Hey, everyone? Have you heard the great news?
Things are lookin’ up!
♫La da de dah, la da de dah…happy days are here again!♫
{Continued below the fold}

Hey, everyone? Have you heard the great news?
Things are lookin’ up!
♫La da de dah, la da de dah…happy days are here again!♫
{Continued below the fold}
Are state taxpayers able to assign a dollar value on the Nerd’s $195,000,000 Grand “Bargain” for Ron? Sure we can – nerdy CPA’s haven’t cornered the market on owning “dashboards” yet – $17,330.25 per vote.
Add to this, taxpayers bankrolling the gifted $260,000,000 to the Ilitch family bringing the total to $455,000,000 funneled into Detroit, on just those two items alone, then it becomes – $40,437.26 per vote.
Source, or click on image to enlarge.
So, what does Thomas Adams, director of operations for the Rick Snyder campaign in Detroit, have to say? “I’m a Democrat.”
Says it all.
Congratulations, Boobus Michiganderus.
Hey, not bad, I'm finally going to be published!!!
Deposed today in one of many lawsuits v. Kalkaska County Sheriff’s Department…
Submitted and marked “Exhibit 1” by counsel for the defense…
“Do you have issues with the Sheriff’s Department?”
Answer: “Yes, several.”
Interesting day, defense counsel was squirming by the end of the interview…
All I can say for now is be willing to stand behind what you post here and elsewhere…
“In Detroit, where’re your leaders at?”
It’s a shame that they couldn’t cut this down into a :60 spot (or at least break it up among several spots). You couldn’t make the point any clearer (Especially after the democrats recent fundraising appearance for a governor who makes Granholm look like an off-the-charts genius).
Granted, this was shot in Chicago. But the subject matter is easily applicable to Detroit as well.
Should also give the trolls lurking from the other side (like Christine, Eric, that husband/wife team from the-site-that-shall-not-be-named), something to mull over…and dread.
Submitted w/o any further comment
Snyder and Schauer both wrong; potential revenue lost to schools is a billion dollars a year http://t.co/zMhNH81GeH via @MichiganRadio
— Lester Graham (@MichiganWatch) October 23, 2014
Well, what else would one expect from a number-cruncher who pilfered millions to play with dead babies?
Maybe, oh I dunno, like buy a computer directly from Gateway?
URGENT HELP NEEDED: An internal poll of the Michigan Femdom Fund has shown that Governor Snyder is up 100% to 0% over his challenger Mark Schauer. This “internal” poll must have only included “pegging” their staff members for these results?
But this November the stakes are too high and we need your help. Please consider making a donation today of $20, $35, $50 or whatever you can generously afford to help us assure that Gov. Snyder is re-elected as to advance the Common Core, Gay Marriage and other progressive issues that Gov. Snyder will support.
For those low information voters and party loyalist I have compiled a list of bullet points, headlines and search phrases as to make it harder for those types to justify to themselves how they cast their votes!
What’s in your wallet?
This is Rich Studley.
Rich Studley is the President & CEO of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce.
If Rich doesn’t learn to shut up, he’s going to learn the hard way that this comments will not be so “well-received” as he might think, and instead be giving voters a huge incentive to vote for Mark Schauer next month.
Big Friendly Hint: Not something you want to do with an election as close as this one.
{More after the fold.}
Protecting gun rights, cutting taxes, reducing spending, and stopping Obamacare. These aren’t issues you’d expect a Republican to run on in a blue district, like Michigan’s 16th House District which consists of the cities of Wayne and Westland. But Steve Boron says it’s the only way Republicans can win over Democrats and Independents.
Steve Boron talks with a voter over the phone. His campaign has placed over 15,000 live phone calls to voters in Michigan’s 16th House District.
“A lot of voters are disengaging from the political process because they feel neither party represents them,” said Boron. “Instead of being ‘Democrat-lite’, Republicans need to take a stand for conservative principles and inspire their base to get out and vote.”
Steve Boron is a 20-year member of the UAW, the owner of a small solar panel business, and a lifelong resident of Westland. On paper, he seems unlikely to be a free-market conservative – let alone a Republican candidate for State Representative. But Boron says his background is his biggest strength.
“I’m a blue collar worker and a union member just like most people in the district. Voters here will trust me before they trust a career politician or a wealthy CEO,” he said. “I understand what issues matter to my community and how to tailor the conservative message to win over their support.”
Campaign Strategy
When asked whether he has any proof his strategy works, Steve Boron responds that he is simply “retooling” Barack Obama’s successful re-election strategy.
“Obama won in 2012 because he moved to the left, fired up his base, and got out the vote,” Boron says. “It made me wonder, ‘why can’t Republicans improve on that model?'”
Boron points out his training at the Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership and experience as a grassroots activist were also formative in his understanding of political strategy.
“We’re focusing heavily on voter identification and microtargeting. Once we know where a voter stands on a few issues, we know how to communicate to them,” he said. “For example, every supporter of the Second Amendment we identify will be targeted with a message about my ‘A’ rating from the NRA and the endorsement I received from the Michigan Coalition of Responsible Gun Owners.”
Bill Ballenger, Kyle Melinn make the point that might have to be considered in this election.
Video found at VoteForGridlock.com
Its pretty bad when our BEST alternative comes from tying the hands of our lawmakers so that they might accomplish none of their goals. Its bad when either gubernatorial candidate represents a regressive or potentially dangerous path for our state. Its uncomfortable to have to advocate such a position, but Ballenger, and Melinn get it.
Look, its not as if we didn’t warn of the poison infecting the Republican party before. Mark Schauer is BAD NEWS. But Rick Snyder, beyond whatever reasonable reforms already made, has his own plans that we will not, and can not support any more than the Democrat’s own.
If Snyder loses, (which appears to be less probable the more folks see Schauer) it must be seen as a clear repudiation by conservatives, and a loss of the base. Don’t think the flags wouldn’t be raised for broader support of the Schauer (leftist) doctrine. As we have seen already, the Romney loss and subsequent misplaced blame was a severe example of denial by party leadership.
Slow news day. Was looking past candidate Terri I’m a Mom™ continuing to expose her lack of brain with the Common Core© crew an interesting WaPo snippet boasts of billionaires in the Team R Country Club wailing for another Willard loss.
Well, let’s recap from December, 2011:
1. Before Barack Obama trounced John McCain in 2008, McCain trounced Romney.
2. Romney couldn’t crack 50% when elected governor of Massachusetts in 2002.
3. By the end of his first and only term, he had a 34% approval rating and a 65% disapproval rating.
4. Survey USA ranked Mr. Romney’s popularity 48th out of the 50 governors.
5. The supposedly electable Mitt Romney walked away rather than face the voters – even though he had just signed the – supposedly – wildly popular and successful MassCare legislation with its mandate into law in April of that year.
6. During his time as governor, Massachusetts ranked 47th in job creation in the private sector.
Go away, Willard. Take your “soccer mom” niece and old fart brother with you.