Yet another good argument for a part-time legislature.
“I signed on to this bill because it was presented to me as something to protect the safety of children,” Sen. Jones continued.
That is perhaps one of the dumbest walk-backs I’ve seen in a long, long time. Hello? Who was the sponsor of the bill? Senator Jones, your village called the offices of looking for their missing idiot. Please return to your district ASAP.
You Betcha!
(26)Nuh Uh.

This is nothing more than another money grab for Lansing. We should not be spied on constantly by big brother. How about we put GPS sensors on the legislators so we can see where they are and which lobbyist they are with. This would help us realize how few days they really spend in session as well. I don't think they'd like it. I don't like this at all, but they would make good pellet gun targets.
Mr. Agema, that is only the tip of the iceberg.
I give you:
Exhibit "A"
Exhibit "B"
Exhibit "C"
And that is only for starters...
Not so fast....