“I will praise the LORD while I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.
Do not trust in princes, In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.”
MY DEMANDING THAT TODD AND CINDY RESIGN WOULD BE SELF SERVING, an attempt to push the blame away from myself, and on to others, for trusting the wrong people. I accept my share of the blame, as I hope others will. I will not defend them, I will Dust myself off, and prepare for the next battle.
The only people who have the right to demand a RESIGNATION are first, their FAMILY, second their CONSTITUENTS, and POSSIBLY THEIR PEERS. (Their peers doing so would be in the case of many, extremely hypocritical, knowing the similar affairs of so many others over the last few years). I am Praying for the Families, Praying for Healing, and moving forward.
Some of the calls for resignation I believe come from the right place, although misguided. Others I suspect are SELF-SERVING, LOOK AT ME PLOYS, people attempting to prop themselves or their organizations up to fill the “Vacuum of Leadership” that they perceive this scandal leaves. I have no interest in hearing myself on the radio, or pushing out press releases with my opinion. Let the enemy dance, giggle, and shout to the heavens “I told you so.” This is not about “Cleaning up our mess”, the shame is on those who committed the acts, not those who misplaced their trust. Many of those who are trying to use this scandal as a springboard, had nothing to do with ever helping Cindy or Todd in the first place. Their self serving flagellation is no different than the oppositions attempt to lay blame on the Conservative movement.
I will pray for their Families, Pray for Healing, and Pray that they will eventually repent and seek forgiveness.
You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(22)