
Free And Open Markets OR Enforcement Of Contract?

How should the press release by Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette be taken?

Bill-SchuetteOne would think that a member of the party supporting ‘free and open markets’ would be inclined to liberate those same markets.

Yet recently and not for the first time, the Michigan Attorney General’s office has investigated, and prosecuted privately-held businesses for responding to demand and availability in ways they felt were necessary.  Using taxpayer dollars, the AG’s office obtained a $500,000 settlement from a provider of propane, because that business raised its prices.

Though some of the investigation had legitimate reason to happen (established deals were not being honored), the underlying premise that the AG’s office presents is one that seemingly panders to the “its just not fair” crowd. When Schuette says :

“I’m happy we can put money back into the wallets of hard-working families who paid steep prices to heat their homes last winter while already trying to make ends meet.”

He is not saying he is “happy to provide enforcement of contract”

THAT is a problem.  Its not the job of the Michigan Attorney General to make sure pricing is fair.  Its not the Job of the Office of the Attorney General to ensure people can afford their utilities or everyday needs. Its definitely not Bill Schuette’s job to “put money back into the wallets” of those he deems to have been victimized by a brutally cold winter, or those who must provide the resources to deal with it.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(4)

Real Civil Rights Leadership

Can there be a comparison to Jim Crow and the behavioral based desire for special treatment by LGBT?

Outstanding courage on display in Lansing yesterday (H/T Stacy Swimp)

A generous crowd of pastors and ministers as well as others who see the fight for forced ‘equality’ under the guise of civil rights to be not only wrong, but dangerous to real civil rights and equality reforms.

The legislature would be making a grave mistake by enabling more of the family and liberty destroying agenda through the LGBT desired changes to the Elliot Larsen civil rights act.  By forcing one group to accept another group’s behavior or face punishment is an affront to our constitutionally protected liberties.

Credit is due to those who take this seriously enough to stand up and face its evil.

Thank you and God bless.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

And In The Meantime

Bill Schuette's office hard on private business for raising rates, but larger permanent rate increases ignored?

Attorney_General_Bill_Schuette_410797_7A press release today alerts us of a major strike against ‘energy price terrorism’ in Michigan’s winter wonderland!

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette’s office says:

 Attorney General Bill Schuette today announced his Corporate Oversight Division has secured more than $500,000 for approximately 5,600 Michigan propane consumers to resolve customer complaints against AmeriGas concerning propane-pricing issues during last winter’s heating season. This settlement marks a key development in his ongoing investigation into hundreds of consumer complaints related to propane pricing and delivery during the 2013-2014 winter season.

“Cooler autumn weather means many Michigan families are already anxious about upcoming heating bills,” Schuette observed. “I’m happy we can put money back into the wallets of hard-working families who paid steep prices to heat their homes last winter while already trying to make ends meet.”

Put that money back!

Oh, and in the meantime, after beating up the suppliers who might just run out of propane or fail to deliver due to cost controls the NEXT harsh winter, perhaps the AG can turn his attention to the real villains; The EPA, and the Obama administration, which is turning up the heat on all of the UP ratepayers through unconstitutional environmental badgering of our utilities.

Oh, and don’t let Levin and Stabenow fool you in the link above.  Destroying the middle class and depopulating the UP is their life’s work as much as anyone’s.


You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Glenn Opponent Applauded Legislative Malfeasance

Joan Brausch applauds legislative abandonment in Wisconsin while a spokesman for occupy, THEN denies she was a spokesman.

Brausch-wowJoan Brausch should be a NASCAR driver.

The Democrat candidate for Michigan’s 98th house seat would have voters believe she wasn’t a spokesman for the ‘occupy’ movement. Apparently she has been running the left turn at high velocity for so long, that the centrifugal force has drawn all the blood from the left hemisphere of her brain.

A Facebook posting denying involvement as leadership in the occupy contradicts with video evidence.

Of course, the “American Dream” group she founded might well be true also.

Considering who ALSO organized an ‘American Dream Movement’ on or about the same time, its very possible she was a part of that.

“In 2011, Jones worked with MoveOn.org to launch the Rebuild the Dream campaign, which was intended to start a progressive American Dream movement

I suppose linking to communists while denying her local ‘occupy’ suckers sends a signal she is willing to toss aside a few nobodies to advance a hardened ‘progressive’ agenda.

Even as she is afraid to debate and suffer an inevitable crush through unassailable logic and common sense by Republican Gary Glenn.

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)


Looking at NOTA a little differently.

election-sheetDecision making can sometimes be extraordinarily trying.

On a personal note, this election cycle has left me as uninterested as I have ever been in who wins the day in far too many races.  Try as I might, looking for the half full glass choice escapes any reasonable satisfactory result.  Even by leaving a selection blank, it seems as if we cannot do enough to record our dissatisfaction with the choices made available to us. In fact, In 1980, the Canadian rock band Rush, reminded us

“If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice”

But even that ‘choice’ eludes us as an effective solution.

Local (Northern Michigan) writer Tom Kachadurian offers some thoughts worth considering.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(1)

Hogwash: An American Pig Tale Theater Showing Oct 6


The Michigan DNR ruled certain pigs feral and dangerous.

A Free family event in Beaverton MI!

The following popped into my in-box this morning:

“Remember our friends Mark and Jill Baker, Baker’s Green Acres, “feral” pigs, “floppy ears – erect ears”, “curly tails – straight tails”, $700,000 fine!  2 1/2 years of game playing, threats, interruption of a farm’s commerce, hearing cancellations, Dirty “Harry”, my goodness we could fill the page . .  .

Well, the story is out, it’s good and YOU need to see it.  Grab your family, your friends and join us for a viewing.

When:  7:00 p.m., Oct. 6, 2014 (doors open at 6:30)

Where:  Beaverton Gem Theater, 120 Ross St., Beaverton MI  48612

Following the movie, Mark will be available for a “question and answer” segment.  Is there anything about the story that you’ve always wondered but haven’t had the opportunity to ask? Monday, the 6th, will be your opportunity. 

There is no cost for admission.  A free will donation will be collected following the movie and “q & a”.  There will be concessions available.  Please no outside food or drink.”

There will likely be take-home copies available as well.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)

Weekend Reader

logo-sphereBill Johnson – Chasing Redevelopment Rainbows Without a change in the way Detroit leadership thinks, ‘promise zone’ funding is throwing resources away.

AFP Michigan – ‘Frugal Ads’ Factually questionable.

RTLMI Blog – Filthy Abortionist Actually I thought My title was better.

Spellchek – Islamist Terrorism Strikes The Heartland of America  Two things: Radical Islam = BAD, Armed folks = GOOD.

FedUp USA – Classical Capitalism turned Crony Capitalism Given our state has more than its share of cronyists., well..

Watchdog Wire –
Talk Like a Pirate Day? – Part Time legislature anyone?

The Shekel – Post Office Does It Again – And we wonder why they are perpetually in the red? (no really we don’t)

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(1)

Gosh! They Ask

OK Teach. This is what your dues pay for.

Why is the MEA losing members hand over fist?

Could it be because even sans a single debate between Gary Peters and Terri Lynn Land, they pick Peters; the Democrat?  And without a hug fest tournament with Rick Snyder and Mark Schauer, they choose to embrace The Democrat over the fake Republican.  And lacking a single face to face political death match between Democrat Phil Belfy and ..um liberal, Wayne Schmidt, the choice is Democrat.  Even Jerry Cannon, a Democrat, gets the love while Republican Dan Benishek is strangely absent from the MEA ‘preferred’ collection below.


The Traverse City MEA office adorned with signs of a singular political plank

Naw..  The appearance of the MEA office as a branch office of the local Democrat party is purely coincidental.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(1)