The audacity of it all.
Dingell retiring from Congress: ‘It’s time to cash it in’
There is what’s wrong with this nation today. The Marxstream Media actually has the gull to call the fossil not running for re-election a “retirement”. Public “servants” my ass. Better still?
Debbie Dingell expected to run for husband’s congressional seat
You Betcha! (0)Nuh Uh.(0)
[subtlety mode off]
You see that picture they had of those two? Of course she has to run. As fast as she can, cause if he has more time at home, he'll be wanting to cash in those matrimonial obligation bonds. Bow Shikka wow wow
Time to get outta dodge city.
[subtlety mode on]
Oh yeah, and then there is this:
Washington, D.C. – Today Rep. Walberg released the following statement on Rep. John Dingell’s retirement:
There. Fixed it for him.
Never been much of a Walberg fan, nor am I fan of a Party collective who gets the fantods when the word vagina is mentioned.
Really, Tim?
Go buy some balls, Walberg.
Oh! And, I forgot to mention this crap by Tim...
They're all programmed with the same entitlement mentality in DC. STFU, Tim.