
We Agree

One of the stupid things we do when applying the law, is to attempt to read minds.

Motivation is certainly a part of the considerations when determining guilt in circumstantial considerations, but applying a specific penalty to those motives?  Nolan Finley gets it right this time:

“It just doesn’t matter. No one should ever be charged with a hate crime.

For one thing, layering on the hate crime charge creates unequal classes of victims.

If you get murdered by a junkie who wants your wallet, or a jealous husband, or a maniac on a killing spree, you’re just as dead as someone who gets offed by a racist.”

And frankly if the punishment ought to be increased under the suspicion that the perpetrator(s) were doing a ‘hate crime’, then it ought to apply always.

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No Need for Public Concern

Because Indiana is the epicenter for earthquakes

Christchurch, New Zealand - March 20 2011: Fitzgerald Avenue Bridge Destruction.Right?

Saturday, a taxpayer funded exercise in preparedness was going on.  From the always-up-to-something folks in state government:

LANSING. In an effort to practice and test its emergency mobilization capabilities, the Michigan State Police (MSP) is participating in a simulated exercise tomorrow; Saturday, April 5, 2014.


The simulated preparedness exercise will test the department’s response to an Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) request for police officers to assist the State of Indiana with recovery operations in the aftermath of a simulated earthquake. The scenario will require the mobilization of 60 MSP personnel from across the state to the Lansing area. ..


Please note: This is not a media event but rather an advisory to the media to help prevent any public concern during the activities of this simulated exercise.

Nothing to see here.

Move along now folks.

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No, It’s NOT Under The Bridge

Clearly, there are interests who will misrepresent data to freak out lawmakers into knee-jerk reactionary positions..

So when we find out the flawed data provided by Jackson Hewitt that was probably the basis for a couple of fence sitters to get lazy and stupid, we don’t have to pretend it doesn’t matter.  Some great big We-Told-You-So’s are due. Perhaps next time low information legislators will look a little deeper into what it is they are exposing the state to.  Mackinac Center Legislative Analyst Jack McHugh says:

“It maMCC_Masthead_2xy be water over the dam, but one report on the potential impact to employers if Michigan did not adopt the Obamacare Medicaid expansion has been exposed as being essentially bunk due to flagrant misuse or misrepresentation of the data it cited.

This is worth noting because the claims from Jackson Hewitt were widely cited by Republican lawmakers here who supported the expansion, and probably tilted others into that camp. Its conclusion was that “employers may pay substantially higher federal tax penalties under the ACA (Affordable Care Act) in states that do not expand Medicaid.” Jackson Hewitt estimated Michigan employers would pay between $42 million and $63 million in penalties without the expansion.

But a further study revealed that to be untrue.

The study notes incomplete demographics and assumptions of static employer behavior in the examples legislators used in justifying their yes votes. No, this is not water under the bridge, but rather a “teachable moment” that will be willfully ignored by those who took the blue pill with regard to Obamacare.

Read the rest.

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The Same Mental Condition That Brings You Obamacare

Nothing new, but always disappointing.

The left has no tolerance for the suffering, unless THEY too are a part of the intolerant left.  Battling cancer ends the right to free speech apparently.  Julie Boonstra’s effort to let folks know how badly Obamacare has affected HER has simply made her a target for those who present themselves as champions of compassion.


How ‘progressive.’  H/T AFP on Twitter


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Saturday Wrap Up – And Other KrisAnne Hall Stops

Can't Miss Classes On The Constitution

KrisanneToday’s KrisAnne Hall presentation in front of 100 plus in Traverse City was nothing short of eye opening.

Hall offered to a ‘Constitutional Conservative Republican’ Senate leader in Florida, the way in which the state could ‘nullify’ provisions of the healthcare law. The Senate leader Don Gaetz replied in an email to Hall with a disturbing note:

don-gaetz“After sending Senator Don Gaetz my letter explaining the positions of James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton on State Sovereignty, Mr. Gaetz says that citizens who agree with the writer of the Declaration of Independence should be summarily shot and hanged.”

Summing up the attitude that makes up a greater part of the leadership in the country.

While I digest all of the class information, file away the epiphanies, and prepare for the next round of historical fact based blogging observations, It occurs to me that other Michigan folks might appreciate a heads up of what to expect.  First off, you might THINK you know the constitution, and you might even know of the documents that were ‘plagiarized,’ to form the basis of the constitution, but her presentation will fill in where it matters.

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My Devos “Art Prize” Entry

Opening with Grieg’s “Morning,” in Act I, the story reveals the man entrusted to carry out the ‘conservative’ designs of La Famalia over the last several years.

Act II reveals the design of such efforts, a little truth, and ultimate twist in the next phase of dilution of values and moral turpitude.

Raise the curtain.

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This Is How They Are Born

Frank Foster Explains How Concern Over Common Core Is Just Silly.

Tea folk in the 107th district should know that Frank Foster no longer needs you.

He pretty much has said as much.  To him, you are searching for something that will make you “relevant.” (his words) That is your goal now since the ACA is the ‘law of the land’ and all.  And since you have lost THAT battle, common core is the way you want to flex your political muscle.

Oh, and he expects to be speaker of the house next legislative session.

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Friday Film Fest – 104th District State Representative Forum/Debate

Karen and RobApologies for the video and sound quality, but the decision to do the video was somewhat last minute.

On Monday, two of the GOP contenders for the 104th State Rep District; Rob Hentschel and Karen Renny, introduced themselves and answered some questions in a bit of a debate format. There were two others, Larry Inman, and Jamie Callahan who were otherwise too busy or occupied to attend this important first stage in the Northern Michigan race.

The debate was facilitated by the Traverse Bay Area Republican Women’s Club at the Park Place hotel in Traverse City.

Have a great weekend! The Video is below.

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The 2013 RightMi.Com Scorecard

scorecardMost folks actively watching the goings on in Lansing might already be aware of the MichiganVotes.org site run by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.

Nowhere else can you find a more complete collection of legislative efforts.  Easily referenced, and with a record of votes by legislator, party, the chambers the votes were taken in, and legislative sessions. It is an incredibly useful tool when trying to find out how your legislator voted on any particular issue of interest.  Its a great way of keeping these ‘servants’ in check when they claim to be conservative, but vote like the liberals or something even worse.

How cool is that?

One feature often overlooked however,

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