Corinthian Scales

Welcome to the Party

This is why I appreciate money, and those who appreciate using it wisely as much as I do.

The ballot proposal would increase Michigan’s 6 percent sales tax [16.7%] to 7 percent as part of a complex plan to raise [registration fees 30% and double taxes on gas and diesel] $1.2 [$1.9] billion more annually for roads [and $410 million going to the IRS]. But the plan, hatched by Snyder and lawmakers last month, also earmarks $300 million for schools, $260 million for tax credits for the working poor [illegal aliens with up to four wives] and $95 million for municipal revenue sharing.

Mitchell said it’s the “grab bag” spending on items unrelated to road repairs that Snyder and Republican legislative leaders tacked on to get Democratic votes that motivates him to spend some of his own money trying to defeat the initiative.

“In order to repair our roads, we have to pay a $700 million toll to special interests — and that just astonishes me,” Mitchell said in an exclusive interview with The Detroit News. “I think it speaks for politics as usual. Special-interest lobbyists held our roads hostage and they got a $700 million toll.”


Sorry, but, it’s unfortunate that Mr. Livengood still sees it necessary to disinform his readers, hence, the inclusion as was pointed out here on

OABTW, has anyone heard U.S. Rep. Moolenaar, opine on the Republican governor’s CPA shell game? No? Go figure.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(1)

Would you be Arrested on the Spot?

This should be interesting to follow.

Police on Wednesday and early Thursday were looking for a man pictured on a gas station surveillance camera after a 24-year-old woman was injured about 5 p.m. Wednesday. The suspect was later identified as John Calley, a 25-year-old who spoke with Ionia County sheriff’s investigators Thursday, Jan. 29.

The woman reportedly was dragged and run over by an SUV after it pulled away from a gas station on State Road at I-96. She apparently was trying to get back into the vehicle while it was pulling away.

Police believe the woman was a passenger in the SUV when it stopped at the Pilot gas station and she got out.


And, Ionia County with a Republican prosecutor who happens to be a past president of the legalese jihadi cabal. What else could possibly be an influence on their Sheriff’s decision to kick the can?

You Betcha! (25)Nuh Uh.(4)

I’m a Patriot, He’s a Patriot, She’s a Patriot, We’re a Patriot, Wouldn’t you like to be a Patriot, too?

There you have it, folks. This is exactly how out of touch the GOP *mainstream* is when you witness a third generation family of government leeches (don’t forget Prescott) is using Mandate Mitt‘s name in the same sentence with the word “patriot”. Common Core, and Amnesty.

Swallow hard“, says trithorn hat uncle Mitt.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(1)

Wait for the Shake

Frankly, nothing should be surprising anymore when it pertains to the professional merchants of archaic legalese footnotes as, TJ warned us long ago, “boni judicis est ampliare juris-dictionem.” Nevertheless, sunlight is the best disinfectant…

There you have it, folks. Our elected (legislature) in Lansing, created statute for our Top Cop to explicitly say, “Wait for the shake”.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(1)

FYI: Registration Deadline for 30 Counties Holding Elections

Just caught this.

Michigan residents have until Monday, Jan. 26, to register to vote in the Feb. 24 election, said Secretary of State Ruth Johnson.

School districts and municipalities in 30 counties are holding elections. The polls will be open on Election Day from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. To find out if there is an election in your community, visit


View the info for yourself. Consider the February election a precursor to the $300M the MEA wants on, May 5, of which, I will be voting NO.

Fix “JUST” the roads, and enough of the nerdy CPA, robbing Peter to pay Paul EITC games.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Upton is sMITTen with Glee for Amnesty

Been meaning to address this recent development, however, living Life 101 sometimes intrudes with stealing time from the perpetual game of Whac-A-Mole that is the Republican Party, its leadership, its members, and the very treachery they all represent.

IllegalsA total of 26 Republicans officially announced themselves as RINO open borders traitors and enemies of the Constitution and its separation of powers today. They did so by voting against the successful Marsh Blackburn (R-TN) amendment to the Homeland Security funding bill which prevents any of those funds from being used in the implementation of Hussein Obama’s dictatorial amnesty or in the funding of future DACA applications or renewals.

The bill passed by a vote of 218-209 [see here], with the defections coming largely in districts in which Republicans represent large minority populations and in which they may have felt it prudent to put their perceived interests of minority citizens and their associated votes over the Constitution and the oath they swore.


While the writer above appears to like to hang the moniker of RINO upon the 26 self-serving cat’s-paws, I have to ask, why is this a surprise to anyone? Did not 162 Republicans fund amnesty and Obamacare last month?

Sorry folks, but the expression RINO is officially dead. They are what they are – parasites – with only goal as elected members is to maintain a seat at the table of government where they happily run their fingers through the trillions of tax dollars flowing into D.C. Have any doubt? Well, then just witness what the alleged thrice candidate says on November 26, about amnesty.

Indeed, nepotism loyalists – Swallow H A R D.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)