The fool’s Obamacare Medicaid Expansion is officially open today. Oh, and don’t forget to thank slick Rick for those Hope and Change cool estate clawback provisions.
Now, back to work kiddies as you’ve got a lot of new welfare to pay for.

Make us laugh
The fool’s Obamacare Medicaid Expansion is officially open today. Oh, and don’t forget to thank slick Rick for those Hope and Change cool estate clawback provisions.
Now, back to work kiddies as you’ve got a lot of new welfare to pay for.
The audacity of it all.
Dingell retiring from Congress: ‘It’s time to cash it in’
There is what’s wrong with this nation today. The Marxstream Media actually has the gull to call the fossil not running for re-election a “retirement”. Public “servants” my ass. Better still?
Debbie Dingell expected to run for husband’s congressional seat
Pretty much accurate about everything, I’d say. Follow the money, which is pocket change for the Wooden Shoe Mafia Amway/Alticor/Alterra/Prince/RDV Corporation/Windquest clan.
Outside of the Johnny one note RTW whining that’s getting real old (didn’t address Public Sector), nonetheless, it is true that Rick Snyder did lie to his Democrat base that elected him.
Three states already celebrate Cesar Chavez Day as an official holiday. And in 2011, President Barack Obama issued a proclamation declaring March 31st “Cesar Chavez Day.”
So by golly, what is a bandwagon mentality supposed to do with THAT kind of momentum?
It seems we are could be heading in that direction with the Michigan Board of Education’s newest effort, a: STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION RESOLUTION HONORING CÉSAR ESTRADA CHÁVEZ:
The State Board of Education this week unanimously adopted a resolution honoring the late Cesar E. Chavez as an American hero, a civil rights leader, Latino, farm worker, and a labor leader; a religious and spiritual figure; a community servant and social entrepreneur; a crusader for nonviolent social change; and an environmentalist and consumer advocate.
Lets add that curriculum to the already tenderized minds of mush that must suffer such evils as ‘anti-bullying’ propaganda, Common Core, and Michelle Obama’s ‘My-Plate’ lunch program.
And sure, why not?
The cognitive dissonance is just staggering.
“Detroit is central to our state. It’s very important, it’s the home of the auto industry. As Detroit is successful the whole state is successful.”
What better way to convey that message than by doing it with a discontinued niche vehicle built in Texas, by a corporation headquartered in Illinois?
And seriously, is it possible this dweeb is so out of touch, along with the rest of the Schostak Party apparatchik, that they do not know they all are being laughed at?