
Reminder – August 02

30 Second Script:

Are your rights being slowly eroded?
Can you trust your government?
Why have you not been allowed to build your dream home?
What authority do foreign nations have over you?
What does the UN have to do with your local planning board?

Find out why Property Rights and Liberty MUST come first August 2nd at the Great wolf lodge in Traverse City.

For tickets to this four hour event with acclaimed property rights expert Tom Deweese and constitutional scholar KrisAnne Hall, go to event.grow.tc thats event.grow.tc

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Good for the gooses, good for the Michi-gander ..or something.

falconsWhy does the guy falcon get the normal name?

Why even bother?   A new set of pigeon eaters has apparently been hatched at a government bridge. The government people tagged em so they could keep track and all that.  New AKAs as well:

“In addition to their leg bands, the peregrine chicks received names Tuesday: the females are Jasina, Dwaynette and Q, while the lone male is named Frank.”

I’ll leave it to you all to figure out which one is the gander.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

CAIR Hit List Updated In May

Conservative patriot Dave Agema still on the list.

Dave-bannerMichigan’s Dave Agema referenced the ‘list’ during a recent appearance in Troy, MI.

Rock solid traditionalist, decorated veteran and American conservative Agema, is apparently still living rent free in the penthouse suite of the minds of those who would radically alter this nation.   The ‘list’ originally published in late 2014 is published by CAIR ostensibly to identify “Islamophobic Individuals.” Arguably, the list is a ‘hit’ instruction list, though CAIR denies (lies / taqiyya ) such a connection.  CAIR updated the list a few weeks ago keeping Agema on it in position 17.  (Alphabetical by first name.)

As the ‘religion of peace’ radical islam inserts itself into American culture as accepted and promoted, perhaps it would be good to ask folks if they believe that there is any compatibility of liberty with sharia law?  Perhaps even our liberal friends might consider the personal danger posed to their beloved homosexual activists?  Arguably, as seen in European nations where islamic resettlement has happened, it may only be recognized when it is too late.  Agema and many others who are on the list have been up front in their belief that sharia is not only incompatible, but is dangerous to our way of life.

CAIR’s list is clearly a call to arms for those muslims who are radicalized enough to act according to the dictates of the misrepresented political ideology masquerading as a ‘religion.’  It clarifies and targets those who move opinion effectively, and practice the incompatible-with-islam component of ‘free speech.’

H/T Dave Agema

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Because Michigan’s First Congressional District Is Supposed To Be Stupid

Its as-if this is the first term for the third term Dr. Dan Benishek

benishek-mailThe picture at the right came in this morning

When opening it, I sat for a moment snickering at the sheer audacity of the Benishek re-election team in sending such a message in the fifth year of his ‘service’ to Michigan’s CD1 voters.  Suggesting that Dan Benishek  would raise a finger to fight for us is a hoot.

“We must raise $5,000 this month to show Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats that we will be ready for the fight ahead in 2016”

Nancy Pelosi?

Gosh Dan, this is the second session in a row (third starting) where the congress has been held by Republicans.  Truly, it is terribly embarrassing that you have not figured out that the opponent is actually in the executive seat.  Its been over 4 years Doctor B, and you haven’t yet lived up to a single promise made in 2010 with regard to the ACA, immigration, and a litany of other issues where you actually have some say.

While Dr. Dan fights Pelosi and the other shadows in the halls of congress, the EPA is shutting down our power, regulating our puddles, and the Liar in chief is going to import ISIS into Michigan with the help of our worthless governor.

Way to be on guard Mr. “We don’t control the money”

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God, Country, Family.

Memorial Day - Honoring our fallen and departed.

flag-stonesToday we reflect on those who stood ready to defend this country, its ideals, and what it has promised for so long.

We give thanks to our maker for giving them to us, and in appreciation pray that they meet Him as will His people in the promise of eternal life through His name Jesus Christ.  Our nation, founded upon a Judeo-Christian basis has been the beacon of the world since it’s inception.

We honor our fallen for their loyalty, and honor, faith, and love for a nation that holds the promise of true liberty, and sanctity of family that was given and blessed by God.  Throughout times when our nation has struggled with its faith and tradition, those who fought for us and defended us remained steadfast till the time when they moved to a higher place.

Our gratitude is ongoing.

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Michigan Is On The List

Michigan is one of several states used to relocate 'refugees' from the most dangerous and corrupted nations on the earth.

Of course you all knew that.

Michigan is one of the ‘resettlement’ states used by the UN and our state department to implant refugees from the worst areas of the world. Under the auspices of humanitarianism, we are being invaded by people who carry with them the very troubles we are told they are fleeing.

Dave Agema mentions A.L.A.C. in his presentation to Michigan conservatives last Saturday. He has seen this coming and has been working with Kamal Saleem spreading the word around Michigan in the past few years. A.L.A.C. stands for American Laws for American Courts, and simply reaffirms the constitution and state laws, while preventing the very anti American aspects of Sharia from creeping into our justice system.

I was fortunate to attend one of the presentations by Kamal Saleem a couple of years ago.

It has not gotten any better since then.

Do we become Europe in a couple of decades? (Video H/T George)

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MiCPAC – Kevin Jackson

Conservative Kevin Jackson highlighted the 2015 MiCPAC this past Saturday

Want to have some fun?

We were lucky to have had Kevin Jackson speak to the conferees at the May 16 2015 MiCPAC in Troy. He lived up to the hype with a lively presentation. A heck of a nice guy so articulate that I hardly noticed he was short.

Shorter than me anyhow.


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Click It Or Ticket Force Zones Ramp Up

Never happy enough with mere taxation and over burdening regulatory efforts, state officials want to remind you who is boss.

Michigan State Police are stepping up efforts to imprint their thumbs on Michigan motorists this coming holiday weekend.

Ever since the seat belt legislation was foisted upon a gullible electorate, millions of dollars have been used to cajole, threaten, and punish drivers who have threatened no one’s safety but their own. Since the inception of the law that was NEVER meant to be a primary offense, TENS OF THOUSANDS of citizens of our great lake state have been harassed by authoritative desires of some in law enforcement, and have had their 4th amendment rights violated under the guise of suspicion that they were not properly buckled in.

From the state department of propaganda today (with commentary inserted):

May 18, 2015

Seat_Belt_Law_Graphic_-_Web_489461_7For the first time, federally funded seat belt enforcement efforts will take place in all 83 Michigan counties to help jump start an increase in seat belt use and reduce traffic deaths and injuries. Starting today through May 31, police departments, sheriff’s offices and the Michigan State Police will conduct stepped up seat belt enforcement as part of the annual Click It Or Ticket campaign.

According to Joshua, a personal injury lawyer in Peoria Az, the enhanced effort coincides with the 15th year since Michigan adopted a law allowing law enforcement officers to stop motorists for not being buckled up. According to the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, 2,659 lives have been saved since the law began in 2000 as a result of substantially higher belt use. States with primary enforcement laws have higher rates of seat belt use.

15 years of jackboot tyranny, now enhanced courtesy of an overreaching federal bureaucracy.

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