Donald Trump will likely be our next president.
It should really come as no surprise, but due to the nature of folks holding their voting choices close to the vest, the media has seemed content to report that he is already an also-ran candidate. We know better, and so do some on the other side.
Yes, on November 8, you Joe Blow, Steve Blow, Bob Blow, Billy Blow, all the Blows get to go and blow up the whole goddamn system because it’s your right. Trump’s election is going to be the biggest ‘f*** you’ ever recorded in human history and it will feel good.
Yeah. We quoted that guy.
Truly, if in fact he gets it, all of those inbetwixt he-and-I are likely to get it too. Yes, he is now screaming it is taken out of context, and that we should all go see his movie to see why, but he identified the underlying (and rightful) angst that actually exists.
There is no doubt that Hillary Clinton is the man, the machine, the mechanization of oppression and crap policy that leaves middle America feeling like a lone protester in Tianemen square after all of the cameras are turned off.
She offers more-of-the-same. And by golly there are few, if any folks who think that is a good thing.
Especially “more” of the same.
And of course, the tried and true ‘what is the definition of insanity?’ question comes in two parts. The first part of doing the same thing and expecting change is the gimme, but leaving in place the system that produces the same thing is the viral component that must be recognized as a continuation of it.
Donald Trump is the wrecking ball. The political system will be changed, and hopefully forever. A win by Trump is not the best of all worlds for the political class, but certainly it is for the people; on both sides of the aisle and in all walks of life.
I have compiled a small list of those who ought to vote for Donald Trump for any number of reasons. Please feel free to pass along to those you feel might find them impactful.
The following is a number of reasons for different demographics to support Donald Trump for President.
For Detroiters
How is Obamanomics working for you?
When the current president was elected, there was a brief time where he broke out his ‘stash.’ Some of you lined up like bums to a soup kitchen to get a partial rent check, or an ‘Obama phone.’ And in the end, your city still wound up going into bankruptcy and being sold to ‘connected’ individuals who are milking the sporting team franchise opportunities.
Now Motown is being given away to settlers from a violent third world with a rabid political ideology that is incompatible with the promise that Detroit once held. Hillary (sadly, along with our own governor) wants to continue this settlement, and increase it.
Is your life better with what Hillary would continue, or is it something that should change?
For the African American
Unfortunately, there hasn’t been a Democrat in office who has lived up to the promises made to people of color.
Our major cities are a disaster, unemployment for blacks is at an all time high; even now with the first Black President. What has Hillary Clinton ever done to improve the life of blacks, other than to pander and promise more entitlements. Add to this the disrespect for life as the abortion industry crafted by Democrats targets blacks; and in particular, those who live in dense urban centers.
I am not sure how many ways we can point out that it is Hillary’s support of the murdering of black children that will forever keep them subjects of the Democrats. It is the destruction of life, the devaluing of it, and the break up of the family unit that keeps people of color dependent on a ‘benevolent’ government.
For the Feminist, or women in general
Abortion, jobs, respect.
Half of children conceived are female. Thus it is safe to assume that half of the children hacked apart in utero were potentially women, yes?
While at the same time pushing for statutes limiting a business owner’s choice in pay discretion, it is the Clinton Foundation which has paid less to its female workforce. The nearly all-male Clinton election team keeps busy keeping HRC on message so she doesn’t lose you.
Of course also, you know about the two week old accusations of Donald Trump made in the height of the election season. Can you ignore the decades of well founded accusation about Hillary destroying the reputations of those who were literally molested by her husband? Some were given financial relief by the courts. Others were left out in the cold having no proof but their word (not simply offered during an election cycle) to back up their claims.
For the Children
It takes a village to take you away from your parents.
Hillary’s America has no place for a resilient family, and your parents are secondary to the proper upbringing that a collectivist nation must give you. You are no longer an individual, but a tool to be programmed and prepared for your role (to be determined by someone – not you.) as citizen.
Look at Hillary’s one child, and Donald Trump’s many (successful) children, and ask yourself who you would rather have in charge of the nation? Chelsea recently strayed from message by questioning her family wrongdoing, and was pulled back with the leash quite harshly.
Chelsea won’t do that again.
And then (I post this cautiously, and with reservation) there is this strange use of words.
Well, maybe you thought you had a few years left.
Not really too much to say except when you were referred to the ‘palliative care’ professional, it had to hurt your feelings. Sure you might be like those friends of yours who are still around a couple decades later, with the same health needs, but you sure lucked out during the reign of Obamacare. (soon to be Hillary care)
One can look at the number of surgeons decreasing as well from 2010 to date. The population has increased by 20 million, and the number of surgeons (Note the total ‘health care professionals’ has slightly increased) has decreased.
Trump says he will repeal it. We can only hope there is time.
America’s political class should apologize.
They should get down on our knees and beg forgiveness from those who have committed themselves to the cause of our nation. By allowing Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to destroy the work done in Northern Africa, and for setting our nation up for future conflict with emboldened Islamic states they have put you in harms way.
Remember too, that the Clintons have always hated the military, and have abused it with social engineering and making them subservient to foreign officers.
It is clear that Trump will respect the Military, and not abuse the trust those who serve must have.
Two simple questions for you.
1. “Which environment is better when negotiating? One that has more opportunities and higher demand, or one with fewer?”
2. “Who do you think has created more employment opportunities, and understands how government affects it better?”
Then there is that lowering corporate taxes thing he wants to do for job creators who stay here. You gotta problem wit dat?
For the Legal Immigrant.
The value of US citizenship is minimized when all that you are leaving is allowed to come with you. The legalization process is difficult but rewarding, and provides a level of pride and ownership to your new status. Natural born citizens respect the efforts of those who enter and attain citizenship legally.
When there are people who illegally jump in front of you, and abuse the process, it results in a darker look at how immigration should be handled. Donald Trump is not against legal entry and attainment of citizenship, but prefers that we don’t allow in the dangerous people who are part of the abusive illegal entries.
The sheer numbers that showed up said your guy had the zeitgeist, the momentum, to win the nomination, and probably the whole salami Yet the very team he now pledges support for would never have allowed Bernie Sanders to have influence on policy. You were cheated, because the game is rigged, as it always will be going forward if a Hillary, or another establishment Republican were to occupy the white house starting in 2017.
Truth be told, if the race was Bernie Sanders v Donald Trump, we would be talking policy, and economics. not to mention, that reality says that the support base which carried Bernie to winnable levels was enough to easily overcome November opposition, sans any great philosophical change.
Trump would have faced a candidate who actually has convictions, backed by believers in far greater numbers.
At this time however, Trump can speak for you on a number of issues. As he already has talked about the system being rigged, and true accountability for the criminality going on, it is hard to imagine that he will make representative Democracy weaker.
Right now, you can let your Democrat masters know that they don’t win pissing down your back and telling you to watch for rain..
Or not.
To Physicians and hospital administrators
If you haven’t already figured it out, Obamacare didn’t really simplify anything.
Already the rules you must enforce has made providing necessary care more difficult. Respond in the comments if you believe I am mistaken, but even IF you currently support Hillary, my guess is that you know this to be true.
Difficulty costs money. As a matter of economics, higher costs ALWAYS increase the separation between the buyer and product sought. And as much as some would not care to have healthcare described as ‘product,’ it goes without saying that providing healthcare will have cost, no matter who is paying the bill.
Costs must be controlled to make sure that those who need healthcare have access. If we go into a single payer system as will happen under Hillary Clinton, what measures might be taken to manage those costs? Rationing? Euthanasia? Limiting of compensation to physicians and medical professionals?
And on that last, what do you suppose will happen to the market of available qualified health field workforce as restrictions increase, and promise of payoff goes away? As equal work in preparation for a career is considered, those opting to go a professional route will certainly choose the path of least resistance.
Prepare for a glut of lawyers in our nation looking for ‘rich targets.’
For the Republican. Or the Democrat.
Your party is over if Trump loses.
If Hillary Clinton wins, all trust in the party apparatus on both sides of the fence will be critically damaged. Democrats already face this as a result of Bernie Sanders supporters being cheated by the DNC and through coordination with the Clinton campaign. They might become even more resentful if the cheater actually gets away with it. Republicans however, will be asking themselves if the party only exists for the elite few who work in the shadows to select their candidates.
The elitist hold on the political parties must be broken or it will be clear that the parties themselves no longer represent the grass root elements that slave for them. Trump represents a breaking of the hold that the elitists in both parties have over the political process.
A Trump win resets the playing field. It restores the belief that motivated individuals might well have an influence in future politics. that their vote actually matters. That the system cannot get as bad as it seems right now, and stay that way.
Trust me on this.
For the Establishment folks
You might want to consider that HRC is going to fully implement single payer.
What does that mean to you, and why does it matter you ask? Perhaps when considering that the insurers were on board for the change up to this point, folks should be a little more cautious about their plans for monopolization of certain industry. Insurers might lie to themselves and pretend there will be protections extended to them for their capitulation in the government takeover of this industry, but the reality check will be when they are no longer needed, or determined irrelevant.
To gain the office necessary to give your reward, concessions to the proletariat are in order. Which of your interests will be offered up as compromise? Which of you will become less important to the elected decider as time goes on?
You might read Atlas shrugged, but I would suggest you start now, it is a long read.
For the small Business owner.
Does anyone think that the exploding personnel regulations and requirements are simply coincidental? Who truly benefits from the small mom and pop start up growth in government control?
If you are ever thinking of starting a business, then we need to bust up the incestuous relationship that exists between our jailers in government and their masters who don’t much want to compete with you.
Vote Trump.
For Christians
I am not sure that I can make as eloquent an argument as found in the following two articles.
We must remember who carries the flag of the heretic. Deciding which candidate offers the best chance of promoting values consistent with Christianity should not be that difficult.
In the first, the author sums it up this way “Please pray harder than ever regarding this election — “pray and not lose heart” (Luke 18:18a). But prayer always is followed by an act of obedience — obedience reflecting God’s will. Be sure to vote for candidates at all levels who will support and not trample the most fundamental Christian values. ”
The second piece examines from a place of perspective.
“The only people that have a right to be incensed about what they heard on that audio are the Amish, and the Amish have no electricity, so that’s that. What boggles the mind is the double standard in today’s politics. Apparently a private conversation 11 years ago trumps actual rape nowadays. Apparently the words men speak trump their actions nowadays. Apparently selling out your country and your countrymen, using a political office to practice pay for play politics, and making every political decision you’ve ever made via the prism of personal gain is not nearly as bad as something someone said eleven years ago. ”
Both should be read for the full message and context.
Afterward, take their advice.
And don’t forget it seems that she brings something a little bit evil to the white house.
For the Environmentalists
With evidence as seen here: How could you expect her to take the environment seriously?
And given the lawless nature in which the current administration operates, how might HRC’s administration prosecute those who break the law with regard to environmental concerns? We have watched power transfers for money with Hillary already, yes?
I would ask also that for once, real environmentalists answer the question about “whom might be the best provider for a healthy environment? A poor or wealthy nation?” Then look at the broader understanding of economics of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
Who really understands money, and how it works? Trump or Clinton. Could you legitimately make the argument that a Clinton presidency will actually represent conservation or healthier environments?
For the ‘Alternate’ lifestyle folks
You had best pay attention to whom it is that represents a real threat to your life and liberty.
Unchecked immigration is not your friend right now. As those who are insufficiently vetted arrive from the ‘old world’ middle East, you might ask who it is, that has actually hung, or thrown fellow human beings off of roof tops for their born-this-way behavior.
Here is a clue: It was not the Republicans.
HRC wants to increase the importation of this especially intolerant class of people.
For the Libertarians
Trump is your Guy.
He supports legal access to medical marijuana, and he believes states should be able to set their own marijuana policies with regard to adult use. Constitutionally, he says states are the ones to craft policy on this. This is as correct an answer as ANYONE who actually believes in the constitution can expect.
Then there is the issue of intervening. Intervention in the affairs of foreign states has long been the bane of Libertarians. Understand that with a Hillary presidency, you will see the continued policies of Obama, who has been more of an destabilizing force than Bush, and also a return to Bill Clinton policies which fed US soldiers to UN whims ala eastern Europe.
As for the border and trade, understand the nuances are significant given the nature of Hillary.
Hillary wants open and unchecked borders. Yes understandably the Libertarian might as well, but it is not practical and has economic consequence that is contrary to the Libertarian platform in effect. Wide open doors with controls is hardly anathema to liberty. It is simply good sense and is a Trump preference.
Brokered trade agreements by a Clinton administration have other aspects when given the perspective offered by her term as Secretary of State. Will she base them on how she personally profits? Will ‘free trade’ as crafted under NAFTA continue, where trading partners can abuse currency?
Trump does not support the sovereignty surrendering TPP either. Hillary once says she did, ..well maybe. Can we trust that?.
Some might feel that Johnson is a Libertarian. He might even think so, but rest assured, he is no Harry Browne. And as for liberty, just ask some cake bakers in Oregon how well his libertarianism would work for them.
For the Rule of law folks (which SHOULD be everyone, but alas ..)
The system IS rigged.
Ask first how Hillary is: A. Not behind bars. Or B. Even eligible to be elected President.
Federal Title 18 §2071. Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally
(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.
While the constitution might not allow the full disqualification (being an adult age 35+ and 14 years a resident is sufficient), the actual effect of violating this statute, and being fined should be a disqualifier on its own; that is if she were to be jailed or fined as is proper.
Is this the type of ‘Democracy’ that Rule of law folks wish to see? One where the ‘winners’ get to dictate application of law? Where as only Kings have had such power, we now cede such authority to our ‘democratically’ elected representatives?
Perhaps Nixon should have flipped off congress when rumblings of impeachment began.
Dude, you should know that because of Hillary’s crimes, satan worshiping nonsense and other unmentionable activities, you would become president shortly after inauguration day if not finding out before that you will be.
The pressure on such a low level IQ individual such as yourself would be tremendous. Not trying to make you feel bad, but making sure that you know your limits before taking on the mantle of ‘world leader.’ Decision making is hard, and we know that your previous service was a perfect example of the ‘peter principle.’
Seriously, you cannot handle it.
For all who consider themselves Americans
Do you, or do you not believe what our nation is about?
The United States Constitution framed out what our government is allowed to do. The original bill of rights is a list of areas where there is to be NO abridgement by the government on individual rights retained. And just to make sure that the Federal government could not overreach, the 9th and 10th amendment were added to clarify that the absence of a protection in the bill of rights did not mean the fed could crap on us in new and creative ways.
The 1st amendment is under assault. Hillary’ press acolytes believe you cannot access information except through them. Then she sued to stop a movie
Likewise, the 2nd amendment is Hillary’s enemy.
The 3rd Amendment too?
Even The 4th amendment
The first four protections for citizens are, or have been under attack by Hillary Clinton. Imagine what she would get away with by packing a Supreme court with ideologues instead of constitutional referees?
Trump has already provided a list of candidates who reflect his preference for the court. Each represents a constitutional view that is static and in line with the promises made by our nation’s founders.
Do you support our constitution? If so, could you possibly vote for Hillary?


"..For the Republican...Or the Democrat..
Your party is over if Trump loses..."
Come again...Exactly how?
The Republican Party knocks out every single grassroots supported pain in their butts with but one cheaply obtained punch while the Democrats prove...well...literally everything which has ever been brought forward in terms of their party's nationwide electoral college support...or the only support needed to rule the most powerful nation on earth most likely forever.
I find your next statement to be even more confusing regarding reasons to vote Trump:
"...For the Establishment folks...
You might want to consider that HRC is going to fully implement single payer.
What does that mean to you, and why does it matter you ask? Perhaps when considering that the insurers were on board for the change up to this point, folks should be a little more cautious about their plans for monopolization of certain industry. Insurers might lie to themselves and pretend there will be protections extended to them for their capitulation in the government takeover of this industry, but the reality check will be when they are no longer needed, or determined irrelevant.
To gain the office necessary to give your reward, concessions to the proletariat are in order. Which of your interests will be offered up as compromise? Which of you will become less important to the elected decider as time goes on?..."
"The Establishment folks" need to be defined here as they have happily escaped from being categorized for 7 years now. "Establishment" seems to run (above) from the average uneducated traditional Republican voting shmuck purchasing health the fat cats providing the legislative crooks protecting/enabling them.
Most of us understand the 'your usefulness is limited/soon to be expiring' untold foundational concept in either party.
Yet when the term "Establishment" is not reserved SOLELY for the very leaders/movers/shakers not giving a 'rip' as to what they pay for health care given the fact that not a single one of them will ever have to?
"Establishment" then somehow includes a class of people who can be educated to vote differently or change a party vs a power/money hungry class who has no good reason to and (if human history is any indication) never will.
All politics are local.
The Tea party's failure to properly define "Establishment" at the local level, describe the evils associated with same in their own neighborhoods or even one day before the election use each "Establishment" individual's (or entities) refusal to support Donald Trump strategically against them either tomorrow or *RECORDED* for later (win or lose)? ...
...will be the final stake in the heart of grassroots political movements...NOT those already solidly in place and very effectively taking on all comers for the foreseeable future.
Even if we were to substitute 'wins' in the above statement...
If Hillary Clinton wins, all trust in the party apparatus on both sides of the fence will be critically damaged. Democrats already face this as a result of Bernie Sanders supporters being cheated by the DNC and through coordination with the Clinton campaign. They might become even more resentful if the cheater actually gets away with it. Republicans however, will be asking themselves if the party only exists for the elite few who work in the shadows to select their candidates.
The elitist hold on the political parties must be broken or it will be clear that the parties themselves no longer represent the grass root elements that slave for them. Trump represents a breaking of the hold that the elitists in both parties have over the political process.
A Trump win resets the playing field. It restores the belief that motivated individuals might well have an influence in future politics. that their vote actually matters. That the system cannot get as bad as it seems right now, and stay that way.
Trust me on this.
I apologize.
With no way of editing our posts afterwards and only certain posters able to?
Everything below:
".....will be the final stake in the heart of grassroots political movements...NOT those already solidly in place and very effectively taking on all comers for the foreseeable future..."
...was Jason's previous statement (copy/pasted paragraphs is often forgotten/hidden when you compose in a tiny box)
..and yes, 'is' should be 'are' above.
Conservatives somehow (perhaps through their often Christian nature) do not recognize or see themselves as being manipulated by the devil's #1 go to tool in the box...discouragement.
This unprecedented build up to Trump coupled with a Trump loss would be no different than what Michigan Republicans did to their 'faithful' exactly 4 years ago in the immediate aftermath of Right To Work.
Despite real time video and indisputable evidence of their own brothers, sisters and even children being assaulted the day before? Not one lead Republican Party member or legislator went on the record (most barely released a pitifully worded statement) as declaring that something like this would 'never happen again' in our Capital or that our freedoms of speech and assembly were historically forever changed (discouraged) that day.
BOTH parties were hoping/praying for the same empty Capitol lawn that we will witness less than a month from that 4-year anniversary and all through an even MORE contentious lame duck session today. Conservatives won't even rally for their grandchildren being assaulted in their local school bathrooms or anything to do with the perversion of their private information/everyday learning this month and next.
When Republicans DISCOURAGED conservatives by their 'meh' involving the message sent that day involving our (lost) freedoms under the microscopic watch of even the largest security force in perhaps Capital history?
The stage was set for devil's later use of discouragement (a Trump loss tomorrow included) so that 2016 devastating lame duck policies are much more easily brokered/rammed through than they were when 'Flint' wasn't dictating everything.
My $0.02 before I head back out on the road this evening.
I can tell you from first-hand experience that there is a VERY discernible difference in the number of Trump signs visible vs. Johnson, Stein (yes, I've seen plenty of hers) & HiLIARy in front of homes & businesses.
This isn't just in Michigan. I've seen it also in Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and Illinois (good luck finding a HiLIARy sign in Chicago of all places!).
Team "d" must have caught onto this because they just spend the better part of a day littering the city streets and medians in Detroit (not in front of residents homes, mind you) with HiLIARy signs. They were hard to miss this am.
I'm certain that Janice Winfrey will get right on that.
Second, contrary to popular belief, Labor isn't as gullible as Team "d" would like you to believe.
There was a lot of this back in September, but the media didn't feel it was important enough to pass along to readers/viewers.
Go figure.
...out the polling place door and out in to the parking lot at 7:20 here.
No poll challengers save some "lawyers for civil justice" (or something similar) rumored to have warned that they would be there yet weren't.
It would be really nice to poll every single precinct (which shouldn't be too hard for a statewide grassroots movement) to determine who 'exactly' is challenging the polls and where to obtain some idea of what strategy has been employed statewide in this regard.
Yet then again, these type of very simple efforts requiring absolutely no money and even less technology are the tools/hallmarks of effective leadership.
The fact that Michigan conservatives have never even 'attempted' to monitor both their Republican Party (evidently) 'masters' or those actually overtly throwing the elections themselves speaks volumes in extremely close races with absolutely everything on the line..
Leadership matters.