When a Republican promotes the same ideology.
Read more HERE.

This nation really has become The Island of Misfit Toys.
What says you, cupcake?
Is it all the moonslime countries, or just the oil producing ones?
OABTW: http://rightmi.com/old/www.rightmichigan.com/story/2013/1/30/13345/8113.html
Thanks, 94 assholes!
H/t Daily Surge
ISNA ACTION ALERT: Contact Michigan Governor Over His Remarks at ISNA Convention
#Isna51Detroit… http://t.co/c96bXFq32t
— ISNA Detroit 2014 (@ISNADetroit) September 3, 2014
Looks like Slick Rick is going to don bigger pandering knee pads, soon. Probably should’ve followed his convention friend’s lead when dense enough to hug a cactus.
#OnThisDay 2008: @SenJohnMcCain RNC Acceptance Speech in St. Paul, MN http://t.co/6M41MM065s #tbt pic.twitter.com/yFTkEox307
— CSPAN (@cspan) September 4, 2014
Yessirree. They’ve been content being the minority Party at the table ever since the big spenders under Bush, gave up both chambers to Reid, and Pelosi, in November, 2006.
That’s right, folks! “It really was a clerical error and a computer error” because as we property owners know that all assessor offices could really give a rat’s ass about collecting taxes, right?
…and, the Snyder Swamp continues to grow.
Michigan’s biggest pair of boobs.
From palling around with Jimmy Carter at his moonslime love fest to Elliot-Larsen, and the Minimum Wage hike… this November, with the lone exception being Ruth Johnson – I’ll be taking a vacation, not a vote.
Was just wondering… now that the Alticor/Amway cat is out of the Common Core bag, and their cupcake came out of the closet, just how much of this hyperbole would carry weight today?
What says you, Boobus Michiganderus?
“I am a strong supporter of equal pay for equal work, and the two laws on the books that protect women in the workplace – the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.” – Terri’s Solutions
And, supports Elliot-Larsen expansion… Minimum Wage hikes… displays expediency against those with Conservative values…
Yannow, I just can’t wait to see her next flip-flop before November.