Just another Facebook warrior report.
I placed a post at Jack Bergman’s Facebook feed yesterday.
While the honorable General Bergman is likely too busy for such things, the leftist trolls are alive and well, and looking to protect the legacy of failed obamanomics. One millennial in particular, posting
Aaron Steppe http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp1613981 Don’t get it twisted”
he was of course presenting the unadulterated view of his valuable and worldly knowledge.
In this case it was a document that could not be anything but truth! In this case it was the presentation of Michigan’s Medicaid expansion plan as a savior to our economy. Intellectual gobbledygook that does what all such socialist promotions do, extol great virtue while ignoring the debit in the equation.
But as things on FB go, it became a thread unto it’s own. Complete with a few participants and the expected back and forth while academia’s trained monkey defended ‘the great leap forward.’