Daily Archives: November 7, 2020

Absentee Ballot Backdating Fraud in Detroit

From investigative reporter John Solomon, formerly of the The Washington Post, The Washington Times, and The Hill:

Detroit city worker blows whistle, claims ballots were ordered backdated, FBI probing

The FBI is investigating allegations of election fraud in Detroit after a city worker stepped forward and claimed election workers were asked to backdate ballots that had come in after the election deadline had passed, multiple officials said.

A senior law enforcement official in Washington confirmed that an investigation was opened after the whistleblower’s concerns were forwarded from the Michigan Republican Party. “The FBI is investigating,” the official said.

GOP officials in Michigan said the whistleblower was identified and assisted by Phill Kline, the head of the Thomas More Society’s Amistad Project, which has been litigating voting disputes and irregularities across the country for months.

I doubt this would change enough votes to change the outcome of the election, but regardless this needs to be investigated, and any fraud prosecuted.

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The Democrats Attempted Coup is Failing Them BIGLY

This is just the beginning. Ignore what our local Lügenpresse is regurgitating 24/7 among themselves. The press does not decide elections.

Federal Election Commission Chair, Trey Trainor, clearly states voter fraud is taking place. Then, we have something even more dubious coming to light taking center stage.

This does indeed lead us to the biggest question of them all.

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