum wage increase, restoration of school funding and the earned income tax credit and repeals of pension taxes and right-to-work legislation that banned collecting union dues.

Uhhh, “legislation that banned collecting union dues“? Really?

Michigan’s Right-to-work law only prohibits forcing workers to pay dues to a union:

Right-to-work means that unions can’t require an employee be fired for declining to pay union dues or agency fees, while maintaining a union’s ability to collectively bargain.

You would think a reporter covering Michigan’s Gubernatorial campaign would know what, exactly, Michigan’s right-to-work law actually says since the right-to-work issue is going to be an important topic in the governor’s race for the next nine months or so.

*** Cross posted @ MCT ***

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Bankrupt – The Movie


Cronyism, corruption, bailouts, favored status, confiscation through eminent domain, picking winners and losers.  Sound familiar?

This documentary premiered yesterday in Washington DC, and offers some historic perspective to the decline of Detroit.

Perhaps even, an explanation (a warning) of what is to come next, as long as we allow our governments to engage in corporatism; a way in which our taxpayers dollars are funneled into the pockets of special interests  and how corruption has abused Detroit, providing little benefit to those paying the bills. At one point Thomas LaDuke makes a great point about not questioning “people’s heart or motives,” but his frustration of how city residents don’t actually see how the city has been run.


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Dave’s Not Going Anywhere

So-farAnd there appears to be no strong sentiment outside of the Democrat party, and a few belligerent GOP party thugs who are looking for him to do so.  A recent interview including this:

According to Agema, when fear and intimidation are applied, those would speak against the party’s status quo “immediately shrink back and say Boy, I’m going to be quiet, because if I say anything I’m going to get the same ridicule.”


Along with the article is a running poll asking if Dave should step down, or stick it out.

Not surprisingly, as of my own vote in support, the results are near unanimous.

Staying The course for conservative values

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