Corinthian Scales

R Gang: 16.7% Sales Tax Hike for *roads* is a “Grand” Bargain

How will that Sales Tax Hike work? Here’s more Snyder/Calley & Jones Day “Grand” bargain at work.

Snyder_OrrCosts for water service would rise an average of 9.3 percent this year in Metro Detroit under rates proposed Wednesday by the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department.

The department’s board discussed preliminary water rates for the 2015-16 fiscal year, which would rise 3.4 percent for Detroit customers and 11.3 percent for suburban users, on average.

Suburban customers’ water bills could be even higher, [snip]


Remember what WXYZ warned? Pay up, suckers.

Not to say I told ya so, but… I told ya so.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Wanna see how Much Duct Tape $700M Buys?

This much: “The greatest part of all this is that none of it is coming from the Left.”

einstein_simpleIt’s true. I mean, I completely agree with the cognitive dissonance tribe Among the Trees.

Isn’t it obvious that Rick “Vote Yes” Snyder didn’t buy The Lefts’ votes with $700 Million going to the MDP base, otherwise Lon Johnson would be squealing MCFA violation like a stuck pig just as he did over a few bucks on a stupid truck, yes?

Because, the Michigan Democratic Party cares only about fixing JUST the roads.

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(0)

MDOT: Does Governor Snyder Have a Cousin in Railroads too!?!?

MDOT is a gift that keeps on giving fodder against a 16.7% sales tax hike scheme.

The State of Michigan is paying $1.1 million a year to lease 23 passenger rail cars it can’t use — and likely won’t use for at least another two years — as the taxpayer tab for the troubled project approaches $12 million and counting.

The 1950s and ’60s-era double-decker cars are sitting in a rail yard in Owosso, where they are expected to remain for the indefinite future.

The Michigan Department of Transportation started leasing the cars in 2010 for two commuter rail passenger services proposed between Detroit and Ann Arbor, and Howell and Ann Arbor.

Sen. Goeff Hansen, R-Hart, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, said he doesn’t want to say much until he has more information on the contract. The deal was signed during the administration of former Gov. Jennifer Granholm, a Democrat, but amended four times during the administration of Snyder, a Republican — each time to increase the contract’s maximum cost.


Interesting, yes? Speaks volumes how the players on Team R continue to dare not speak out of turn about their beloved Party leader, yes?

What’s even more interesting is the owner, Louis P. Ferris, Jr., who has been networking with the Peoples Republic of Ann Arbor’s Socialist former mayor for the past decade.

P3 projects. Public funds. Private profit. Partnership to extort our money by force of government bureaucrats.

No? But of course, Mr. Transparent.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(0)