
Ed McBroom Needs To Go.

Abject failure McBroom fails at least ten fact based tests of logic.

It really doesn’t take much imagination to see the likelihood of fraud in the 2020 election.

At the very least, where this an appearance of something wrong in one of the most important aspects of government, we need to be reassured that all doubts about the election are unfounded.  Yet instead of pressing for a REAL audit, and not the sham of a spot poll of selected counties, Ed McBroom’s commission report not only says ‘there is nothing to see here,” but adds “..maybe we arrest anyone who dared to say otherwise!”

Which has correctly earned the rat a little appropriate shame from at least some in the Michigan Republican Party. It needs to be spread a little more.  The Detroit news reports:

A committee inside the Michigan Republican Party plans to consider Saturday a proposal that calls for the resignation of GOP state Sen. Ed McBroom, who led a probe finding no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election.

He needs to be shunned completely.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(3)

It’s A Start

RINOs need to go.

Folks wonder why we currently have an illegitimate ElPresidente.

With friends like these?  .. Truthfully, I have never liked using the word “RINO,” but when you undermine the efforts of those who’s values you pretend to champion?    Hopefully we will see more departures of the politically cancerous and useless R’s.

” MICHIGAN (WLUC) – On Wednesday, Jason Roe, executive director of the Michigan Republican Party (MIGOP), resigned under pressure from the grassroots organizers for not being loyal to former President Donald Trump and “The Big Lie.”

The MIGOP says he joins a parade of staff departures which have the left the GOP in turmoil on the watch of Chairman Ron Weiser and Co-Chair Meshawn Maddock.

In April, party activists mounted a campaign to censure and remove Roe because of his comments.

Keep watching.


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Whitmer VS The FBI

The tactics of the nation's 'premier law enforcement' agency ..suck.

We probably told you so at some point.

If ever there was a time to harbor a little distrust in our government, it is at this point in history. Anyone in law enforcement who encourages, or sanctions the type of actions described in this video needs to be imprisoned.

It could be argued that this is not a constitutional government anymore.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Over The line Part Deaux

Continuing Education Unit requirements?

My friend Abby is right about outright partisanship being counter productive when fighting big (and oppressive) gov.

I understand that the Republican party has many things to say about Democrat politicians, but all of it is useless blather if the Republicans are complicit in their action, or lack thereof.  Think state police ticketing for haircuts, and state attorney generals ordering license revocation because someone needs to work to live.

We’ve said it often enough here, that an R or D is no guarantee. Our state government mechanization has reached critical mass, and is much like an overly aggressive and hungry dog that knows no master any longer, and sees us as its meal.  The binding chain needs to be far stronger, or the beast needs to be put down.  The dog should not be in control of US.

Today she sends this:

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Over The Line

Legislative malfeasance allowing executive to inject politics into state operations?

The operations of state government need to remain free of political consideration.

One might think that equal treatment under the law would be of primary concern.  But the reality of (usually) leftist administrations is that they just cannot help themselves when opportunity comes under the guise of ‘regulatory’ services.  Should we be surprised to see licensees being forced to accept controversial (or any specific) doctrine in order to ply their trades?

A letter from a friend who is a nurse, Abigail Nobel of Michigan Healthcare Freedom arrived.  She reports – and makes a recommendation:

Good morning!

I received an email Tuesday that began:

Dear Licensee –
The Bureau of Professional Licensing (BPL) within the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) would like to inform you that the Public Health Code – General Rules have been revised which will require implicit bias training for your profession, effective June 1, 2022.

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(0)

Bailey Deperno Presser

Traverse City press conference held as clock continues to tick in Michigan election manipulation case

On Friday, Michigan attorney Matt Deperno’s law office was broken into.

Nothing was taken, and speculation that it might have actually been government agents involved was probably fueled by that fact.  It did nothing however, to prevent Deperno from meeting his client – Bill Bailey for a Noon time press conference at the local American legion.

Bailey and DePerno are hoping for good news out of Circuit Court Judge Elsenheimer tomorrow.  Interestingly, the Michigan Secretary of state’s office released some damning information in a FOIA response Friday as well. The new information reveals that there was a statewide July effort to eliminate the saving of ballot images for the 2020 general election, opening up the doors to election fraud and increasing the difficulty of discovery and true forensic audits.

It’s a mess folks.  there is nothing about the 2020 election that can be trusted.- Fortunately, Bailey and Deperno both appear to be committed to taking this to what ever level it must go in the courts in an attempt to right the wrong that was the 2020 election.

Below is a video culled from Facebook of the presser.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(2)

Trump Statement On Michigan Legislature

The (Real) President is not wrong.

– May 7, 2021 –

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

At 6:31 in the morning on November 4th, a dump of 149,772 votes came in to the State of Michigan. Biden received 96% of those votes and the State miraculously went to him. Has the Michigan State Senate started their review of the Fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020 yet, or are they about to start? If not, they should be run out of office. Likewise, at 3:42 in the morning, a dump of 143,379 votes came in to the state of Wisconsin, also miraculously, given to Biden. Where did these “votes” come from? Both were State Election changing events, and that is on top of the other corruption without even including the fact that neither state got Legislative approval, which is required under the United States Constitution.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)