
The Money Quote

Its the easily missed truisms on display in any article of note, that are Oh-So important.

The Detroit News: “Michigan GOP braces for Tea Party Showdown”

Calley-Face” Calley, who declined to be interviewed for this story, has never publicly opposed the governor on major policy decisions, but routinely says he is “the conservative voice” inside the Snyder administration.  “

Consider this single paragraph for a moment.

The governor has Raised taxes on some, went behind the legislature’s back on the NITC, pushed hard for Obamacare in Michigan, pushes Common Core, hired several Democrats to key positions, bails out Detroit, pushes rail subsidies, and will likely sign on the dotted line when the Elliot Larsen Civil Rights act is presented for modification.  Modified so that dangerous behavior is blessed not only with the ongoing media push, but with the unforgiving and ‘intolerant’ hammer of law on those who disagree with that behavior.

All of which begs the question:  “When does your conservative voice matter Mr Calley?”

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And Another Look At Common Core ‘Opponents’

Karen Braun posts Common Core expert Melanie Kurdys’ thoughtful commentary on the issue, and current candidates.

sccmichigan-banner2From Stop Common Core in Michigan

Today, I received intel that both Weiser and Calley are claiming to be against Common Core. This is news to me. In the 2 1/2 years I have been fighting this issue, I have never seen evidence of either of them even being sufficiently informed of the issue, let alone standing up to try to stop it from coming into Michigan.

Read the rest

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Convention Tips

Going to the county convention? Be prepared and have fun while you are at it!

A few thoughts on the county conventions being held across the state today.

  • First and foremost make sure you have a good parliamentarian.  This will ensure that rules (AND STATE LAW) is followed.
  • Be assertive, but polite. Don’t be angry and confrontational.  Remember, the real fight for your local party may be in November.  If you are inclined at making a difference within the party, you will want to build trust and appear reasonable to others who you want to influence at that time.
  • Be prepared to make your motions, and be prepared for motions that might be made.
  • Take video if possible.
  • Help friends and neighbor delegates understand the process BEFORE attending if you can.  In fact, talking about it will help you advocate properly in a pinch.

GOP-buttonsKNOW THE RULES  – Here are some interesting documents (Michigan statute in fact) that might help you out when the excrement hits the turbine.

  1. mcl-168-624d
  2. mcl-168-609
  3. mcl-168-612
  4. mcl-168-622
  5. mcl-168-624
  6. mcl-168-624a
  7. mcl-168-599

I’ll let you folks figure it all out.  It takes about 20 minutes to find the important parts.

If you want to get a handle, on how the county chair is going to run the convention, check this out.  They have received training and should adhere to the rules set forth by the party and state law.


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Call To Convention

GOP-buttonsBusy day tomorrow.

Your local Republican party call to convention Thursday, August 14, 2014 at 7 pm local time for the following purposes: (contact your local party for location if you are an elected delegate and have not received notification.)

(1) To appoint delegates and alternates on an at-large basis to the Fall 2014 Michigan Republican State Convention to be held in Novi, Michigan on August 23, 2014, said convention to be held for the purposes of (1) nominating a candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Michigan; (2) nominating candidates for certain other state offices (including the Michigan Supreme Court, the State Board of Education, the University of Michigan Board of Regents, the Michigan State University Board of Trustees and the Wayne State University Board of Governors); and (3) such other business as may properly come before the state convention.

(2) The transaction of such business as may properly come before the County Convention.

Only those precinct delegates elected in the August 5, 2014 primary election, and at-large delegates who are current Republican nominees to offices as defined by MCL 168.599(5), will be initially eligible to vote in the County Convention. The County Convention may, at its discretion, choose to fill any precinct delegate vacancies under the authority of MCL 168.624(d), but only after the completion of all other business items. Precinct delegate vacancies shall be filled only in accordance with statute by registered voters from their respective precincts for the remainder of the delegate term. Temporary delegates may not be appointed by the convention.

Delegate registration should begin at 6:30 pm. Arrive early as heavy turnouts are expected.

The convention will be called to order at 7 pm.

H/T Jackson County republican Party

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Primary Election Review & Analysis

Commentary on some of the more notable races throughout Michigan's Republican primary.

Conservative First posted results of races from around the state yesterday.

As a candidate I needed time to decompress.  I lost my contest by 89 votes, and as much as I campaigned, I was outworked.  I saw CF’s report and felt there is some more fleshing out that needs to be done.

Prop 1 (tax changes) wins easily 69-31.

This is not surprising as several million was spent to make sure it passed.  Of course THAT begs the question WHY would several million be spent to promote something that had as it’s main promise, an act already done by the legislature?  I guess since we passed it, now we find out what is in it.

1. Benishek wins 70-30.  Alan Arcand needs to fire his pollster.

We all know the polls were push polls, or better yet campaign ads used for shock and awe.
Don’t think 30 percent is a bad number against an incumbent congress critter BTW.  We will see Alan again.


3. Amash wins 57-43.  Probably not enough to scare away future primary challengers.

One thing he did correctly was snuff the ‘unity’ crap.  There is no unity in the MiGOP.  There will be none until Republicans start acting like Republicans.  I think 57-43 is enough however.  No one will challenge Amash without a damn good reason in the future.

4. Moolenaar wins 52-36-11.  Never underestimate the Midland establishment.  I rated this a tossup when Mitchell led by 23.

The TPX had its desired effect.  They needed a champ, and Moolenaar team needed a little boost to break John Moolenaar out.  We rooted for Konetchy here, but expected the Stabenow donations to sink Mitchell (As they SHOULD), and put Moolenaar up by a couple.  The win was significant, and John Moolenaar will be the next CD4 representative easily.

They could do worse.

6. Bussler gets 29% against Upton, confirming my suspicion that about 30% is the anti-Upton baseline in the GOP primary.

Lets suppose that is the case.  That is a powerful voting block.  Not just anti Upton, but GOP willing to vote conscience and not blind.  Consider that there are many more who simply refuse to participate.  Activate THOSE, and we have a new party.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Dems Freaked Out Over Peters

If Democrats Were Happy With Gary Peters To Replace Carl Levin, Then ...

Shane Battier Photo Courtesy of NBA.COM

Sometimes you have to read between the lines.

Probably little known to team Gary Peters, is that Lon Johnson was looking for a trade.  The Michigan Democrat Party seems to need a new power forward:

“.. “That was an amazing point in my career,” Battier said. “I was really nervous I was gonna be the reason we weren’t going to win a championship. I took it upon myself to say, ‘If we lose, it’s not going to be because I didn’t fight my ass off.’ I had to guard West, and he beat the hell out of me like he always does. But we somehow reinvented ourselves, and that was the birth of small ball.”

Battier is nearing retirement now, and he can no longer shoot, dribble, or defend like he once did. The Michigan Democratic Party recently called him to see if he might consider running to replace U.S. Senator Carl Levin, Battier said. He declined, but he’s closer to retirement than he is to the player who helped Miami unlock its identity. ..”



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Pure Memorial Day Weekend

Have we allowed policing powers on some issues to go too far?

Pure-TicketWhat says Memorial day in Michigan, more than an emptied beehive of police cruisers out to sting anyone they can?

Its the annual tradition of seat belt oppression on Michigan roads and highways.  With grants providing overtime and special enforcement zones, this weekend’s vacation fun should fatten the local coffers and library penal fund balances right up.  Most of our Michigan governments have been asked to accept such funding on behalf of their policing units, so as to enforce more rigorously, a regimen of protecting us from ourselves.

Sadly, the same legislature that allowed the return of helmet less motorcycling, has yet to reverse the 4th amendment violating features of seat belt enforcement. The original law, supposedly a non actionable civil infraction, now enshrines the means for abusive police action.

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