Put down the muscatel.
Lets hear a story over a stiff shooter.
@RepGaryPeters: We must act to prevent student loan rates from doubling July 1. Find out how an increase would affect MI families: Uhhhh… .
Gary Peters Voted Against A Bill To Extend A Lower Rate For Student Loans. “Passage of the bill that would tie student loan interest rates to the 10-year Treasury note rate. Interest rates on all federal student loans (except Perkins loans) issued on or after July 1, 2013 would be set each year at the 10-year Treasury note plus 2.5 percent. Rates for graduate and parent PLUS loans would be set at the 10-year note plus 4.5 percent. Overall interest rates would be capped at 8.5 percent and 10.5 percent, respectively.” (H.R. 1911, CQ Vote #183: Passed 221-198: R 217-8; D 4-190, 5/23/13, Peters Voted Nay)
If Gary Peters was actually worried about student loan rates, why did he oppose a bill to prevent the rates from doubling for Michigan students and then hide it from voters?