Proving once again, that Republicans can be as moronic and ignorant as Democrats
Don’t ever let your kids or the dog drive your car.
That might be a good idea if the ‘bi-farcian’ sponsors of HB5272 have their way, anyhow. On Tuesday at 9am, the Michigan House Judiciary Committee will take up testimony on House Bill 5272, which would authorize state and local police to use un-manned “photo radar” machines to issue speeding tickets on Michigan roads. Language in the bill actually says you are presumed guilty until proven innocent:
(4) In a prosecution for a violation of this section, prima facie evidence that the vehicle described in the citation issued was operated in violation of this section, together with proof that the defendant was at the time of the violation the registered owner of the vehicle, creates a rebuttable presumption that the registered owner of the vehicle was the individual who committed the violation. The presumption is rebutted if the registered owner of the vehicle files an affidavit by regular mail with the clerk of the court that he or she was not the operator of the vehicle at the time of the alleged violation or testifies in open court under oath that he or she was not the operator of the vehicle at the time of the alleged violation. The presumption also is rebutted if a certified copy of a police report, showing that the vehicle had been reported to the police as stolen before the time of the alleged violation of this section, is presented before the appearance date established on the citation. For purposes of this subsection, the owner of a leased or rented vehicle shall provide the name and address of the individual to whom the vehicle was leased or rented at the time of the violation.
Those are a couple of iffy “if” statements there comrades.
Perhaps these losers: Gary Eisen (district 81) Joseph Bellino, Gregory Markkanen, David Martin, Ben Frederick, Robert Bezotte, Pat Outman, Beth Griffin, David LaGrand, Julie Brixie might get a call or a letter from their misrepresented constituents?