Conservative News

Let’s Go Brandon

A Busy Saturday across the state!

The Michigan conservative coalition is going to cheer on Brandon.

Not the race car driver dear reader, but the good folks in Brandon township!  Organizers sent this out yesterday

Just for fun! We’ve put together a “Let’s Go Brandon” fest, to celebrate the America first agenda!

It will be held November 20 (Saturday) from 1 to 4 p.m. in Michigan’s own Brandon Township. The fest will include live entertainment, former Indy driver Ricky Bobby, food trucks, Let’s Go Brandon merchandise and more. The location will be in Brandon Township’s Crossman Park located at 437 Mill Street, Ortonville.

The Let’s Go Brandon phrase has become a popular way to politely communicate that Americans’ are fed up with Washington, D.C. Show up and let the out of touch politicians know exactly how we feel about what DC is doing to our country!

Ricky Bobby Treadway ( will be there! Sound familiar? That’s due to the popular movie Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby ( Ricky is coming all the way from Orlando to Brandon Fest to be with us. This is a free event and all are welcome. The event will be outside so dress for the weather and bring your flags and respectful signs. Spread the word!


Workers for Consumers Energy are planning a protest against Consumers for their Vaccine Mandate. If you’re in the Jackson area, you’re welcome to join them from 11am to 1pm on the sidewalk at One Energy Plaza in Jackson. This is a coordinated effort by salaried and union workers standing together. Not complying is the only way to defeat this mandate madness!

The Never Again Tour, is a student led Medical Freedom event. Meet on the Capitol steps SATURDAY from 2:30pm to 5:30pm. Come out and support our future conservative leaders who are being terrorized into submitting to mandated masks, vaccinations and more.

Michigan Vaccine Choice will also meet on Saturday at the Metro Detroit Christian Church in West Bloomfield from 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m regarding C19 – The Quest for Truth. Featured speakers include Tammy Clark, Kristen Kelly and Dr. Christian Parks. Tickets are $20 at

Lot’s of ways to get out your frustrations, pick one!

Plenty to do!

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

Pay Attention – Science Happening Here

Dr. Christina Parks argues against mandates.

The logic of her arguments are unassailable.

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Stand Up Michigan & Fight for Medical Freedom Rally – Lansing August 6th

There will be a Stand Up Michigan & Fight for Medical Freedom Rally rally at the Michigan Capitol Building on Friday, August 6th from 3:00 to 5:00pm to address the recent trend in the medical and business communities to force their employees/students to place their lives at risk under the guise of promoting public safety.

There is an ever-increasing concerted effort across the media to promote this as a 100% safe and effective solution.

Just in case there is any doubt relating to this claim, here is one quick example that you will never see the media report.

More details on the rally are in the flyer below.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(2)

One Down.

First off, a big “Thank You” to those of you who took part in the Unlock Michigan petition campaign (Part 1).

After all of the political and legal hurdles which were thrown down in front of everyone, we had finally removed one of the laws which were misused and abused by a megalomaniac to destroy Michigan.

Second, a big “Thank You” goes out to the Michigan Legislature, both Senate and House for acting on this in a very timely manner. I was especially impressed by the fact that the Michigan House took this up immediately following the Roll Call and Morning Invocation after the session had began on Wednesday.

Third, I have a short message to pass along from The Unlock Michigan Team below.

<Click below to continue>

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Bailey Deperno Presser

Traverse City press conference held as clock continues to tick in Michigan election manipulation case

On Friday, Michigan attorney Matt Deperno’s law office was broken into.

Nothing was taken, and speculation that it might have actually been government agents involved was probably fueled by that fact.  It did nothing however, to prevent Deperno from meeting his client – Bill Bailey for a Noon time press conference at the local American legion.

Bailey and DePerno are hoping for good news out of Circuit Court Judge Elsenheimer tomorrow.  Interestingly, the Michigan Secretary of state’s office released some damning information in a FOIA response Friday as well. The new information reveals that there was a statewide July effort to eliminate the saving of ballot images for the 2020 general election, opening up the doors to election fraud and increasing the difficulty of discovery and true forensic audits.

It’s a mess folks.  there is nothing about the 2020 election that can be trusted.- Fortunately, Bailey and Deperno both appear to be committed to taking this to what ever level it must go in the courts in an attempt to right the wrong that was the 2020 election.

Below is a video culled from Facebook of the presser.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(2)

0-2. Michigan democrats (along with RINO’s Upton & Meijer) must be so proud of their accomplishments.

Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

So, if you haven’t heard the good news (albeit it, very unsurprising), the US Senate voted to not impeach PRIVATE CITIZEN Donald J. Trump over the weekend 57-43. I shouldn’t need to tell anyone how Michigan’s US Senators embarrassed themselves voted.

No Chief Justice from the Supreme Court presiding. Patently obvious evidence tampering by democrats. Sheer naked hypocrisy from democrats when own actions were highlighted.

But why should something like that get in the way of good political kabuki theater?

The talking head shows went into a tizzy yesterday. You had “strategists” from the republican & democrat party trying to rationalize this blatantly unconstitutional act.

I’m not going to bore readers with hours of adults acting like petulant children because they didn’t get their way. But I do want to share one excellent clip of an adult, President Trump’s lawyer Michael Van Der Veen, taking CBSN journalist activist Lana Zak to the woodshed. If you want to see an excellent example of what happens when you stand up to propagandists, that clip can be viewed here.

Sadly, this isn’t the last of it. Not by a long shot.

More RINO’s are beginning to appear on the radar (i.e. McConnell)

The democrats are going to throw everything including the kitchen sink at him because…um, it beats having to show actual leadership.

And that has worked out well for them…when?

Let me wrap this up on the plus side with a nice summary by DJT Jr.

Trump beats impeachment. Dems in disarray. The Lincoln Project burnt to the ground. The RINOS in the GOP establishment exposed & collapsing. Cuomo & Dem Govs in free fall. The media depressed and lashing out at Dems for their impeachment fail. #MAGA ascending again!

Stay Free.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

THIS is what democracy looks like?!?

Short follow-up to a previous piece regarding more “unusual deliveries” made within Cobo Hall the night during last year’s election fraud.

The Gateway Pundit released a new video showing a second vehicle making “special deliveries” of its own and escorting the van from the previous video dropping off “legal ballots” which were sitting in open US Mail trays and not secured in any way, shape or form. Don’t even bother asking how human chain of custody was ever documented.

Pardon me? Can you tell me how I can get back to Jefferson? I made a wrong turn and have been driving around in here for hours!

As expected, the local media wasted no time in circling the wagons attacking the first video.

They made the same dismissive arguments claiming that the witnesses to election fraud were either ignorant of how the process works, or trotted out their own experts to refute.

One such “expert” is Christopher Thomas who claims that nothing illegal or inappropriate occurred. Nope, no conflict of interest there whatsoever.

For the record, Christopher Thomas worked directly for Detroit City Clerk Janice “Speed Racer” Winfrey.

The same Janice Winfrey who overseen multiple citywide elections that were rife with voter problems (i.e. poll books out of balance, voter records not up to date, problems any legitimate clerk who cared about their job would have fixed years ago, etc.)

He also failed to mention anything about an unknown car driving around inside of Cobo Hall.

Oh, THAT mysterious black car with out-of-state license plates!

The second video can be seen in its entirety here.

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

Must have been ordering a pizza?

In an interesting twist to the farce that is the Detroit/Wayne County Clerks Office, new video has been found from the cameras inside of Cobo Hall showing VERY late night deliveries from the loading dock area (H/T to Gateway Pundit).

There is absolutely no conceivable reason for anyone to take any more than five hours to go from one part of Detroit to Cobo Hall.

Video showing a late model White Ford Transit Van with City of Detroit logos on it was seen making at least two deliveries at around 3:30am and 5:00am Wednesday Morning and unloading numerous cardboard boxes (NOT sealed voting boxes nor sealed voting bags) which were then wheeled into Cobo for counting.

I need to stop off before I come back. Union lunch break, you know. You want something?

{More below}

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

And yet, they continue telling us even more lies.

To say that keeping up on actual LEGITIMATE news recently is an understatement.

Between what has essentially become an increasingly deafening echo chamber from the cancel culture obsessed progressive media and their democrat party masters, actual bona fide news is still out there, just skillfully hidden from the masses.

From President Trump’s call to, um, I’m not sure exactly what it was he said to trigger the snowflakes in Congress. But whatever it was, it was sufficient to get them to pass one of the quickest bills I’ve ever seen in my lifetime and impeach him a second time. Great job at misdirection, BTW! All of the attention from last year’s election fraud was masterfully redirected elsewhere. Whew, that was a close one! Let the people’s agenda commence!

Say, how does that whole impeachment a second time work after the 20th anyways? The politicians pushing for this and the pundits were a little fuzzy with their logic.

In case anyone is still unsure about what Pres. Trump really said, feel free to watch the entire speech here (don’t worry, it won’t get banned anytime soon).

Then we have the ominous “unspecified threats, from unknown origin” calling for violence across America this week.

Does anyone know about any “protests” schedule this week, because I certainly have not heard of any? And I spent a better part of my day texting, e-mailing and calling people to get to the bottom of that.

Still, it’s amazing what turns up with just a little bit of digging.

{You know the drill}

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