
Ted Nugent Thanks America

The motor city madman offers heartfelt appreciation for the future of our nation.

You gotta love this guy.

Michigan Native Ted Nugent in the wee morning hours of the 9th as election results are finalized, lets it all out.  Particularly entertaining and frank, he is thankful for the incredible results.  He gets particularly happy when he sees that Michigan went Red (the 9:00), going for Trump.

Language and philosophical advisory:  Not for the faint of heart, young children, or puppy cuddling, safe-space, college pee-pants protesters.

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Congratulations MR President.

305Thank you for making Michigan a big part of your success.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Breaking – Illegal Voting In Traverse City

We are becoming a nation of the lawless.

Sometimes law enforcement or appropriate legal action arrives too late.

This morning, I learned about an election law violator.  A call from a contact in Lansing gave me the heads up on a high profile lawbreaker in Traverse City.  Apparently, Michael Moore thought it would be good to let people not just know how he voted, but to broadcast the image of his ballot explicitly:

Gosh, haven’t we been warned incessantly by the media constantly about how showing pictures of our ballots is illegal?

Certainly in Michigan it is.

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Honest Admiration & Final Thoughts

cwssgojxgaat-cx-jpg-largeYeah, it has hurt to see the crappy lying, out-of-context, and completely overplayed Hillary ads in the last couple of days.

There are fairly uninformed people who cannot see the bigger picture, and will allow such messaging to influence their voting sanction. Whether Hillary provides any benefit to the nation on any level is of no concern to them, it just that their feelings are hurt, and we don’t want a ‘misogynist bully’ in the white house.

Our precious cupcakes, frosted at the indoctrination centers we call higher education, cannot handle such unchecked machismo, yet ignore countless real crimes of the one who would also laugh as she gets a rapist off. Even the slightest off-color joke, comment made by a man who has aggregately enjoyed incredible success is a nuclear nightmare, yet the trusted mechanisms of justice are corrupted permanently by a family that would put the mafia to shame.

I have honestly had a revelation during this election cycle.

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Yes, You Want To Vote For Trump.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at the Family Leadership Summit in AmesDonald Trump will likely be our next president.

It should really come as no surprise, but due to the nature of folks holding their voting choices close to the vest, the media has seemed content to report that he is already an also-ran candidate. We know better, and so do some on the other side.

Yes, on November 8, you Joe Blow, Steve Blow, Bob Blow, Billy Blow, all the Blows get to go and blow up the whole goddamn system because it’s your right. Trump’s election is going to be the biggest ‘f*** you’ ever recorded in human history and it will feel good.

Yeah.  We quoted that guy.

Truly, if in fact he gets it, all of those inbetwixt he-and-I are likely to get it too. Yes, he is now screaming it is taken out of context, and that we should all go see his movie to see why, but he identified the underlying (and rightful) angst that actually exists.

There is no doubt that Hillary Clinton is the man, the machine, the mechanization of oppression and crap policy that leaves middle America feeling like a lone protester in Tianemen square after all of the cameras are turned off.

She offers more-of-the-same. And by golly there are few, if any folks who think that is a good thing.

Especially “more” of the same.

And of course, the tried and true ‘what is the definition of insanity?’ question comes in two parts. The first part of doing the same thing and expecting change is the gimme, but leaving in place the system that produces the same thing is the viral component that must be recognized as a continuation of it.

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Trump Pence Team Seals The Deal Monday Night In Grand Rapids

Michigan has the honor of the finale political bash!

trump-mobMichigan gets painted red by Monday night.

Team Trump has spared no effort in making sure voters of the mitten state know they are important to this presidential effort.  No fewer than a dozen stops in the last month, most in the past few days, and polling that is showing a rewarding trend for victory.

The Trump rally finale is nowhere else but in Michigan, at a late night event in Grand Rapids.

All the players, Trump, Pence, et al, will gather the troops for a pre-election celebratory whoop-dee-do Monday night. Get your tickets to join Donald Trump, Governor Mike Pence, and team in Grand Rapids, MI tomorrow, Nov. 7th at 11:00 PM for the biggest rally yet! Details about the event below:

Get tickets and watch for updates here!

Monday, Nov. 7th: Grand Rapids, MI
Devos Place
303 Monroe Ave NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Doors Open: 8:00 PM
Event Begins: 11:00 PM

Get tickets and watch for updates here!

Democrats might just want to sit this one out, or .. join the winning team, as the revelations about cheating during the primary pop up.  Bernie Sanders supports are finding out how much of a dump Hillary took on them, and how they will NEVER get a fair chance if they fall in line.

Make America Great Again Michigan!


You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

Someone might want to keep a close eye on that Brian Calley character.

Along with that Rick Snyder character, that Nolan Finley Character, etc...

In case you haven’t caught the latest in the 24-hour cycles, there was an “incident” at a Trump speech in Reno yesterday.

Video below:


Bottom line: Trump is okay and continued his speech shortly afterwards (and thanking local law enforcement afterwards).

The agitator, self proclaimed “republican” (along with Hillary Clinton contributor & supporter…go figure) Austyn Crites was subdued and restrained by the crowd until he was taken into custody by Secret Service.

In an interesting twist that will make the LGBTIQ-crowd go into a major meltdown is this little blurb (which obviously WON’T be widely reported reasons soon-to-be made crystal clear):

“Donald Newton, 47, of Santa Rosa, Calif., was right next to the bedlam when it happened and took video of the immediate aftermath.

“He had something on his belly. I don’t know what it was,” Newton said. “Somebody yelled gun and everyone jumped on him. My friend put his knee on his head but he kept getting up.”

Newton’s partner Michael, 45, of Santa Rosa, was the one who put his knee on Crites’ head.

“I was trying to get the Secret Service’s attention for them to respond,” he said. “They didn’t respond. I thought I had to do something. I put my knee on what I think was his head so I’m not really sure. There were five guys on him and he was moving. I tried to help them immobilize him.”

Say, Isn’t Donald Trump scheduled to be in Grand Rapids on Monday?

It might not hurt to keep a closer eye on republican malcontents like Brian Calley, Nolan Finley and a laundry list of other unstable elements in the establishment class.

Who knows WHAT is going through their minds?


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Trump And Other Team Stops Sunday & Monday!

Trump Palin Pence ..Oh My.

Michigan Goes Trump in about 72 hours.

To make sure, Donald Trump is making another stop on SUNDAY November 6 at 6:00pm at Freedom Hill


Freedom Hill Amphitheater is located at 14900 Metro Parkway, Sterling Heights, Michigan 48312.

Please get tickets for the event here: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/schedule/register/sterling-heights-mi/

Sunday, November 06 2016, 6:00 PM  Doors open at 3:00 PM.

— More below! —

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Michigan’s Hillary Voters Ready for A ‘Spirit Cooking Dinner?’

Clinton leadership team tinkers with witchcraft, the occult, deviltry?

spirit-cookingI know that a lot of hardened Democrats are all too willing to forgive Hillary’s criminal deeds.

Forgiveness is a Christian prerogative, and I have to think there are Michigan Democrats who believe they live the life of Christ, though they might support abortion, even up to the point of birth. One question that has just popped up however, are they also willing to trade their eternal souls for the bargained-for success of this “nasty woman?”

In the run up to the election, the onslaught of emails provided by WikiLeaks, has been intense.  Evidence of collusion with the Hillary Clinton campaign with the networks, with the justice dept, as well as with the Democrat party officials against Bernie Sanders point out how far she is willing to go for power.

But is that the limit to which power seeking would take her or those who surround her?

Shouldn’t that be bad enough for anyone claiming any semblance of higher ground? Could there be more that a campaign could do that ensures “victory is mine!” for the woman who might be president during this craziest of election cycles?

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