Presented as-is but..

Presented as-is but..
Candidate Paul Mitchell will have to rely on his advertisements to convince voters of his capability.
He was a no show with an ailing family member reason for not attending. For those of you who know how to do math, this may not come as a surprise. – According to reports, approximately 200 attended.
Enjoy the show.
If I had my Druthers, the best man for a seat in Congress is the guy willing to take a few arrows, and guard the purse a little better than all those before him. (or her)
There are certain folk who I have no question would be outstanding legislators, yet cannot muster the financial resources enough to pay for 30 seconds of air time. They have a great message that resonates with constitutional types. Those folks have a clear understanding of this ‘Republic’ we are a part of. One of them is THIS guy whom I personally believe is as solid a conservative as they come.
Then there are OTHERS who certainly have the resources, but no history, and frankly seem to have no message other than “I am a conservative” (and play an accordion, shoot crossbows, etc.) Yeah, One particular guy has CASH, and piles of it to work with. And anyone who thinks money can’t fake out Republicans in primary elections has never heard of Rick Snyder.
There is an another candidate who has impressed the wife of Russell Kirk, author of “the Conservative Mind” sufficiently, that she has written an op-ed endorsement exclusive for RightMi.Com
Truth be told, THAT gun has probably never been fired.
Michigan is indeed a sportsman’s paradise.
Naturally, the coveted NRA scoring and endorsement will be flaunted by would-be Michigan politicos who want an edge up on their opponents. In the strange circumstance however, the NRA has been rewarding legislative support for ammo registration in Michigan yet is fighting it in California.
Go figure.
Yes, in Michigan, several legislators are being punished by the NRA scoring process for voting against a package of bills designed to ‘Keep ammo out of the hands of felons.’ Certainly the NRA is acting responsibly, right? Until you carefully think through what it takes to enforce such an act.
Lets consider what the NRA uses as legislative candidate scoring criteria first.
A+: A legislator with not only an excellent voting record on all critical NRA issues, but who has also made a vigorous effort to promote and defend the Second Amendment.
A: Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.
AQ: A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate’s responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.
B: A generally pro-gun candidate. However, a “B” candidate may have opposed some pro-gun reform or supported some restrictive legislation in the past.
D: An anti-gun candidate who usually supports restrictive gun control legislation and opposes pro-gun reforms. Regardless of public statements, can usually be counted on to vote wrong on key issues.
Emphasis in bold.
A few Nights ago, we had the pleasure of a visit in Traverse City by Dr Rob Steele for a visit with Representative Greg MacMaster, a talk on the ACA and health care in general.
Dr. Steele has a place up in this neck of the woods, and is quite at home in his home away from the Peoples Republic of Ann Arbor. In 2010, Dr. Steele came as close to victory as any have over congressman John Dingell; holding Dingell to his lowest percentage of votes in his 55-year career in Congress. He is again pursuing a spot as U of M Regent.
In any event, we recorded his presentation. Enjoy.
The Tea Party Express is one of those PAC groups that knows how to throw a party.
Typically they will show up for Tea Type Republican candidates in congressional races, put on a performance, and raise money for advertising and campaign ‘assistance.’ Our own experiences in Michigan have certainly been colored by their visits to our communities, and in Traverse City in 2010, we pulled off a 2200 plus person event that was able to celebrate the departure announcement of Democrat congressman Bart Stupak.
We now know they are looking at State Representative Tom McMillin who properly represents traditional conservative views; those most deeply held by most in the ‘Tea’ movement. An Email blast from the TPX advertises their discussion:
“In this week’s “On the Campaign Trail” podcast, we are joined by Tom McMillin. Tom discusses his campaign for U.S. Congress in Michigan’s 8th district where he hopes to fill the vacant seat left by retiring Republican Mike Rogers.“
Tom’s discussion with the TPX is on audio here.
None to worry about folks.
Unless you are paying attention. From
“RICHMOND, Va. — Some 6.9 million Americans are registered to vote in two or more states, according to a report obtained by
“Our nation’s voter rolls are a mess,” says Catherine Engelbrecht, president of the election-watch group True The Vote.
“Sensible approaches to roll maintenance are fought tooth and nail by radical special interests who can use the duplicity in the system to their advantage,” she said.
The latest interstate voter cross check tallied 6,951,484 overlapping voter registrations, and they’re just the tip of the iceberg.”
As the progressives deny the need for pictured ID, the potential for distorted elections is a powerful threat. I am glad we have SOS Ruth Johnson on the ball here in Michigan.
"It is my estimation that it was not necessary to place anything on the ballot to allow the reduction of that tax." Rose Bogaert WCTA
It’s seemed all too easy for this to almost slip right by, unquestioned as we fight our local political battles..
Folks have been trying to figure out the impact of proposal one. The complicated gobbledygook language contained in multiple bills as a part of PA 80 has not helped, and the question remains: “Why is it necessary to have the voters act to ‘reduce’ taxes?” Before we as a state vote on ANYTHING, it ought to be at least reasonably explained.
Indeed, I don’t know anyone who likes the personal property tax, but will the ‘devil we know’ be replaced by one even more destructive? Rose Bogaert, of the Wayne County Taxpayers Association lays it out:
Proposal 1
The amendatory act adopted by the Legislature would:
I want to state that the Personal Property Tax is a horrible tax and a burden to business and employment. If I were to say to the average taxpayer that their stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer and any other appliance or furniture were all subject to personal property tax for 10 years after purchase with a reduction each year for depreciation, we would have a revolt.
U.S. Congress candidate, Alan Arcand (R-Iron River) will be attending a mixer-style fundraiser hosted Friday, June 27th at Streeters in Traverse City, Michigan from 6:00pm to 8:00pm.
Arcand is challenging incumbent Dan Benishek for Michigan’s First Congressional District.
An hors d’oeuvre buffet and cash bar will be available at the event. Yard signs and campaign literature will be available for personal use or local distribution. The event is intended to give the public an opportunity to meet Alan and learn about his views and ask questions.
Donations in any amount will be gratefully accepted but NOT required.
Pack the room!
To learn more visit
Heads I win Tails You Lose. Now Go Ahead And Flip That Coin.
du·plic·i·ty [doo-plis-i-tee]
noun, plural du·plic·i·ties
deceitfulness in speech or conduct, as by speaking or acting in two different ways to different people concerning the same matter; double-dealing. Synonyms: deceit, deception, dissimulation, fraud, guile, hypocrisy, trickery. Antonyms: candidness, directness, honesty, straightforwardness.
Wayne Schmidt hemmed and hawed during the debate lead up in the right to work fight. As I was bringing a measure before our county commission to promote it, he was declaring it dead on arrival. The measure simply called for Representative Schmidt and Senator Walker to support and move forward the Freedom to Work (right to work) legislation that was ultimately passed in late 2012.
Instead of embracing it or endorsing right to work, Schmidt would repeat the mantra that “its not a good time;” something that did not make any sense of course, as a full Republican majority in all areas of Michigan government is a rare occurrence. If THAT was not a good time, what is?