The War on drugs must end: not working, causes violence, started in racism, many drugs have medical uses, and it just plain costs too much.
First, let me talk about me for a moment. I consider myself a Republican. I am a precinct delegate, a member of the Ingham County Republican Executive Committee, and a frequent delegate/alternate to State Republican Conventions. Let me also say this: I don’t smoke pot. By that I mean, I tried it — once. It wasn’t for me. I have seen people who have been addicted to it and them getting admitted in Addiction treatment center delray beach. I don’t judge people who do. It could be completely legal and I don’t see myself partaking in it. Point being, I’m hardly a stoner or a druggy: I don’t have a dog in this fight.
So, that’s me. Now to the issue: we need to end prohibition. I know the headline lured you in thinking I was just talking about Marijuana. WRONG! I’m talking about all of it: Marijuana, Meth, Crack, Cocaine, Heroin, you name it. Why? Let me lay out a few reasons.
1. The War on Drugs Simply isn’t Working!
Yep, that’s right, the war has been going on for decades and we are losing, folks. Back in the early 1900’s, when there was no prohibition the percentage of the population that used what we now consider to be illegal drug as compared to now was actually less. Trillions of dollars spent on the war — how can this be?!?!
By continuing prohibition, you’re actually making an incentive for people to push drugs and I mean push them hard. If these things are a commodity you can buy at any corner store, the profit margin on this stuff is going to be lower — much, much lower. Right now there is a huge profit margin which makes opportunity for adventuring black market entrepreneurs. With a lower profit margin, these things become far less profitable to “push” on a person to person basis.