
Say NO to Al Psholka

A Conservatively Strong GOP house needs a true Republican leader.

A message from your conscience.

PLEASE consider talking to your newly elected rep about one of the most important decisions he/she will make very soon.  The Hastert rule being ignored brought us medicaid expansion, and will cost us more in gas taxes very soon.  From a Facebook post:

After the shellacking of the Dem Progressive agenda yesterday, it is time for the MIGOP to wake up and change direction. They need to realize that they dodged the bullet and rode the wave of Anti Democrat voter sentiment, NOT a wave of Pro Republican Sentiment.

The MI House republicans could start by electing a new House leader that will not be a rubber stamp for the Guvnerds’ agenda. Rumor is that many of the House Republican caucus want a chance to vote on the Hastert rule. I would challenge Cotter to make a Few Points into a Platform that would Garner him support from many of the incumbents and from most of the Newly minted Freshman.

1. Promise to allow the Caucus to vote on adopting the Hastert rule.
2. Promise to allow Tom Hooker’s heartbeat bill to be put on the floor.
3. Promise to allow ALAC (Rep. Tom Hooker again) to be put on the floor.
4. Promise to not allow Elliot Larsen, and other Legislation that does not have Majority Republican support to see the light of day.

We already face too much danger from the Lame Duck session. We can expect many of those term limited out, Jase Bolger, randy Randy Richardville, Haveman, and others seeking future appointments and Government job opportunities, to attempt to curry favor with the Guvnerd, and special interests.

A strong stand now would garner support, and help place those currently seated on notice that Business as usual will not be part of the agenda after Jan 1.

Call your newly elected Rep and tell them to support Kevin Cotter for speaker.


You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(4)

Witch Doctor

Witch doctor
(among tribal peoples) a magician credited with powers of healing, divination, and protection against the magic of others.

It’s no secret to loyal RightMi.com readers that I have little use for, Rep. Dan “Enough is Enough” Benishek. You see, good ‘ol slow-talking Doctor Dan, has this history of wanting to portray himself as a “Constitutional conservative” only to vote to raise the debt ceiling, reauthorize the NDAA, and vote to fund Obamacare. That’s a “Constitutional conservative”?

Benishemp-RINOHardly, and his 1% margin over Gary McDowell, in 2012, certainly serves to highlight that CD-1 voters see Doctor Dan as a fraud who happened to be in the right place at the right time in 2010, for certain movers and shakers within the state Party’s apparatchik.

Well, upon discovery, I just happened across Doctor Dan’s new allegiance to the Progressive Country Club, or as founder Fred Upton, would like to convince us unapologetic Conservatives, his “main street partnership”. Frankly, I do not see one thing considered normal, Constitutional, nor even Conservative about its founders and their Democrat-lite mission statement.

It is though, a clear sign of how desperate Dan Benishek is to remain in office.

It’s time for Doctor Dan to be booted from the District of Corruption, and back to his private life of billing Medicaid/Medicare.

Vote your conscience tomorrow.

I am.

You Betcha! (29)Nuh Uh.(0)

Just in Time for the Election

Poof! PFM!

The average price of gas in Michigan is $ 3.10 a gallon for regular while the average is $3.06 in the metropolitan Detroit area.

In Monroe, gas has been hovering as low as $ 2.85 this week.

Ms. Hiltz sees the trend in prices declining throughout November and into December, and said it is possible for the state average to drop below $ 3, which hasn’t happened since 2010.

Notice how many in the linked article have been so conditioned that they’re *thankful* gas is around $3 when just a decade ago it was $1.44 a gallon? Sheeple were made to be shorn.

Keep that in mind for the Lame Duck in Lansing, if/when the Nerd is unleashed with his wholesale tax agenda & registration fee hike.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(1)

To Collect for Who They Serve

As Halloween nears, and folks decompress from their busy schedules with getting into their Trick or Treating festivities, what could possibly be a better opportunity for a bunch of cash strapped municipalities with public sector union legacy costs than to launch a money grab scheme involving 140+ LEO agencies in 26 counties?

Now, let’s adjourn below for another presentation from Jackboot Theatre Productions.

*The Click It Or Ticket campaign is part of Michigan’s $trategic Highway $afety Plan signed by Gov. Rick Snyder in 2013.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(2)

Top Republican Hails Foolish Busy Work He Voted For

Anyone ever shakes hands with this guy, they might want to count their fingers when they’re done.

So, what are some of the highlights?

The current and next-generation Volt will continue to be built at GM’s Detroit-Hamtramck Assembly Plant.

The Volt has not met sales expectations set in 2011 by former CEO Dan Akerson, who wanted production to hit 60,000 annually by 2012. Since the plug-in hybrid was launched in late 2010, GM has sold about 69,000. Last year, GM lowered the price by $5,000 to boost sales.

Barra would not give volume targets for the newest Volt, saying she thinks GM has learned its lessons from sharing overly optimistic sales goals.

Barra wouldn’t comment on whether the Volt is profitable; she said GM doesn’t comment on profitability of specific car lines. She also declined to say whether the sticker price of the 2015 Volt would be lower, and wouldn’t say if it would be offered in multiple models.

Oh please, stop with the crap: http://www.michigancapitolconfidential.com/16192

The battery cells for the Volt are produced at LG Chem in Holland.

Jase, you’re an ass. So is the entire Senate.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(1)

Someone is waking up (and finally realizing that they’ve been scammed all along).

“In Detroit, where’re your leaders at?”


It’s a shame that they couldn’t cut this down into a :60 spot (or at least break it up among several spots). You couldn’t make the point any clearer (Especially after the democrats recent fundraising appearance for a governor who makes Granholm look like an off-the-charts genius).

Granted, this was shot in Chicago. But the subject matter is easily applicable to Detroit as well.

Should also give the trolls lurking from the other side (like Christine, Eric, that husband/wife team from the-site-that-shall-not-be-named), something to mull over…and dread.

Submitted w/o any further comment

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Need a Better Reason to Not Vote for Snyder?

RightMi.com readers cannot say they weren’t warned, and if anyone trusts this guy, then they are irreparably beyond stupid. Also, just another reason why the *professional* Chattering Class‘ endorsements are completely useless.

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