
Sundays Sanity: Tax-Exempt Entity and Their Billionaires

For those unaware, the NFL is tax-exempt and also plundering our wallets for a $Billion a year.

Have you ever heard of the old expression, “like placing a diamond on a goats ass” ? Billionaire moochers and looters with their bought off politicians enabling taxpayer funded Flavian Amphitheaters are a good definition of it.

When the Lions and Tigers stadium deal was struck, one newspaper headline headline joyfully proclaimed a “Detroit comeback.” William Clay Ford, Jr., the Lions’ vice chairman, said that being “an integral part of Detroit’s renaissance is an absolute honor of the highest degree.”

And, a short 14 years later, Detroit files for Chapter 9 protection. Brilliant propaganda espoused by, Mr. Bill One playoff win in 56 years Ford Jr., yes?

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This is What Rick Snyder is Bailing Out?

via WXYZ

So, this is what Snyder, Richardville, and Bolger, are peddling as their $350M “Grand Bargain”. Got it. And, Oakland County you sure know how to pick winners too.

“That is why it was a no-brainer when I supported a vote on the DIA millage in 2012. More than 63% of Oakland County voters agreed with me. And a majority of voters in Wayne and Macomb did, too.” – L. Brooks Patterson 01/19/2014

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Dumb Dumb Dumb

More and more the left side reveals its mission to undercut the principles within the Republican Party

lennox-corpsNeedless to say, if I were to write a response that is in any way appropriate to this nonsense, it would almost assuredly result in a lawsuit.

A guy who has (as far as I know) never held a REAL private sector job, never owned a business, seems to travel the world on pixie dust, and is a persistent cancer within the Republican party has now hit the pancreas.  When Dennis Lennox says:

Instead of falling into the left’s trap, Republicans should go on the offensive with a bold manifesto focused on creating opportunities that not only raises the minimum wagean increase to $12 would impact 40 percent of working Americans — but reforms welfare and reduces taxes on main street innovators, entrepreneurs and job creators.

It has to be a trap itself.

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Low Information Reporters: Where low information voters are created

If you ever wondered where low information voters come from, here’s one place to start: Low information reporters.

Here’s an excerpt from See if you can spot the problem sentence in this excerpt of our MLive reporter recanting Mark Schauer (Democrat) latest campaign speech:

He pledged to fight for a minimum wage increase, restoration of school funding and the earned income tax credit and repeals of pension taxes and right-to-work legislation that banned collecting union dues.

Uhhh, “legislation that banned collecting union dues“? Really?

Michigan’s Right-to-work law only prohibits forcing workers to pay dues to a union:

Right-to-work means that unions can’t require an employee be fired for declining to pay union dues or agency fees, while maintaining a union’s ability to collectively bargain.

You would think a reporter covering Michigan’s Gubernatorial campaign would know what, exactly, Michigan’s right-to-work law actually says since the right-to-work issue is going to be an important topic in the governor’s race for the next nine months or so.

*** Cross posted @ MCT ***

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Mike Lee Response To SOTU

Last night the Prevaricator did what the Prevaricator does; he lied through his teeth, pretended that his policies are effective, and then complained about how much of a failure government has been, as not doing enough.

It was an exercise in pandering to all groups and deflecting any responsibility for being the lousiest of leaders.

The GOP response was predictable and boring, but provided no inspiration and left  those of us right of center with a sadness and nostalgia for Reagan’s bold colors.  Not surprisingly, the alphabet networks, and even Fox left out the only response worth listening to.

Sen Mike Lee  – R has been a solid conservative who like most of us here, rejecting Corporate cronyism, and supports a return to the constitution. His efforts reject the ongoing destruction of our culture and country by the Prevaricator in chief, and his party; the Democrats.  He stands apart from those within his own party who appear to be cowering in the corner, afraid to speak out against the lawbreaking by this administration.

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Feds: “Maybe If You Were A Democrat”

Not stated directly, but it would probably help him out.

Implied by Tim Skubick, and more directly stated by a commenter; “Snyder is a Republican, so he will not get the $250 million for the customs plaza necessary to complete his end-around bridge play.”  Tim says:

Can’t you see it now? The governor shows up with shovel in hand, let’s say in October, one month before the election, for the launch of the bridge project. He could boast – although he says he does not take credit – that 20,000 jobs are being created with a whole host of them aimed at union workers in vote-rich southeast Michigan.

The Democrats want this state back.  And even though Michigan’s Governor Rick Snyder has ‘progressed’ their goals in many ways, he still wears the R flag, and is by association to it; the enemy.

A solution of course, would be for Mr Snyder to own up to his meandering left of center on so many issues, and simply switch.

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About That Gay ‘Marriage’ thing

First of all, people can want to their hearts desire.

There are certain truisms however.  Diamonds are sparkly, fish swim in the sea, electricity allows us to interact in this way, and “Marriage,” is between a man and a woman. 

Call it what you want, “pairing,” “Coupling,” “Partnering,” etc.. but its not marriage unless its between a man and a woman. And to be clear, it is NOT a civil right.

On the old blog, Kevin Heine posted a great article on a recent manufactured issue within the Michigan Republican Party.  At the end of it he posted a video that is well worth the watch.


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