
Governor Snyder’s “Gay Advocate” Puppeteer Wants Your Help

A Snyder Cronyism

URGENT HELP NEEDED: An internal poll of the Michigan Femdom Fund has shown that Governor Snyder is up 100% to 0% over his challenger Mark Schauer. This “internal” poll must have only included “pegging” their staff members for these results? A Femdom Fund Logo

But this November the stakes are too high and we need your help. Please consider making a donation today of $20, $35, $50 or whatever you can generously afford to help us assure that Gov. Snyder is re-elected as to advance the Common Core, Gay Marriage and other progressive issues that Gov. Snyder will support.

For those low information voters and party loyalist I have compiled a list of bullet points, headlines and search phrases as to make it harder for those types to justify to themselves how they cast their votes!

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Republican Representative “Scrubs” Constituents “Factual” Comments

When the “truth” and the “facts” come out they don’t like it. My current State Representative and current candidate for State Senate Dale Zorn (R) Monroe, not only removed my “truthful” comment on his facebook Ad he has “blocked” me from making any further comments! Hmmm…  Zorn failed we the people are michigan ad

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference. I guess Mr. Zorn doesn’t believe in this amendment!

Mr. Zorn’s facebook Ad shows him sitting with a group of seniors listening to their concerns. I posted two comments showing where he in “fact” voted in favor of taxing their Pensions with legislative links showing as much. So while he claims to be concerned with the seniors well being he is not being truthful with them.

The lion’s share of the burden bestowed on retiree’s, seniors and lower income citizens with Mr. Zorn’s “yes” vote on this legislation falls directly on them. By his “yes” vote the wealthy and politically well connected businesses get tax breaks that effect them very much . Tax increases on retirement income from pensions is hurting retiree’s and seniors in a graying state still recovering from the recession.

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Study: 40% of Michigan Families Can’t Cover Basic Survival Expenses

Huge Decline in Wages for Michigan’s Working Families

Pay Falls for Low-Wage Men yet Women Still Far Behind,” found that real wages of Michigan workers have fallen by more than ten percent since 1979 for broad sections of the working class.

Hourly pay for low-wage workers of “prime working age” in Michigan fell 13.4 percent between 1979-2013, while pay for mid-wage workers of prime age fell 12.7 percent.

The collapse of wages in Michigan also illustrates president Obama’s and Governor Snyder’s “insourcing” policies, which involves pushing for lower corporate taxes and lower living standards and wages for workers in order to make American cities “attractive” for business. Snyder Obama Meet

Speaking at a Milwaukee factory in 2012, Obama celebrated the results of his and Snyder’s “bailout” policies in Michigan as a model for the rest of the country: What’s happening in Detroit can happen in other cities.

Declining work rates, stagnant wages, the rise of female-headed families, inferior education, and the arrival of millions of “immigrants” with poor education and low skills are little engines pushing up the poverty rate.

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Common Core and the Trucker Wiser Flip-Flop Connection

Like a bad horror movie called a Nightmare on Christmas Eve this script features questionable characters. Starring in this production is Ebenwiser Scrooge a man with millions of unscrupulous ways to buy political seats. Common Core Wiser Vote No

Co-Starring is the clumsy overweight not too bright fella “Bad Santa.” This con-man known as “Bad Santa” looks like he’s been hanging out at a Fat Fellas BBQ convention.

As the movie unfolds it turns out this real “Bad Santa” is a radio show co-host on the poorly rated, small market and very undesirable RINO Supporters Broadcasting Network (RSBN).

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Has Your TEA Party Group Been Co-opted By the Michigan Republican Party?

I received an email titled “Monroe Republicans Events” from the Patriots of Southeast Michigan and when I replied to inquire why they were sending out events promoting a liberal Richardville group of Republicans I received this reply below. Patriots of Southeast Michigan Logo

I post information, not necessarily endorsing it. If any true conservatives have the courage to participate and try to influence Monroe Republicans, more power to them.~ Sara. The stated mission of this group is as follows: Patriots of Southeast Michigan  is a “non-partisan” group dedicated to holding elected officials accountable to the Constitution and to sharing information and tools to support, encourage, and connect like-minded citizens.

For those unaware Glenda Kennon is Senator Randy Richardville’s mother.

Below is the email I received and below that is an email Glenda sent out advocating “planned parenthood” also of note both Glenda Kennon and Randy Richardville sit on the Monroe Right to Life board.

Subject: Monroe Republicans Events
Date: 8/3/2014 6:12:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: grassroots@patriotsofsoutheastmichigan.org

Monroe Republicans – Events
from Glenda Kennon, 2nd V.Chair Republican Exec. Committee, Monroe County

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(2)

Boxing Moniker’s for MIGOP Politicians

How about we use these moniker’s in describing MIGOP politicians like boxers for instance: Boxing
Randy (The Philanderer) Richardville
Roger (The Pirate) Kahn
Brian (Lapdog) Calley
Arlan (Reconsider) Meekhof
Tom (Sissy Boot Licker) Casperson
Dan (We Don’t Need No Doctor) Benishek
Howard (Screw You Dude) Walker
Rick (Relentless Progressive Action) Snyder
Peter (The Un-Friender Pretender) Pettalia
Frank (Faux Tea Party) Foster
Dale (Ask Party Leadership How I Should Vote) Zorn
Wayne (Red Light Scamera) Schmidt
Al (Skinhead) Pscholka
John (The Finger Wind Checker) Proos
Tonya (Barbie Doll) Schuitimaker
Fred (Lightbulb Louie) Upton
Lisa (Daddy’s Girl) Posthumus Lyons

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Cantor’s Defeat Proves “The Conservative Tea Party” Voice Means Business

This should show the establishment MIGOP that when they attack the Grassroots, Conservatives, Libertarians and Tea Party faithful and their voices are ignored you will pay a price at the voting booth! A Tea Party

For Michigan’s Republican voters can you say the “dele-gate” fiasco with the Romney supporters or how about that fiasco at the Tampa Convention?

But it just doesn’t end with those two examples either. How about all the state party rule changes brought down by the power brokers of the MIGOP as to stifle the Grassroots Conservative Tea Party voices here in Michigan?

The party establishment will go to any and all lengths as to protect their perceived power and control along with their spots at the public “feeding trough” over its shrinking membership. 

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Detroit Bailout Leaves Michigan Taxpayers On The Hook For More Than $195 Million – AND A LOT MORE!

1 Detroit Aid $195M

Below you will find just a few examples of how Michigan Taxpayers are on the hook for a hell of a lot more than this “Grand Crap Sandwich Bargain” of $195 Million of your tax dollars! If this isn’t leaving a bad taste in your wallet just wait, now that this is done they are working real hard for you up in Lansing to pass legislation as to raise your Gas Taxes too. 2 FilmTaxCredit

While Detroit Goes Bankrupt, Michigan Taxpayers Hand Disney’s ‘OZ’ Nearly $40 Million in Film Credits and this is but one example there are numerous other Film Subsidies that have and will be handed out to Obama’s Hollywood supporters!

The hard part to swallow is our legislators all think it’s funny that they are spending our tax dollars on this wasteful venture that corrupt politicians created in the first place. They won’t be out done they will all laugh when they pass yet more tax increases on we Taxpaying Citizens of Michigan.

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A “Reality Check” on Politicians and “Those Who Elect Them”

1 An Informed RepublicWe have all heard that voting for the worst of two evils is still evil but the electorate continues this madness.

This voter ideology presents severe dangers to our Liberties, Freedoms and the very existence of our Republic as we know it.

Many of our elected officials have drifted away from the concept of civic duty in “serving the people’s interest” and have become self serving to themselves and their political party.

Many have also failed as a husband, father and a representative of the people and indulged in things they should have avoided.

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MIGOP Subverts Michigan Constitution to Silence Voice of the Voters

Richardville MackinacNo matter how you feel about raising the minimum wage for or against this is just plain wrong! When the will of the citizens are subverted along with their constitutional rights by any political party its tyranny.

Never mind that giving voters the final word is precisely what the framers of Michigan’s constitution had in mind when they established the ballot initiative process in the first place.

So Michigan Republicans have decided to short-circuit that process you know, the untidy one ordained in Michigan’s constitution in favor of closed caucus meetings where Republicans who control the Legislature can wire an outcome more palatable to their business buddies who contribute to their campaign coffers.

The arrogant disregard of Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville for the democratic process that the ballot initiative was designed to keep in check is evident in his statement.

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