So, I just wanted to take a few moments to do a quick down and dirty update for everyone on how tonight’s Presidential Debate Crawl put on by the Michigan Conservative Coalition, went in Novi.
I’m going to toss in a few additional notes on some things that I’ve observed as well as a few more upcoming events.
{More details below the fold}
First off, things went well.
Very well, even by the organizers own numbers.
Not even an hour into the event, they had announced they were anticipating only around 150 people that evening. By that time, 300 people had arrived and even more were coming into the door (it was standing room only around the bar). The debate wasn’t set to begin for at least two more hours and they even ran out of wings. 🙁
People were in a generally festive mood talking, taking pictures and posing with “Trump”, especially when they had various candidates for office in Oakland County ask to speak before the crowd.
By about 8:00pm people were starting to work their way over to the Emagine Theater (literally around the corner) to get their seats and continue socializing.
This was the first part of the evening that caught my eye.
Yes, the City of Novi had assigned two squad cars to monitor our activities.
Inside of the theater, the police were friendly, the staff were gracious and everyone in attendance was continuing to have a good time.
And remember that 300 number I mentioned earlier? Well, a few more people had arrived since then. The theater was packed before the debate started.
Things didn’t start to get raucous until Fox News put “Beavis & Butt-Head” on the air just before the start of the debate. Let’s just say that “Butt-Head’s” comments about Trump not being very forthcoming with the media didn’t exactly sit too well with the crowd that evening.
A little after Nine, things got started, and so did the crowd (in a good way).
I haven’t had an opportunity to attending a viewing part for several years now, so it was a nice for a change to watch something as it was happening live (instead of recorded earlier) along with other Conservatives.
HiLIARy got jeered and booed numerous times through the night. Mostly at her suggestion of “Common Sense” gun control and her inability to recall her own failures while in her previous positions.
Trump got cheers (obviously) numerous times that night, especially when, against his legal team’s advice, he will offer to turn over his tax returns once HRC publicly releases all 33,000 of her “missing” e-mails.
At the end of the night they made a few announcements.
Tomorrow (now today…September 27th), there will be another Trump flash mob being coordinated by the Michigan Conservative Coalition. A link for these events across Michigan can be found here.
Friday (September 30th), at 6:30pm at the Suburban Collection in Novi, Trump will be making another Michigan appearance. Only the time and date were announced. I didn’t get any additional info.
OABTW, on my way out, I was able to pick up a “Make America Great Again” hat. No one else had the color I’ve been looking for, so I took that as a good sign and made my donation on the way out of the theater with my new hat.
On the way out to the lot, I remembered reading about an earlier post relating to a candidate (who shall not be named), who used a shoddy foreign made hat to promote his campaign.
Just out of curiosity, I flipped the hat over and this is what I found.
Not bad for staying on message!
One last item: Battle Cry Michigan is announcing their next gathering and networking event at the Soaring Eagle Resort & Casino in Mount Pleasant on the weekend of January 20-21, 2017.
This will be a welcome change from last year’s event at the FireKeepers Convention Center (and significant financial donor to the Proposal 1 campaign which was nuked by Michigan voters last year) held over in Battle Creek.
I’m sure that Scales will take notice of this change.
That’s all from my notes.
If there is anything that I have missed or any questions on what I’ve included, please leave me a message below.