
Sure. Why Not?

Conservatives may have a choice in the 11th Congressional district after all.

Kerry_BentivolioNothing says I love you like “I’m not going anywhere, thank you very much.”

David Trott has a few extra bucks lying around I am sure.  The foreclosure king’s self funded primary netted him a win over under-financed Kerry Bentivolio in the August primary.  But what the heck, Kerry still has signs, and is an incumbent congressman.  Its not a stretch to say that he COULD pull off a write in win, if people can learn how to spell B-E-N-T-I-V-O-L-I-O in time for the general election.

MLIVE is reporting:

He told MIRS on Monday that he and his family will write in his name on the ballot in November and that he is still considering filing for an official write-in campaign.

Write-in candidates in Michigan have until Oct. 21 to file declaration of intent forms for the November election.

“I’m trying to decide whether to send my opponent a congratulations or receipt for the purchase of the 11th Congressional District,” Bentivolio told MIRS.

This guy is OK in my book.

You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(4)

This Guy Has Apparently Seen Michigan Politics

There is a reason current tracking has Snyder and 'shady' Schauer in a statistical dead heat.

GOP-SplitRick Manning of Net Right Daily echoes current political CW accurately.

We have seen the efforts of the current GOP powers more strongly attacking the conservative base than attacking progressive ideology in Michigan.  It also seems to be a nationwide condition.  Writing in today’s lead NRD article touching primarily on Immigration, Manning points out that Republicans have remained the party most likely to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  He writes:

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Ugh. Must We Drag Her Across?

Because her handlers don't know how to message, and her pandering isn't being bought.

underwearhead2_old_photoOf the two, only one of them has voted to socialize medicine.

Peters was there. He saw, and he rolled the Marxist dice.  Yet somehow there is even a question?

Folks, he voted For Obamacare. Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For Obamacare Voted For

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(1)

Founding Fathers & Mothers Dinner

September 14, 2014 at 6pm is the date for the Founding Fathers & Mothers dinner to benefit the Constitution Celebration.

The annual Founding Fathers & Mother dinner is upon us.

Annually, we gather to celebrate the anniversary of the constitution (September 17) on the Sunday immediately following or preceding the date itself.  We also announce our “Grand Defender” award winner; a person selected from three or four constitutional defenders from the preceding year.

Tickets are available @ $35 for adults and $15 for children 5-12.  The proceeds benefit the constitution celebration projects, one of which is the bringing of the VietNam Moving Wall to the Grand Traverse region.  Complete info is on the pdf by clicking the image below.


You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Bridgewalk Timelapse

Labor Day 2012 from the office of Michigan's department of propaganda.

Because it gave me an opportunity to point out something notable.

The MDOT appears to be better at producing video than it is in maintaining our road infrastructure.

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(1)

More Than You Might Be Led To Believe

A great deal of support on the floor of the GOP convention in Novi Michigan for challenger Nakagiri

“I appreciate your enthusiasm” Says Candace Miller as the 300 Nakagiri volunteers do the sign walk.

There were so many, that the next nomination was delayed a moment. (yeah THAT’s the ticket) Truthfully, the video camera work was a little sloppy because I was looking around trying to gauge how many Snyder/Calley supporters were sporting new trouser cookies.  As we have known for a week however, signs unfortunately don’t equal votes.

It was just plain fun as a people watcher however. As a takeaway, we don’t have to think there are no folks actively seeking to better the party. We are NOT alone, nor are we done yet. 

Please enjoy the video.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(1)

And On Monday

New Minimum Wage for Michigan Employees Kicks in .. and

We slide a little deeper into the fiery pit of progressivism

Because everyone knows that ALL employers are filthy rich.

Because everyone knows that ALL employers are filthy rich.

Beginning September 1, 2014, Michigan employers will face an increase in the minimum wage rate from $7.40 to $8.15. The first rate increase since Granholm jacked employers in 2008, this new change to state law marks the beginning of a gradual 25 percent increase of the minimum wage resulting in $9.25 per hour by 2018. The State of Michigan makes new online resources available at www.Michigan.gov/miosha to help workers and employers face the facts as the new rate takes effect.

On May 27, 2014 the ‘Workforce Opportunity Wage Act,’ Public Act 138 of 2014 (Act 138), took immediate effect replacing the Michigan Minimum Wage and Overtime Act (Act 154).  Act 138 is enforced by the Wage and Hour Program within the Technical Services Division of the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA).  And we know No-One enforces like MIOSHA.

Act 138 applies to employers in Michigan that have two or more employees age 16 and older.  A copy of Act 138, along with guidelines and the required poster may be downloaded from the Wage and Hour Program website.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(1)

Thursday Around Michigan

Plenty to talk about before the weekend.

logo-sphereThere is a lot of chatter still going on regarding the convention results, campaign polling, and Frank Foster peddling destructive behavior as a ‘civil right’ throughout the house to those who will cosponsor it.

Before our convention in Grand Traverse County, some of us were advised to video tape the proceedings to prevent shenanigans.  Fortunately, we nipped the chair election in the bud, and any screw ups were honest and dealt with properly. (I have never seen a convention go perfectly as planned.)  Ottawa County apparently had some issues.

West Michigan Politics – Ottawa County GOP Chaos: Meekhof + Huizenga Involved? What You Need To Know & The Follow up

And while we all are arguing among ourselves, the heir to the heavily taxpayer subsidized fortune is ‘crankin.’

Channel 7 (WXYZ) – Ronald Illitch Arrested, snorts equivalent to Detroit property tax revenues.

Folks have until Oct 30 to file as a write in for the Nov 4 election. Is Greg MacMaster going to play spoiler or could he pull it off? (above my pay grade)

Antrim County Republicans – MacMaster Considering Write-in Campaign for 37th State Senate – Gongwer News Service

Peters is being accused of hypocrisy for paying women less and being a part of the group that has jammed the Lilly Ledbetter nonsense down our throats. Forget about all that (seriously Terri, fergetaboudit) and concentrate on the workable populist nonsense.  Like the “right To Have Drinking Water!”

Washington Free Beacon – Peters Profits from Detroit Water

Rick Snyder .. well hell I am not even sure how to present this one.  Yeah, we get it, reach out to everyone (except the base)!  Good luck with that.

Allen B West – Jimmy Carter to Keynote Detroit Muslim Convention (with Rick and friends)


You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

Sunday Open Thread – After Convention Edition

Good morning. Start the conversation.

The convention is over.

west-jasonAs usual, there is much to talk about as those of us who attend, rest up, decompress, etc.   Snyder got his ‘conservative’ to run with again, the U of M regent race mixed it up a little differently than some might have expected, and there is a renewed impetus to get behind Terri Lynn Land.

A quick summary of my own thoughts

  • Snyder-Calley yuck ticket.  Missed opportunity and a race to watch (shades of Romney; w/6 million sitting on hands) in disappointment.
  • Land moved to top of ticket and should stay away from embracing the homophile agenda or risk losing remaining conservatives.
  • Ruth Johnson is still THIS VOTER’s top of ticket.
  • U of M ticket construct may have made it possible for MiGOP to win Regent races as well as assist in higher ups (reverse coattails)
  • Sakwa Foster Ticket may even do well this time.

I will try to elaborate tonight or tomorrow.


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