
Republican Senate Contender Sandy Pensler Hammered With Misleading Video Clips

Across the country, electoral politics have been extremely fun to watch as chaos besieges the entrenched establishments of both major political parties. With Trump out there doing his thing, we are seeing the establishment vs. insurgent dichotomy emerge throughout the country. There hasn’t been too much of it going in Michigan, as calls for ‘unity’ win the day, with the exception of the tense GOP primary battle between John James and Sandy Pensler for US Senate.

Pensler is a Wall Street tycoon with plenty of independent wealth that he is using to fund his race for Senate. He is similar to Trump in substance rather than style as he will not owe anyone favors if he is able to win his seat. James runs his family business and has an admirable record serving his country as a military veteran. Other than that, he is virtually a complete unknown. Pensler has run for office in the past as a moderate, but claims he has evolved over the years on social issues like abortion (similar to Trump yet again in that regard).

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August 8 Is Too Late

Schuette campaign should engage now.

Bill Schuette has long been the presumed favorite as the GOP candidate for Michigan’s Gubernatorial race.

The winds of presumability are shifting however.  A whisper campaign to undermine the defacto favorite is being successfully used by Calley, in conjunction with what appears to be a 5 to 1 advertising buy ratio.

The worst possible outcome of the August 7 primary contest would be a Calley win.  With a Calley win, grassroots activists who were sickened by Governor Snyder’ liberal left policies of higher taxes, Medicaid expansion, inviting/embracing illegal/dangerous immigrants, and a feet first swim in the Detroit river bridge boondoggle will become disengaged faster than one could say ‘Tea Party.’

Even with a subtle Yob campaign of trying to convince some very active Colbeck supporters (think iceberg  – More unseen than in public media) that a Calley Colbeck ticket could come about  (if they would consider Calley), there are enough who won’t be fooled again.

Calley’s “I am a conservative” ads touting his leading the way to conservative reforms rings very hollow in light of a budget that is 11 Billion more than what it was 8 years ago, an Obamacare expansion that is already collapsing, and a (already rejected by voters) road tax that is geared to inflate automatically as our dollar shrinks. (think exponential tax increases) All of those things happened with Brian Calley’s support. Hell, it was Calley who authored the disaster that was the MBT under Granholm.

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Wayne Schmidt Anti Gun?

Republican politics rely heavily on 2A considerations

Typically at this time the Wayne Schmidt ‘hunters orange’ mailers will go out claiming that a vote for his primary challenger is an anti-gun vote.

I have been on the challenger side of this event with Schmidt before, and am familiar with the strategy. It was a nutty ruse that worked.  2A supporters are very serious, yet so many don’t really have time to know everything about the candidates.I have never been identified as anything but pro 2A and far more so than most elected types.

Even Larry Inman lost the coveted NRA endorsement to me in 2016, but because his campaign manager’s family ran the print shop where the NRA printed and mailed their endorsement mailers supporting my candidacy, THAT potential threat to the incumbent was neutralized by a timely follow up with his own orange (pro gun) mailer to the exact mailing list.

Gun rights are a big (perhaps biggest) issue in GOP politics.  I’ll say it however, “Wayne Schmidt is not anti gun.” But …

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They Called Him ‘Biff’

Shuette ads will next hit Jr Agent Calley on his secret decoder ring application.

Its pronounced ‘Haaaavahd’

Not just spending time away from his well compensated position, but also Buffy his ‘gal,’ and those precious (and most certainly precocious) offspring, Brian ‘BIFF’ Calley polished up his business credentials and possibly pushed about in a game of polo.


So do you like game shows?  Family Feud now has a new champion possible, as long as at least one of the topics on the board is “things a rich Harvard douchebag might say”

Like ..

“I don’t take financial advice from a man who uses a pine tree air freshener hanging from the mirror of his Porsche”

Show us “pine tree!”

Ding ding ding

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You do know that whole “The Wall”- thing could’ve stopped all of this (or at the very least significantly reduced it).

So in the latest distraction in our 24-hour News Cycle World, the latest “outrage” is coming from a surprising source?

And just whom that might be, you may ask yourself?

{Click below to learn the answer}

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House Speaker Tom Leonard’s Support of ‘Special Assessment’ Tax Hike Shows Leadership Unbefitting of an Attorney General

Recently, I received an email showing all of the “conservative leaders” throughout the state of Michigan who support House Speaker Tom Leonard for Attorney General. This list of leaders assured me that Leonard’s leadership record in the House was impeccible and that he is a man who “truly understands our issues and stands up for our values.”

Then I saw that he voted for House Bill 5325 (HB5325), legislation that hikes property taxes on homeowners for the purposes of crony giveaways to well-connected private interests. This scam is called a “special assessment” and a similar scheme may be on a local ballot in your municipality in the near future. This fraud is now picking up steam because of Leonard’s actions.

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Disgracing The Uniform

An unnecessary urinating contest risks two primary frontrunners canceling each other out.

It’s a given to the point of predictability, in contested republican primaries, that eventually someone will defensively mis-invoke Reagan’s Eleventh Commandment. Naturally, this will require someone to explain that the intent of “thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow republican” is a prohibition against personal attacks, but that calling someone out on an accurate understanding of their actual record is always fair game. That said, I can honestly say that I never expected to have to explain one of the Ten Commandments in the context of a political campaign, nor that I would have to do so as a remonstration to a political attack that is not only blatantly personal, but also patently false (to the point of being willingly, deliberately, and knowingly deceptive).

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Mackinac Center Interviews Pat Colbeck

Michigan Gubernatorial candidate Pat Colbeck was interviewed earlier this year on a number of issues.

A couple of choice quotes:

Essentially the state has deemed it upon itself to play venture capitalist with taxpayer money to the tune of about a billion dollars. It’s about halfway split between MEDC and Michigan Strategic Fund. … I propose broad-base tax incentives that honor Article I, Section I of the Michigan Constitution, which means that our policies are meant for the equal benefit of all of our citizens.

Right now, with these venture capitalist approach to economic development, like the ones you mentioned, the only people that get the deals are the ones with the ears of the power brokers up in Lansing, … it’s turned into more of an “old friends and family discount” than something that benefits all the citizens of Michigan. It’s something that I’m vehemently opposed to.


Businesses thrive when you lower the total cost of doing business, which is confirmed if you click here and read this article. One of the major costs for businesses is the cost of government, and we can get into some of the other costs here down the road here, but health care is another one and energy is another one, and if you can lower all three of those costs, you actually create an economic development incentive package that’s not picking winners and losers; that applies to everybody equally.

When folks ask if it is possible for someone to represent ‘everyone.’ I say this last part is how its done.

The full transcript is available at Michigan Capitol Confidential’s site.

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Macomb County Gubernatorial Debate – June 7, 2018


The Macomb County Republican Assembly will be hosting the first gubernatorial debate to be held in Macomb County in 2018.

Sen. Pat Colbeck, Dr. Jim Hines and LG Brian Calley are all scheduled to attend.

Citing yet another “scheduling conflict” AG Bill Schuette will not be attending this event.

The event will take place at Macomb Community College University Center on June 7th. Doors will open at 6:30 pm and the debate begins at 7:00pm.

The debate will be moderated by Charlie Langton along with Kathy Hoekstra and Nolan Finley.

Tickets for the event will be free, but there is a limit of two and must be reserved here first before attending. There will be no tickets available at the door.

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Governor’s Debate Takeaways

So who won?

I’ll admit it, I have a dog in this race.

I prefer Patrick Colbeck for the GOP nomination, but an honest critique of the Grand Rapids debate is warranted here. The one hour forum broadcast with at least 5 minutes of technical difficulties, and a scheduled emergency broadcast test in the middle offered voters a better picture of who ought to represent as gubernatorial flag bearer for the GOP in November.

Bill Schuette, Brian Calley Patrick Colbeck, and Jim Hines participated.  Each candidate was clearly prepared, and felt comfortable in front of the camera.

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