Sent to me by Stacy Swimp



Contact: Rev. Levon Yuille: 734-657-1640


We the undersigned Black Christian pastors and leaders are writing to defend our Christian brother Gary Glenn and denounce the scurrilously false attacks accusing Gary of being associated with or in any way empathetic towards racist persons or ideas.

Voters in Midland have recently been confronted with false mailings and radio ads by the Great Lakes Education Project, or GLEP, a political action committee that has endorsed Republican candidate, Karl Ieuter.

Voters should know what’s really behind these attacks. GLEP is directed by Greg McNeilly, a prominent political operative who recently “married” another man. That’s the real reason they’re attacking Gary, who’s a widely respected leader in defense of traditional marriage between one man and one woman. In fact, Gary coauthored the Marriage Protection Amendment approved by Michigan voters in 2004.

In retaliation, GLEP is now funding false and malicious attacks that accuse Gary of wanting to “imprison all gay citizens.” Worse, and this is where we come in, they unbelievably accuse Gary of endorsing “white supremacists” and “Klan leaders.”

In writing to defend our friend and brother Gary Glenn from this malicious slander and lie, we note that his wealthy accusers themselves have no public record of defending the civil rights of Black Americans.

These things we know to be true:

Gary Glenn has been a relentless protector of unborn life, particularly of unborn Black babies who represent a disproportionate number of abortions in America.

Polls say two-thirds of Blacks voted in favor of our state Marriage Protection Amendment, and Gary to this day is deeply respected and appreciated by Black pastors and Christians in the State of Michigan for his leadership of that effort.

Do Gary’s accusers also accuse us of “endorsing…white supremacists”?

Gary Glenn’s respect among Black religious leaders was recognized this past Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day weekend by the Abolitionist Roundtable, a non-profit group of Black pastors and Black radio personalities founded by Rev. Levon Yuille of Ypsilanti and named after the anti-slavery movement of the Civil War era.

“Mr. Glenn has been a statesman and leading voice for life, family, faith, and religious and economic freedom,” said Del Marsh, co-host of The Abolitionist Round Table radio talk show, during ART’s annual banquet near Detroit. “Today, ART honors Gary Glenn with our 2013 Champion of Liberty Award. Thank you, Mr. Glenn, for being a real champion for our Judeo-Christian heritage.”

On two occasions, Gary hosted and traveled across Michigan with Dr. Alveda King — the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr — to speak in support of traditional marriage and family values.

We add our own testimony to Gary Glenn’s leadership and love for all people, regardless of race or color. He has spoken in many of our churches in Detroit, Jackson, Flint, and Ypsilanti. He has eaten and stayed overnight in our homes. He has traveled the state with us. He has come to our aid on many occasions over the last fifteen years in standing for marriage and the family. To some of us who know him best, Gary and his wife Annette and children are like family.

We will not stand by while Karl Ieuter’s front group, directed by what appears to be a vengeful homosexual activist, plays the race card — or in this case, outrageously, the Klan card — against our brother Gary Glenn.

Those signing this letter aren’t inextricably bound to any political party. We don’t endorse political candidates. However, we are unanimous in rejecting and condemning these false and slanderous attacks against Gary Glenn.

We indict Karl Ieuter for his association with them. Ieuter’s picture and name are prominently featured on each of these negative “Klan” mailers, and, by his silence, he endorses GLEP’s malicious smear tactics against Gary Glenn and exploitation of the historical civil rights struggles of Black Americans for political purposes.

We call on Ieuter to stop this character assassination campaign and hope he can compete in a fair election based on issues rather than insulting the voters and, Black Americans in particular, with slanderous and false allegations

Elder Levon Yuille, The Bible Church of Ypsilanti, Michigan

Bishop Ira Combs, Jr., Greater Bible Way Temple of Jackson, Michigan

Stacy Swimp, Spokesman, Project 21 and Founder of Revive Alive Missional Ministry, Flint, Michigan

Pastor Dr. Phillip Johnson, Greater Bibleway Temple Church, Bay City, Michigan

Elder Lutullus Penton, Jr., Flint Right To Life

Art Wocker, State Chairman, Southern Christian Leadership Conference- Florida; National Chairman- Operation People for Peace

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)


  1. July 28, 2014 at 11:49 am

    What is with this GLEP group? Totally out-of-control and totally spreading falsehoods about innocent candidates. Look what they did to schoolteacher Lee Chatfield:

    You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)
  2. Corinthian Scales
    July 28, 2014 at 1:02 pm

    It really has turned into an interesting little cabal of sodomites and homophiles tied to Drolet, backed by and receiving "high praise" from The Wooden Shoe Mafia's cabana boi that is sitting with Barracuda Betsy, isn't it?

    Hmmm, now where have we seen those who play the Leftist' Race Warlord game before?

    Just one other question, what is up with the skunk hair?

    I'm looking forward to anyone who can enlighten me as to when did having a head that resembles Pepé Le Pew's ass become considered a rational thought let alone "high fashion".

    You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(1)
  3. rdww
    July 29, 2014 at 8:14 am

    "...of being associated with or in any way empathetic towards racist persons or ideas."

    WTF? No wonder libbies love accusing conservatives of being racist -- it makes us respond like South Park's Cartman to being called "fat."

    You Betcha! (0)Nuh Uh.(0)
    • Jason
      July 29, 2014 at 8:27 am

      What do you mean? Please elaborate, so its a little more clear what you mean?

      You Betcha! (3)Nuh Uh.(0)

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