
All Hail the Utopians!

Here comes yet another bailout of .FEDGOV web of entanglement for the Cesspool of Detoilet.

It’s a basic human right: water. [snip]

*cough*bullsh!t*cough* Provide where it is written. Anywhere. What passes for journalism, anymore.

But could the United Nations soon help the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department provide the service to struggling customers?

Water department spokeswoman Curtrise Garner says it’s a possibility — but for now, the water bills must be paid.

“We do have programs that do help those that are just totally in need; can’t afford it — but we also know that there are also people who can’t afford it would can not pay and we know this because, once we shut water off, the next day they are in paying the bill in full. So we do know that that has become a habit as well,” said Garner.

And while Garner says water is “a God-given right,” [like Ghey “marriage”. See what I did there?] she says there is a cost to move water from the water resource to the customer and that the infrastructure costs money.

According to the Free Press, the average Detroit water bill is now $75 a month — much higher than the nation’s average rate of about $40.

FourOdiousAssholesDamn near double the national average. I’m sure the Public-Private DRIC Bridge will be as efficient. I’m shocked, SHOCKED I tell ya.

Disgusting. Can’t come up with $2.50 per day but, have money for going to those three casinos, attending Go Team! nonsense, and plasma HD Tee Vees are a “God-given right” like Obamaphones are too.

Just try teaching our youth that Communism is wrong these days.

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And people wonder why there isn’t any faith in the legal system any longer?

Yeah, I know that this isn’t much of a huge surprise.

But what caught my attention, and will make people scratch their heads wondering how things could get any more screwed up, happened yet again just within a week.

Twice, even.


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Deep Pockets – Short Arms

As expected

Detroit’s planned 3.3-mile $137 million Woodward Avenue streetcar project faces a $12 million funding shortfall, and Michigan members of Congress warn the project could be in jeopardy unless the Transportation Department gives it more money.

A two-page letter to Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx obtained by The Detroit News on Tuesday warns that the project urgently needs additional grant money to proceed. But even without federal funds, officials of the so-called M-1 project says it would survive — but concede it might have to be scaled back.

Whoa! Has anyone looked at the top two names listed on the M-1 Rail Board of Directors? Click here. So, you mean to tell me that Roger Penske, or Dan Gilbert, both billionaires, can’t reach into their front pocket and pull out $6M each? YGBFKM. Better yet, if one looks a little further down the Board of Director names listed one will see Ilitch Holdings. How about giving a little back to the rest of us in the state, Mike and Marian? There you go. Penske, Gilbert, and Ilitch, can all pony up $3M each to cover the “shortfall”.

Funny how yet another .gov subsidized P3 project always has these budget “shortfalls,” isn’t it?

The May 1 letter, which has not previously been made public, discloses that Detroit applied for a supplemental $12.2 million grant from the Transportation Department’s TIGER grant program. The project received $25 million in federal funds from the program in January 2013.

“Without the requested $12.2 million TIGER grant, this important project will be delayed indefinitely, and we fear the resulting costs could make the project unaffordable,” said the letter signed by Sens. Carl Levin of Detroit, Debbie Stabenow of Lansing and Reps. Sander Levin of Royal Oak, John Dingell of Dearborn, John Conyers of Detroit and Gary Peters of Bloomfield Township. The lawmakers, all Democrats, urged Foxx to “award a TIGER grant to close the funding gap.”

Ah, all Democrats Socialists. I guess that is where the Ilitch’s paid their “fair share” already.

Subsidies in perpetuity! Get ready to keep paying up, Nerd voting suckers.

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Detroit Bailout Leaves Michigan Taxpayers On The Hook For More Than $195 Million – AND A LOT MORE!

1 Detroit Aid $195M

Below you will find just a few examples of how Michigan Taxpayers are on the hook for a hell of a lot more than this “Grand Crap Sandwich Bargain” of $195 Million of your tax dollars! If this isn’t leaving a bad taste in your wallet just wait, now that this is done they are working real hard for you up in Lansing to pass legislation as to raise your Gas Taxes too. 2 FilmTaxCredit

While Detroit Goes Bankrupt, Michigan Taxpayers Hand Disney’s ‘OZ’ Nearly $40 Million in Film Credits and this is but one example there are numerous other Film Subsidies that have and will be handed out to Obama’s Hollywood supporters!

The hard part to swallow is our legislators all think it’s funny that they are spending our tax dollars on this wasteful venture that corrupt politicians created in the first place. They won’t be out done they will all laugh when they pass yet more tax increases on we Taxpaying Citizens of Michigan.

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We’re looking at a new level of cognitive dissonance coming from Lansing.

A long time ago, I would be asked to accompany family members who wanted to go to the local Fretter or Highland whenever they wanted to buy any appliances/electronics (yes, I know that I’m dating myself here). They always had this question in mind, ‘How An Appliance Home Warranty Can Help Protect Your Budget?’ Part of it was because they knew that I had a vehicle big enough to bring home whatever they bought without much trouble. The other was that I could usually be counted on to hook it up after I brought it in.

One of the things I hated most about those experiences was dealing with the salesmen when actually making the purchase.

Even though my relatives were usually buying something listed in the newspaper ad so what we should be paying going out the door wasn’t a mystery, at the counter the salesman would always give them that sincere look and always ask them if they wanted to purchase additional items to go with what they were there to buy in the first place. Looking a little baffled at the salesman’s question and not appearing certain about how to answer, I’d step in at that point and tell them firmly, but politely, that I’ve hooked up enough TV’s, stereos, etc. to know what else I would need to get it to work and would’ve had it on the counter if we actually needed it. Being a little put off, but still undiscouraged, they turn to them again and ask about getting additional “warranty/insurance coverage” for their purchase. More often than not, it wasn’t any better than the manufacturer’s warranty. I strongly told them “no” for a second time.

At the time I didn’t know this, but they were using a technique called “upselling” which is a used for the benefit of the seller in additional to the actual sale of the item.

“Upselling” is also a technique being used by the Republican Leadership in Lansing to rationalize to the people they represent why they have abandoned their own stated principle of, ‘government practicing fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.’


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Constitutionalist Incumbent Bentivolio Still Putting Whup Azz on “El Gringo Bandito” David Trott

Bentivolio Still Maintains Double Digit Advantage In CD11 Race.

bandito-trottFrom a MIRS Tweet

Not surprised.

Trott would likely lose in the General to anyone nicer than Hanibal Lector anyhow.  But we’ll be watching.  The “El Gringo Bandito” Reference BTW, was just too good to pass up.

Perhaps you might just go and READ IT.


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Detroit Bailout: Why the “Grand Bargain” is actually a Faustian Bargain.

Not actually Gov. Rick Snyder


Like most Conservatives here, I was disappointed, but honestly not surprised in the least, by last weeks vote in the Michigan House on the “Grand Bargain”.

I say this because leading up to the vote, when my sources go dark, or when they do finally return my calls and begin to waffle, that is almost always an indication that things are going bad rather quickly.

I’m not going to mince words here. Aside from absolutely hating that misleading term “Grand Bargain”, I still can’t see why people in Lansing can’t/won’t do their homework on what is really going on here and why they are reticent on calling a bailout what it actually is: a bailout.

You’re probably asking yourselves; what causes people like that to lose their way?

Limited government and fiscal responsibility were once hallmarks of the Republican Party platform a long time ago.

Let’s take a look as to what happened, shall we?


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Snyder’s *non-bailout* Detoilet Bailout and Lansing Legislator Looter Scorecard

I have to hand it to the folks over at MCC, this is a great vote tracking device.

A bipartisan 10-bill package has been introduced in the Michigan House related to a proposed Detroit bailout. A link to the concise, objective, plain-English descriptions of all 10 bills is here.

It’s worth noting that the grant (or bailout) bills do not require passage of the reform bills to become law. Also, nothing would prohibit a future Legislature from repealing the reform measures, although in practical terms this could get complicated given that a potential federal court bankruptcy settlement may be all wrapped together with the grant and reforms — if they are approved.


Big, big, Thank You shout out to, Mr. McHugh.

onetermnerdA reminder from the beginning of the year… when Bee-esS Talks – Money Walks.

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