Conservative News

I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part!

Local leaders aren’t warming up you your schemes. The scuttlebutt is that focus group testing isn’t looking too good either (not having a real plan with real numbers didn‘t help). Lately, you have enlisted local business “leaders” to help in promoting your cockamamie strategy, but wouldn’t you know it, they aren’t getting that much traction either.

So, who are these people and why are they employing the last refuge for desperate men?

Here’s a hint: All the more reason to hold onto your wallet a little more tightly around Detroit.

{I’ll tell you who they are below the fold}

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Trump Rally – Macomb County, April 28th

Quick Note: Despite some serious misgivings over recent actions, at the behest of a friend of mine, I’ll be passing this along for the benefit of other readers here at RightMI.

President Trump will be in Macomb County for a rally on Saturday, April 28th at 7:00pm. The political rally will take place at the Total Sports Park, located at 65665 Powell Road in Washington (30 Mile Road EAST of M-53).

Tickets will be available through President Trump’s campaign site located through this link. There will be a limit of two tickets per person while they last.

The topic of the rally had not been announced as of the time of this post.

This would be a good place to start!!!

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(1)

The song remains the same. (Updated)

Continuing with the “unofficial” theme this week, local officials have decided to strike while the iron is hot and use a tired old ploy to fix a problem that really should never have been a problem in the first place had elected officials done their jobs, looked at the problem as a whole and fixed the problem at the source rather than only reacting to the symptoms.

So what are they doing now?

{Details below the fold}

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)

Pink Floyd Gruel

A decrease in the budget was asked for by the Secretary of Education, and then this happened.

Swamp rats be swamp rats.

Betsy DeVos tries to pare down the behemoth, and Congress says – “you’ll eat yer meat! how can you have any pudding if you don’t eat yer meat!”  As the song says..  “We don’t need no education [department]”

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Is Congressman Mike Bishop Abandoning The Second Amendment?

And the rest of the conservative agenda?

Michigan 8th District U.S. Congressman Mike Bishop’s campaign website has been scrubbed updated to remove any mention of the Second Amendment from its Issues page. Or anything else remotely controversial in the conservative agenda. His new campaign website Issues page has a bunch of anodyne pablum, but no mention of firearms:

His new, Second Amendment free, Issues page

His previous, 25 September 2017, Issues page:

2nd Amendment
Supporting our 2nd amendment right to bear arms, Mike Bishop championed right-to-carry legislation, received A/A+ rating from NRA and is personally a gun owner with a CPL.

The Rochester Republican has not made any public statements indicating changes in his position on the Second Amendment, but the update of his campaign website speaks volumes.

Bishop faces no opposition in the August 7th Republican Primary, but tough Democratic opposition in the November 6th General Election. Chris Smith, a labor-backed professor at MSU’s School of Criminal Justice, and Elissa Slotkin, an Obama Administration DoD appointee, are both running. The winner of this Democratic primary match up is expected to be well funded in the Fall.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)

And the real difference here is?

Sitting down and catching up on my reading and talking head shows, I’m quickly reminded of the shallowness in today’s society when I’m watching things that clearly aren’t what they appear to be on the surface.

I’ve caught snippets of the “organic” and “student-led” anti-gun protests in DC and Detroit.

Pretty impressive for something that by all accounts was organized by a bunch of high school students.

From the professional stage and media system all the way down to the smallest details like the printed lanyards/backstage passes to the “I call BS.” & “I will vote” pins/stickers, it’s not too shabby.

But, I’ve attended more than a few high school drama productions in my time.

Those kids put plenty of heart and certainly a lot of effort into their sets and performances…but nothing even remotely like I saw on TV. That was light-years beyond the skill sets of those kids…especially when done in the span of about one month!

And then you have the democrats making another go a tipping the elections in their direction. Their ideas aren’t working, their candidates are uninspiring (unless you like getting free things), so they’re changing things up.

Much like the similarly “organic” Voters Not Politicians, their latest attempt is a group called Promote the Vote, which much like VNP, certainly has a lot of democrats behind the scenes pulling the strings.

But that’s just crazy talk, they’ll respond.

This is a legitimate extension of the outrage from the electorate…or some other silly nonsense along those lines.

Silly nonsense now being spewed forth by a certain political party which had lost its way long ago…and apparently never correctly learned the lessons from history.

{More about who they are below the fold}

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Snyder “It’s Been A Gas!” (tax)

Rick Snyder to say Adios to Michigan gaspayers this year

Rick Snyder will be gone after this year.

We will no longer have a progressive Democrat masquerading as a Republican in the governor’s office.  That is, unless his carefully selected heir is somehow elected.  From the Detroit Free Press:

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder is expected to officially endorse Lt. Gov. Brian Calley at a campaign event in Southfield Wednesday.

“Lt. Gov. Calley and Gov. Snyder will attend an event this afternoon to highlight the best way to continue Michigan’s comeback over the next four years,” said Calley campaign spokesman Michael Schrimpf.

You know the guy.

Mr march-over-a-bridge-with-pied-piper-child-like-men-and-women political ad star?.  The guy who is Rick Snyder’s “Hillary?”  The guy who was the ‘conservative‘ in the executive branch?

The guy who was there to make sure that Michigan Taxpayers pony up an additional $1.8 Billion for roads sadly neglected because of Detroit bailouts and general fiscal malfeasance. Even after voters said.. “Nah we don’t want that” about Prop 15-1

Certainly, Brian Calley will parrot Slick Rick’s latest beg for new taxes.  Go ahead and ask him if he agrees when the Governor says we ain’t ponying up enough.

LANSING – It’s time to raise the federal gas tax to help fix Michigan’s ravaged roads, Gov. Rick Snyder said Tuesday.

Snyder, a Republican who is under fire along with state lawmakers over the shape of Michigan’s roads, said the state has taken steps to increase road funding and can do more, but it’s also time for the federal government to step up.

He said the state has increased road funding more than $1 billion annually since he took office, but federal road funding has decreased $250 million a year during that time.

“We need federal, state and local partners all working together,” but the feds are “going backwards on us,” he said.


You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(1)

Sentencing for Pro Life Activists March 14

Trespass conviction.

Left to right: Robert Kovaly, Matthew Connolly, Monica Miller, Patrice Woodworth, Will Goodman

As a reward for buying flowers and the gall of suggesting that life is worth something, a Jury has decided against a pro life group.

While millions of foreign nationals trespass daily on our sovereign soil, it is those who stood as life’s defenders that were prosecuted for such a violation  Five Red Rose Rescuers;  Monica Migliorino Miller, Will Goodman, Patrice Woodworth, Matthew Connolly, and Robert “Doc” Kovaly were found guilty of trespassing and also interference with an officer (due to their practice of passive resistance) by a 6 person jury Feb. 21, 2018 stemming from their Dec. 2, 2017 pro-life rescue at the Women’s Center abortion center in West Bloomfield, MI. operated by abortionist Jacob Kalo.

They stood trial before Judge Marc Barron in the 48th District Court (4280 Telegraph Rd., West Bloomfield, MI.). He will be will sentencing the pro-life group March 14th at 1:30pm. 

Prior to trial the trial the pro-lifers’ motion for a defense of necessity was denied by Judge Barron. On Dec. 2, 2017 the 5 pro-lifers entered the waiting room of the Women’s Center to talk to the mothers seated in the waiting room and hand them red roses. The pro-lifers argued that their attempt to persuade the mothers scheduled for abortion to turn away from that decision and their mere presence in the clinic as an act of defense for the unborn were acts necessary to prevent greater evils from occurring than the mere violation of the city trespass ordinance.

Prosecutor Larry Sherman requested from Judge Barron that the Women’s Center never be called an “abortion clinic” in an attempt to sanitize the trial from having anything to do with abortion. Barron granted this request. Miller explains: “The victims of abortion, namely the unborn, were kept hidden from the jury and the judge’s rules were designed to stifle any testimony having to do with the reality of abortion.”

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

MICPAC April 6-7, 2018

Get your tickets now!

Michigan’s premier annual gathering for principled patriots and conservatives. This conference gets results. Task forces on Education, Property Rights, Legislative and judicial accountability, this is where the grass roots kicked off the Freedom To Work campaign.

At MiCPAC we bridge and network.all elements of the conservative movement – limited government; tax limitation; Life; faith; evangelicals; Tea Party; Constitutional; tax limitation, home schoolers, 1st, 2nd & 10th Amendments; traditionalists; National security; Labor Freedom as we continue the work of the Founders to preserve a constitutional republic for the next generations.

We keep the faith AND, we recruit, educate, train, inspire and enable grass roots leaders, candidates, campaign workers.

Be all you can be in theology, philosophy, public policies and politics by this conference with fellow believers and leaders in academia, think tanks, business, labor and grass roots activism.

We have new breath in President Trump and the Trump Administration, and new opportunity in Michigan as well. As we gear up for conventions and elections in 2018, this Conference will be pivotal for We The People. Be there!

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michigan Gun Control Update

Extreme Risk Protection Orders and Very Expensive Virtue Signaling

Above the fold headlines in both Gongwer and MIRS today suggest that RINO Rick is launching an intense effort to secure passage of Representative Robert Wittenberg’s HB 4706 and HB 4707. These bills create a new category of judicial proclamation – ‘Extreme Risk Protection Orders’ – which direct police to confiscate the firearms of anyone who is denounced to a Michigan court “without written or oral notice” to the victim. These ERPO bills have been rebranded as ‘red flag laws’ after the Parkland, Florida high school shooting. Both of Wittenberg’s bills received their first reading (of three) last year and were languishing in the House Judiciary Committee. No longer.

Here are the headlines:


Snyder Preparing Gun Control Proposal


Snyder Considers Waving The Red Flag; Sheriffs Want Cops Back In Schools

These stories are behind a paywall, but RINO Rick’s spokesperson Tanya Baker floated a trial balloon on AP three days ago. The Democrats have been all in for a while, so whether ERPOs come to Michigan will be determined by the Republicans in the Legislature soon.

Here is the problem: Some clown you hardly know can petition a judge to issue an ERPO which orders the police to seize your firearms, CPL, knives, baseball bats, golf clubs, etc. You only find out that an ERPO has been issued when the police break down your door to effect the seizure. You have no opportunity to contest the initial issuance of an ERPO in front of the judge. It is a bolt out of the blue. The police get to throw your valuable collector firearms into a dump trailer willy-nilly without any responsibility for the condition or safekeeping of your property. You, the restrained individual, then have 14 days to file a counter action. Good luck with that.

Stalinism meets civil forfeiture.

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