Daily Archives: October 19, 2018

Proof That Proposal 2 Cannot Work

Progressive left Democrats masquerade as Republican group to fool voters

A political action committee that is calling itself Republican Women for Progress is promoting Democrats in the general election.

Gosh, have we ever seen this happen before?    Each election cycle it is axiomatic that someone attempts to paint themselves as what they are not, in order to elect their guy (or gal).  Politics makes for great liars.

And this time they are targeting Mike Bishop and Lana Epstein.  Nothing says bipartisan feminist like targeting a Jewish woman because of the Kavanaugh hearings, the premise upon which this group was supposedly founded.

Does it surprise you that the primary funder for the group Republican Women for Progress is Reid Hoffman?  It shouldn’t.

The group’s founder Meghan Milloy was (also no surprise) previously the Chair of Republican Women for Hillary (RWFH). Incredibly, her bio also notes her ‘day job,’ something potential donors to ‘center right’ think tanks ought to note.  How long does one have to shill for the other side’s candidates before they lose any credibility in the party they pretend to support?

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