KG One

The Devil is DEFINITELY in the details.

Multiple news outlets have reported that the Michigan Supreme Court in a 4-3 decision upheld the democratic party “independent/grassroots” Voters Not Politicians petition initiative to create a non-partisan commission to redraw every voting district in Michigan.

In writing for the majority Justices Viviano, McCormack, Bernstein & Clement said;

“Here, that approach leads us to conclude that a voter-initiated amendment under Const 1963, art 12, § 2 is permissible if it does not significantly alter or abolish the form or structure of our government, making it tantamount to creating a new constitution.”

Yeah that’s sounds great on paper, but exactly how did they intend on accomplishing this nigh impossible feat?

{Well, I’ll go into that more after the fold}

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(3)

Fractured Fairy Tales and other flights of fancy finding their fantastic and far-fetched fables in a Michigan Classroom near you very soon.

Did you know that Harvey Milk and Huey Newton were very important figures in early American History?

Even moreso than the likes of say Dr. Joseph Warren or Patrick Henry?

Did you know that the federal government is not actually a creation of the states and is therefore superior to them?

Did you know that the Southern Poverty Law Center is an unbiased and trustworthy source of information ?

Did you know that the MDE actually proposed expanding a study of Islam in public schools (despite the fact Christianity has been essentially removed from the classroom beginning in the 1960‘s)?

And my personal fav: Did you know that America was founded as a democracy?

Yeah, that one surprised me, too.

If the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) has their way, THESE are changes that you might see in the K-12 curriculum in a classroom near you.

Unless you do something about it.

{Find out how after the fold}

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

You do know that whole “The Wall”- thing could’ve stopped all of this (or at the very least significantly reduced it).

So in the latest distraction in our 24-hour News Cycle World, the latest “outrage” is coming from a surprising source?

And just whom that might be, you may ask yourself?

{Click below to learn the answer}

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Macomb County Gubernatorial Debate – June 7, 2018


The Macomb County Republican Assembly will be hosting the first gubernatorial debate to be held in Macomb County in 2018.

Sen. Pat Colbeck, Dr. Jim Hines and LG Brian Calley are all scheduled to attend.

Citing yet another “scheduling conflict” AG Bill Schuette will not be attending this event.

The event will take place at Macomb Community College University Center on June 7th. Doors will open at 6:30 pm and the debate begins at 7:00pm.

The debate will be moderated by Charlie Langton along with Kathy Hoekstra and Nolan Finley.

Tickets for the event will be free, but there is a limit of two and must be reserved here first before attending. There will be no tickets available at the door.

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Employing a tried and true tactic…holding a tax hike vote during the lowest voter turnout.

...or worse yet, when Taxpayers aren’t even made aware of it by a complicit local media.

Even though this is affecting strictly Macomb County, I would HIGHLY recommend that readers contact their local clerk’s office to see if there is anything similar occurring in their part of Michigan.

Despite the fact that their current millage hasn’t even expired yet, the local community college not only decided to place a millage hike/renewal on the ballot, but they have done a slam-bang up job of letting everyone know about it.

I cannot imagine why?

{Continued below the fold}

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

Oh no! This doesn’t look too good.

With County leaders going off-script and not following the established speaking points. When your (possible) PR-firm goes and takes a page from the Coleman A. Young (The First) Playbook and employed a time-worn (and easily recognizable) tactic which hopelessly backfired. When The Bridge Magazine (of all people), comes out and tells people that the latest iteration of mass transit, the Q-Line, over-promised its potential and hilariously underperformed when it comes to paid ridership and maintaining schedules. Now comes the Michigan Legislature throwing yet another log on the fire that is the RTA.

{You’ll need to click below to find out what that is}

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)

Trump Rally – Washington Township, April 28, 2018 (Follow up).

I had mentioned earlier about this little shindig happening over in Washington this weekend (Michigan, NOT  DC). I also alluded to the fact that I’m not some mindless political cheerleader or brain-dead party apparatchik. If I see that something isn’t right, I have no qualms in saying it. Conservatives have already lost far too much ground by being “polite”.

On the flip-side, I do have several friends who still think rather highly of Pres. Trump. One of them convinced me to mention it here on Right Michigan (and on a side note, persuaded me to attend with him, along with a few others).

Unfortunately, he got delayed in getting out of Indiana. To make matters worse, he ran out of hours and there was no way (legally) for him to make the return part of his run back to Michigan in time to attend.

Even though I may not be part of the aforementioned apparatchik, I do try to look after my friends whenever I can.

So as a courtesy to him (I told him I‘d have this up this evening), along with other Right Michigan readers who were unable to attend, I have included material from last Saturday.

{Continued after the fold}

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)