Former State Senator touches on real reason for continuously expanding Michigan budget.
Pat Colbeck opines on the compromises being paved in Lansing.
“What didn’t get much notice a few years back is that within months of passing a $600 million gas tax hike to ostensibly fix the roads, the state quietly passed a budget “supplemental” bill which transferred $400 million in general funds from the transportation budget to backfill potholes in Medicaid Expansion (aka Healthy Michigan or Obamacare expansion).
You see, the gas tax increase was never truly about our roads. It was about leveraging what is a hot button issue to voters (i.e. the lousy condition of our roads) so that they could have more “walking around money” for other priorities aligned with so-called “special” interests. “
Backfill for healthy Michigan.
Apparently, Medicaid expansion in Michigan is on life support. And now a great big gas tax is needed to move some more road monies into a transfusion bag.
Should we be at all surprised?