Daily Archives: November 25, 2014

Seems About Right

The Michigan Senate Majority Leader gives 'honest cops' a good name.

And we haven’t even started the ‘Cotton’ picking.

When we start wondering about the passage of hospital related legislation in the state senate, perhaps we simply consider the source of the new legislation to be only as old as government itself. Something as simple as power brokering through backroom deals and a few well placed donations can alter public policy.  We have seen how the $100,000 given to Jase Bolger has brought about the threat of the unthinkable changes to the Elliot Larsen Civil Rights Act.  Even now we should be looking at the reasons for our gas taxes being raised as well.

Though I disagree with bed counts and certificates of need, pushing legislation for ‘good friends’ specific projects violates the spirit of equal opportunity under the law.  Specific legislation that benefits donors as a result of donations offered, ought to be considered criminal if not already.

So when we see 2014 Senate Bill 1073 (Granting medical facility rationing exception to McLaren Health Systems Introduced by Sen. Randy Richardville (R) on September 11, 2014)  to authorize a special exception to the health care facility rationing imposed by the state’s “Certificate of Need” law?  We should be concerned.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(2)

Get Uncle Carl A Towel

Carl Levin's use of the IRS to punish his political enemies may yet see the light of day.

That man is likely sporting a sweaty brow by now.

We know Michigan’s senior US Senator, Carl Levin has had a hand in the IRS shenanigans of the last few years. Using his power as one in one hundred, he guided one of the recent criminal activities seen during the reign of this ‘administration.’

Lie No. 9: Lerner says that there was no political pressure to investigate tea-party groups. In fact, Senator Carl Levin (D., Mich.) repeatedly pressed the agency to investigate conservative groups falling under Lerner’s jurisdiction. What we have, then, is this: Under a Democratic administration, the IRS was under pressure from Democratic elected officials to investigate political enemies of the Democratic party. The agency did so. Its commissioner lied to Congress about its doing so. When the inspector general’s report was about to make these abuses public, the agency staged a classic Washington Friday news rollout at a sleepy American Bar Association tax-law conference, hoping to minimize the bad publicity. Lerner lied to the public about the nature, scope, and extent of the IRS intimidation campaign.”

It came as no surprise that he would bail out of his current seat before the fire is turned up too high.

His Letter of 072712,  May only provide cover (though showing a significant aggressive stance towards tax exempts) for the underlying pressure he was putting on IRS officials to directly target conservative organizations which carry the 501(c)4 designation.  There is now the possibility that more of his involvement comes to light, and that records thought to be lost forever, have now turned up.

Bill Still talks about a recent discovery of Lois Lerner emails found conveniently AFTER the elections.

We’ll be waiting for the media dump right here.

H/T Stephanie at FedUpUSA





You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(1)