
Remember the Good ‘ol Days of Weeper Boehner?

Ya, me too. Nevertheless, via Drudge:

Builds Fence Around Mansion — Doesn’t Fund Nation’s Border…
$1.6 billion to resettle illegals INSIDE USA…
300,000 Visas For Muslim Migrants In One Year…
Writes Check To Sanctuary Cities…
Quadruples H-2B Visas…
Speeds to floor…

Happy reading and, I’d like to leave you with a recently obtained photo of Speaker Ryan’s regularly scheduled exercise time with FLOTUS.


Before I go, some Twitter fun? Paul’s muhammadan name is, Demokrati el-Spenditali

Have a great weekend, folks!

You Betcha! (25)Nuh Uh.(0)

Presstitutes and Cuckservatives Going Nuclear in The Mitten

The latest drivel from The Detroit News Digital First Media A/K/A Alden Global Capital LLC hedge fund’s *pragmatic* shitlib, Nolan Finkley.

I spoke with several of the largest GOP donors in Michigan last week, people who contribute millions of dollars to Republican-supporting Super PACS, and raise millions more. To a person, they said the same thing: “We won’t write checks for Trump.”

As if they’ve been asked for their money? Nope. The movement is bigger than their checks. Here’s another clue… the vapid dunce from the Magic Underpants family likes to bray about how relevant she thinks she is, however, the truth is the front-runner has yet to establish a presence in the state – only once. The 31st cuck suckfest on the island? Nope. A waste of valuable time.

“I will never vote for the guy, and I will certainly never give him a penny,” says a Metro Detroit businessman who was one of George W. Bush’s biggest fundraisers in Michigan. “In fact, as hard as it would be, if the choice is between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, I’ll vote for Clinton.

More ‘splodey head hilarity here

That should tell you everything one needs to know about today’s Republican ‘Big Tent‘.

So, who’s bought your candidate?

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(2)

Ann Corcoran is one Sharp Lady

She gets it. Read: https://refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress.com/2015/12/09/speaker-ryan-blasts-trump-over-muslim-ban-can-we-hear-grover-in-his-words/

Now, take a peek behind the curtains: http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2015/12/08/common-sense-points-for-pundits/

See that? Now that Dick and Betsy’s Common Core ¡Jeb! has proven to be a resounding dud, the GOPe’s next strategy is pushing the “Gang of 8” amnesty loving, Marxo Boobio. Doubt the billionaires within the MI-GOPe haven’t splintered in attempts to get their puppet the nomination? Well, just take a look at this guy from the Magic Underpants family who now backs Marxo Boobio’s campaign in the state. Matter of fact, five more cuckservatives outed themselves just yesterday.


The GOP can bank on that.

You Betcha! (27)Nuh Uh.(1)

Fast and Loose in the Michigan Senate

Switch Subsidy Bill Passage Was A Senate Rules Violation

David Knezek ImageIn their slobbering rush to deliver tax breaks for one very specific data center last Thursday, the Michigan Senate violated its own rules regarding the consideration of appropriations bills. The Knezek amendment to SB 616, S-1:

Enacting section 1. The legislature shall annually appropriate sufficient funds from the state general fund to the state school aid fund created in section 11 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963 to fully compensate for any loss of revenue to the state school aid fund resulting from the enactment of this amendatory act.

converted SB 616 into an appropriations bill according to the definition in Michigan’s 1963 Constitution, in its Article IV, Section 31.

Michigan Senate Rule 3.602 requires:

“Any bill requiring an appropriation to carry out its intended purpose shall be considered an appropriation bill (See Constitution Article IV, Section 31). Appropriations bills, when reported back to the Senate favorably by a committee other than the Committee on Appropriations, shall, together with amendments proposed by that committee, be referred to the Committee on Appropriations for consideration.

Michael Kowall Image 2Senator Kowall moved a suspension of the Senate Rules after the noon recess on Thursday to bring nine bills on to Third Reading, including SB 616. From Senate Journal 106, page 1910: “be placed on their immediate passage at the head of the Third Reading of the Bills calendar.” was his motion. Senate Journal 106 indicates that his request was passed by a majority. This allowed final action and passage on SB 616 in the Senate that day.

Reading the record, it would appear that Senator Kowall was suspending Rule 3.207 to consider SB 616 and the eight other bills which had been placed on to ‘General Orders’ that morning for final passage under ‘Third Reading’, out of normal order. Senate Rule 3.207 requires a one day delay between the ‘Second Reading’ (‘General Orders’), and the ‘Third Reading’ (‘Final Action’). Suspending this prescribed one day delay is a common practice when time is of the essence.

Senator Kowall had already moved that morning, before recess, to place SB 616 and the same eight other bills then under ‘Committee Reports’ (‘First Reading’) under ‘General Orders’ (‘Second Reading’), so they could be on that day’s calendar. Also out of normal order, but again a common practice when time is of the essence.

But did either of Senator Kowall’s two suspension motions suspend Michigan Senate Rule 3.602?

Is Michigan Senate Rule 3.602 a fundamental rule as defined by Mason’s Manual of Legislative Procedure? Mason’s is the underlying body of rules adopted by the Michigan Senate when their own rules are mute on an issue.  Fundamental rules cannot be suspended according to Mason’s and all the other accepted bodies of parliamentary rules.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

You Don’t Say?

Inside Michigan Politics ranks its most conservative and most liberal legislators, and guess what?

HB4736Susan Demas, not exactly known for sympathy to conservative causes must be having fun.

Recently editing the Inside Michigan Politics scoring of conservative and liberal state representatives, she gets to shame Republicans with their own rhetoric, and as a bonus, can gloat over the self inflicted loss of true conservative voting in the Michigan house. Her report:

Inside Michigan Politics has compiled the definitive rankings of the “Most Liberal and Most Conservative” members of the House of Representatives for 2015. The rankings are based on 28 litmus test roll-call votes this year.

“Most Conservative” winners Courser and Gamrat both notched 4.8% liberal voting records. Following them is Rep. Gary Glenn (R-Midland) with a 7.1% liberal record. Reps. Jim Runestad (R-White Lake) and Lana Theis (R-Brighton) tied for third by posting 10.7% liberal voting records.


A reminder BTW, that such ‘diehard’ conservatives Glenn, Runestad, and Theis all voted yea on the expulsion of Gamrat, and the expected expulsion of Courser prompted him to resign prior to expulsion.  Gosh, they could have used a vote or two of support on HB4736, as each voted correctly to deny the government beast more of our kibble.

Hello Birthday Tax.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Well Worth Your Time: Rally at Worcester, MA


Due to footage from yesterday’s live broadcast, please forward video to 18:50 for speaking to begin.

The UniParty’s lone anti-establishment juggernaut in this election continues on the path to the White House.

H/t Sundance


Tell me again that Progressivism isn’t a mental disorder…

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)

You DON’T say…

Apparently, the idea of picking up his wife and three children from the county morgue is weighing a little too heavily on the mind of one “Relentlessly Positive” Governor.

According to this mornings Detroit Free Press, Gov. Snyder has reversed course from his earlier ill-conceived decision to allow Syrian “refugees” into Michigan following the Islamic Terrorists attacks in Paris that have claimed at least 129 lives as of the latest count.

Gov. Snyder is quoted as stating, “Michigan is a welcoming state and we are proud of our rich history of immigration. But our first priority is protecting the safety of our residents.”

Better late than never. But in this case, no damage has been done through Gov. Snyder’s actions.

Naturally, this has the proponents of the original scheme up in arms over a “perceived” overreaction.

From the same Freep article, Maged Moughni, an Arab-American advocate said, “It’s doing what ISIS wants. … He’s just basically buying into what ISIS wants: Muslims against the West … Gov. Snyder is buying into the rhetoric.”

Again, the families of at least 129 victims of Islamic Terrorism have a different take on that.

Further down, Sean de Four, vice president of child and family services with Lutheran Social Services of Michigan had this to say,

“I certainly understand and appreciate Gov. Snyder’s desire to be cautious and put the safety of Michiganders first. But the State Department already uses an overabundance of caution in its screening of refugees before they gained entry into the United States. In fact, refugees spend an average of five to seven years in refugee camps being screened and background checks before access to any country.”

If I were Mr. de Four, I’d reexamine the validity of his argument.

Most people know that I don’t agree, with oh about 99%, of what Gov. Snyder rams through, mostly due to the fact that he doesn’t adhere to anything even remotely conservative when he does so.

This time around, and perhaps the very likely possibility that he might appear on a future casualty list himself directly due to the actions of those he blindly lets into our state, he finally gets things right for a change.

Let’s see how long that lasts.


Hopefully not coming to Michigan anytime soon!


You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)