Valid question.
One that I’m surprised to say I haven’t exactly got a definitive answer to.
{More after the fold}

Valid question.
One that I’m surprised to say I haven’t exactly got a definitive answer to.
{More after the fold}
The twenty-five year old John Locke Foundation has just released its First in Freedom Index for 2015. The Freedom Index ranks states for the level of freedom allowed their citizens in four weighted areas of policy:
Fiscal: 50%
Education: 20%
Regulation: 20%
Health Care: 10%
Michigan ranks 31st overall among the states in the Freedom Index. Dismal per capita levels of state taxes, spending, and regulation weighed down Michigan’s rankings. Michigan’s ranking in the individual policy categories are:
Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform designed to restore 5th amendment protections.
The constitution laid out the responsibilities and roles of the different parts of the federal government.
However to clarify its scope and the limits, it was necessary to enact the bill of rights. And over the years, as different administrations championed their own versions of judicial conduct, even THAT became corrupted in application. Business owners and citizens have had to fight the leviathan of big government simply to retrieve confiscated property that was either improperly taken, or destroyed by overly zealous authority, even without criminal charges being filed.
Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI), Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Reps Tony Cardenas (D-CA), Keith Ellison (D-MN), and Scott Garrett (R-NJ) are hoping to correct this, and once again clarify the meaning of due process, and restore the value of the 5th amendment. The Fifth Amendment Integrity Restoration Act is apparently designed to do that.
Think this will fly???
Just sent this out to a few Chairs, and posted it on FB…bring on the comments…
Resolution on the restoration of apportioned convention delegates for the 2016 Republican National Convention
Whereas the State Rules Committee, after to 2012 Presidential primary election, did amend the rules of the Michigan Republican Party to award all Republican National Convention delegates to Mitt Romney over the protests of the party members;
Whereas this decision did cause and effect a change in the 2012 Presidential campaign due to the favoring of one candidate over another;
Whereas a significant portion of the Michigan Republican Party and 2012 Presidential primary voters were summarily ignored as a direct result of this decision; and
Whereas “winner take all” Presidential primaries affect candidate campaign strategies to the detriment of lesser financially viable candidates, thus stifling serious debate; now therefore be it
1. Resolved, that the Michigan Republican Party (MIGOP):
1. adopt a rule establishing the State Presidential primary contingent of Republican National Convention delegates as apportioned by county result;
2. establish such rule by floor vote of 50% plus one of the delegates to the February 20th, 2015 State convention, effective immediately upon approval of said delegates;
3. require a two-thirds majority of a full State convention to revoke apportioned national Presidential delegates.
So moved by:_____________________________________
Supported by:_____________________________________
Supported by:_____________________________________
Adopted by majority vote, this ______ day of _______________________, 2015
___________________County Republican Party
Tonight MEDEFCO will be hosting former US Rep. Kerry Bentivolio at their monthly meeting in the Bruce Post VFW Hall located on 28404 Jefferson Avenue in St. Clair Shores.
You may remember him as the deciding vote for Pres. B.O.’s CROmnibus bill, that Speaker Boehner jammed through before the Winter Break.
The meeting starts at 7:00.
Senate Amendment 29 to SB-1 (Keystone XL Pipeline Bill):
“To express the sense of the Senate that climate change is real and not a hoax. “
And these are the people we were counting on to stop the Obama Agenda?
I can only surmise that they didn’t read the bill.
Submitted without any further comment.
Bill Schuette Agrees That Tax Increases are BAD.
Sent out Just after Obama’s State Of The Union
Schuette: Obama Tax Increase Bad For America
LANSING– Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette issued this statement following the State of the Union address by President Obama:
“The last thing America needs is a tax increase. What hard working American families and job providers deserve is comprehensive tax reform that cuts taxes and provides the incentive for growth that will create jobs and keep the United States as the economic leader worldwide.”
Does this sound acceptable to you? I'll let you be the judge.
One of the things I love about elected officials is how seriously they take their jobs.
I mean, where else can you effectively ignore your “boss” and not only do things that you were not empowered/authorized to do when you were “hired”, but when it comes to accounting for your actions, you blow off requests to explain yourself.
I can effective count on one hand (and still have fingers left over) politicians who get back to me in a timely manner after I write a letter or phone their office. Especially, after I specifically tell their staffer that I would like a response from them.
I’ll be realistic. I’m not expecting a call back within the next five minutes from them, although it would be nice, but the level of disrespectfulness from these “professionals” from their actions is appalling.
So what does this have to do with one Candy Miller?
{Click on the button to find out.}
The MIGOP Establishment & Romney Dynasty In One Photo
For those of us who are conservative or libertarian, this image encapsulates everything that is wrong with the Michigan Republican Party.
On the right, we have Gov. Rick Snyder – who pushed Michigan’s Republican-dominated legislature to implement Obamacare, raise income and sales taxes, and increase government spending by $2.7 billion annually.
Next is Ronna Romney McDaniel, heiress to the Romney political machine, whose only political experience is speaking at hyped up events for Mitt Romney and being appointed to the Republican National Committee after Terri Lynn Land resigned.
Next to Ronna is her father G. Scott Romney, Mitt Romney’s brother and a failed candidate for Attorney General.
Behind Ronna and Scott we see Bobby Schostak, the outgoing Michigan Republican Party Chair, who used his position for personal profit and shut grassroots activists out of the party.
The kicker to all of this is that they’re all cheering on Mitt Romney’s coronation as the Republican nominee for President. Mitt, as we all know, went on to lose to Barack Obama in what should’ve been a home-run for Republicans.
Now Ronna Romney McDaniel is running to replace Bobby Schostak as MIGOP Chair. Despite having no grassroots experience, she laughably claims that she will mend relationships between the grassroots and establishment Republicans such as herself.
So far the only serious challenger to Ronna Romney McDaniel is Dr. Kim Shmina, a conservative activist and the Vice Chair of the 10th Congressional District’s Republican Party.
An open letter to Owner Jeff Bezos on the Main Street Tyranny tax.
Regulars have seen the attempts here to correct the misinformation about the main street fairness act.
Michigan lawmakers were snookered by Kowall and Verheulen into passing their tyranny in the lame duck; a time when there would seem to be no voter backlash. We call that cowardice, and reprehensible. This morning I penned (typed) a letter to Jeff Bezos, owner of
I am an online retailer. I have been fighting the mainstreet fairness taxes for several years now. Recently, Michigan legislators in a lame-duck session voted to address nexus issues in the state in an attempt to collect use taxes from out of state vendors such as Amazon and other drop shippers.
Clearly you have been arguing that the commerce clause is the remedy to what the states are trying, and frankly you are right. Quill v North Dakota settled the matter, and if there was EVER a reason for Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3, this is it. The states cannot use tariffs or taxes to discourage (or encourage) trade with other states. It is one of the enumerated powers of the congress, and the states have little business attempting to work around it.