
MIGOP “Tactics” as to get “Their” Chosen Candidates Elected

I’m sure this is going on all over the state as to stifle the Grassroots, Conservatives and Tea Party that dare challenge the establishment but this one is in my own backyard. We all have seen how the MIGOP establishment has gone after and targeted two conservatives Justin Amash and Kerry Bentivolio. Jason Sheppard and Richardville

I had seen in my facebook notifications that one of my facebook friends liked a page so I investigated. To my surprise and shock I couldn’t believe that many of my conservative friends would like a “yes man” for Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville for State Rep. 

The MIGOP establishment has a plan in place as to get their chosen candidates elected and will go to any and all lengths as to make sure this happens. Let’s take a close look at just one example in my district how they are going about this.

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Republicans Collaborate With Left-Wing Liberals Against Conservatives and Tea Party

Amelia Island Ritz HotelAmelia Island in Florida is the gathering “Hot Spot” for the Political Elitist, Lobbyists, Big Labor, and the Republican leadership that all use this “chic” location to collaborate defeating conservatives and the Tea Party Patriots.

The Republican Main Street Partnership’s offshoot “Main Street Advocacy” is one such group that host these events at the Ritz Carlton on Amelia Island.

The “Main Street Partnership.” is just one of the D.C.-based outfits started by lobbyist Steve LaTourette.

The group has made it its mission to come after constitutional conservatives and to back big-government puppets. As late as 2007, Mitt Romney was a member of the Republican Main Street Partnership.

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A Conservative Political Party Test: Which would you cast your vote for? A Moderate Republican or a Conservative Democrat?

Continue reading below the picture 1 John F Kennedy Discrediting Liberal Values

Once again we’re being lied to. The mainstream media wants us to believe that only “moderation, cooperation and compromise” can save the GOP…and America. This is one of the greatest lies ever told.
First of all, moderation won’t save the GOP. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is the GOP has had a long list of moderate “saviors:”

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Campaign Commercial: Republican Hypocrisy in new “Snyder Attack Ad”

The “new attack ad” released for TV viewers attacking his opponent for a 2002 state House vote that imposed a new per-bed fee on nursing homes will only work for the die hard “sheeple” Republican voters who would cast a vote for Satan if he had an (R) after his name! A Engler Snyder

The problem is, The “Medicaid Quality Assurance Assessment Program” was backed by Republican Gov. John Engler (R) in 2002, which was supported by a majority of Republicans in the state Legislature and was later extended by Gov. Rick Snyder (R) in 2011.

The program was designed to win federal match dollars and then return them to nursing homes that participate in Michigan’s Medicaid program.

“By continuing the assessment, the state receives more in federal matching Medicaid funds than what is paid out by nursing homes,” according to a 2011 press release from Snyder’s office.

“These funds are then directed back to the nursing homes in Michigan that provide SnyderCaid services.” 

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..Baker Pig Farm – Bundy Cattle Ranch “Government Out Of Control”

What happens when an overreaching state or federal government entity hassles a former military veteran just trying to make a living for his family? They use the power of big government as to shut down the family farm. bakerpigs

My fellow citizens of Michigan and around these United States this has to and must stop and stop now! Just look at what is going on in Nevada with that cattle farmer as but another example.

Politicians at both the state and federal levels and in this case are the ones that have gone “hog wild” aka big government out of control.

The two cases Mark Baker of Bakers Green Acres and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources along with Cliven Bundy and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management bring to light the need for a less intrusive government at both state and federal levels.

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Detroit City Airport to get Michigan Taxpayers “Bailout” Too

Detroit City Airport to get $28.5 Million Taxpayer Money in Revised Bankruptcy Plan Detroit City Airport Grave Yard

The fleecing of Michigan taxpayers money continues with revised bankruptcy plan. The $28.5 million earmarked in Detroit emergency manager Kevyn Orr’s revised restructuring plan would also set aside money for a study of the airport’s role in its east-side neighborhood.

The money would come from the city’s anticipated bankruptcy settlement and the total could go as high as $40 million according to some reports. The city’s general fund has subsidized the airport in recent years because its revenues “have fallen far short of expenses,” Orr’s plan says.

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Common Core – The Indoctrination of our Children and Grandchildren

Team  Snyder: Administrative Agents for Obama’s Common Core Standards
This is a “reinvention” lesson that should scare the snot out of parents of school children. These are just some of the examples of a common core worksheet. 1Best Obama Snyder

(1) The president makes sure the laws of the country are fair. (2) The wants of an individual are less important than the well-being of the nation. (3) The commands of Government officials must be “obeyed” by all. Sounds like Socialism indoctrination to me! What you say?

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Michigan’s Fictitious Budget Surplus, Our Roads, What to do with a so-called $1.3 Billion Surplus?

Lawmakers at Work Pothole MoneyThe projected multi-year $1.3 billion dollar surplus will give lawmakers something to ponder. While the governor has proposed yet again taxing the citizenry, us common folks for the $1.2 Billion he says are needed for our roads.

The legislature, bless the hearts was so kind in allocating a paltry $215 Million out of this $1.3 Billion so-called budget surplus (Taxpayer Money) to repair the potholes that quit frankly are beyond repair. So I guess that is to tide over the problem till after the elections so they can pass a gas tax and vehicle registration fee increase without immediate election year repercussions!

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A State Bank: The Solution for Michigan Economic Stability and Prosperity By Dan Osterman

Bank top left(Comment: by R Al Bain, Our legislators in Lansing continue to advocate and promote capital cronyism through the “Friends and Family” program along with the “Business Buddies” fund that’s not a good return on investment for the taxpayers of Michigan and only benefits the aforementioned and politicians in a pay to play scheme.) 

When it comes to the economy, government does have a necessary and proper role to protect a functioning free market and the rights of individuals to pursue their economic interests, maintenance of public infrastructure, and the undisturbed flow of commerce across borders. 

Essential to these functions is to support a banking system that seeks to serve the community, act as an incubator for businesses, and to protect the system from those who attempt to abuse it.

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Companies Lay-Off Thousands, Close Stores, Affects “Michigan Workers”

Recovery? Reinvention? Yeah Right!

A Tsunami of Store Closings LayoffsA Tsunami of Store Closings and Layoffs

I’ve been posting and reporting this for months with some choosing to downplay my reports and even going as far as saying the economy is doing much better!

The day of reckoning, some say, has arrived, with one retail watcher predicting a “tsunami” of store closings and lay-offs this year.


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