

Looking at NOTA a little differently.

election-sheetDecision making can sometimes be extraordinarily trying.

On a personal note, this election cycle has left me as uninterested as I have ever been in who wins the day in far too many races.  Try as I might, looking for the half full glass choice escapes any reasonable satisfactory result.  Even by leaving a selection blank, it seems as if we cannot do enough to record our dissatisfaction with the choices made available to us. In fact, In 1980, the Canadian rock band Rush, reminded us

“If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice”

But even that ‘choice’ eludes us as an effective solution.

Local (Northern Michigan) writer Tom Kachadurian offers some thoughts worth considering.

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Hogwash: An American Pig Tale Theater Showing Oct 6


The Michigan DNR ruled certain pigs feral and dangerous.

A Free family event in Beaverton MI!

The following popped into my in-box this morning:

“Remember our friends Mark and Jill Baker, Baker’s Green Acres, “feral” pigs, “floppy ears – erect ears”, “curly tails – straight tails”, $700,000 fine!  2 1/2 years of game playing, threats, interruption of a farm’s commerce, hearing cancellations, Dirty “Harry”, my goodness we could fill the page . .  .

Well, the story is out, it’s good and YOU need to see it.  Grab your family, your friends and join us for a viewing.

When:  7:00 p.m., Oct. 6, 2014 (doors open at 6:30)

Where:  Beaverton Gem Theater, 120 Ross St., Beaverton MI  48612

Following the movie, Mark will be available for a “question and answer” segment.  Is there anything about the story that you’ve always wondered but haven’t had the opportunity to ask? Monday, the 6th, will be your opportunity. 

There is no cost for admission.  A free will donation will be collected following the movie and “q & a”.  There will be concessions available.  Please no outside food or drink.”

There will likely be take-home copies available as well.

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Weekend Reader

logo-sphereBill Johnson – Chasing Redevelopment Rainbows Without a change in the way Detroit leadership thinks, ‘promise zone’ funding is throwing resources away.

AFP Michigan – ‘Frugal Ads’ Factually questionable.

RTLMI Blog – Filthy Abortionist Actually I thought My title was better.

Spellchek – Islamist Terrorism Strikes The Heartland of America  Two things: Radical Islam = BAD, Armed folks = GOOD.

FedUp USA – Classical Capitalism turned Crony Capitalism Given our state has more than its share of cronyists., well..

Watchdog Wire –
Talk Like a Pirate Day? – Part Time legislature anyone?

The Shekel – Post Office Does It Again – And we wonder why they are perpetually in the red? (no really we don’t)

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Gosh! They Ask

OK Teach. This is what your dues pay for.

Why is the MEA losing members hand over fist?

Could it be because even sans a single debate between Gary Peters and Terri Lynn Land, they pick Peters; the Democrat?  And without a hug fest tournament with Rick Snyder and Mark Schauer, they choose to embrace The Democrat over the fake Republican.  And lacking a single face to face political death match between Democrat Phil Belfy and ..um liberal, Wayne Schmidt, the choice is Democrat.  Even Jerry Cannon, a Democrat, gets the love while Republican Dan Benishek is strangely absent from the MEA ‘preferred’ collection below.


The Traverse City MEA office adorned with signs of a singular political plank

Naw..  The appearance of the MEA office as a branch office of the local Democrat party is purely coincidental.

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Sure. Why Not?

Conservatives may have a choice in the 11th Congressional district after all.

Kerry_BentivolioNothing says I love you like “I’m not going anywhere, thank you very much.”

David Trott has a few extra bucks lying around I am sure.  The foreclosure king’s self funded primary netted him a win over under-financed Kerry Bentivolio in the August primary.  But what the heck, Kerry still has signs, and is an incumbent congressman.  Its not a stretch to say that he COULD pull off a write in win, if people can learn how to spell B-E-N-T-I-V-O-L-I-O in time for the general election.

MLIVE is reporting:

He told MIRS on Monday that he and his family will write in his name on the ballot in November and that he is still considering filing for an official write-in campaign.

Write-in candidates in Michigan have until Oct. 21 to file declaration of intent forms for the November election.

“I’m trying to decide whether to send my opponent a congratulations or receipt for the purchase of the 11th Congressional District,” Bentivolio told MIRS.

This guy is OK in my book.

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This Guy Has Apparently Seen Michigan Politics

There is a reason current tracking has Snyder and 'shady' Schauer in a statistical dead heat.

GOP-SplitRick Manning of Net Right Daily echoes current political CW accurately.

We have seen the efforts of the current GOP powers more strongly attacking the conservative base than attacking progressive ideology in Michigan.  It also seems to be a nationwide condition.  Writing in today’s lead NRD article touching primarily on Immigration, Manning points out that Republicans have remained the party most likely to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  He writes:

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Ugh. Must We Drag Her Across?

Because her handlers don't know how to message, and her pandering isn't being bought.

underwearhead2_old_photoOf the two, only one of them has voted to socialize medicine.

Peters was there. He saw, and he rolled the Marxist dice.  Yet somehow there is even a question?

Folks, he voted For Obamacare. Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For

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