The motor city madman offers heartfelt appreciation for the future of our nation.
You gotta love this guy.
Michigan Native Ted Nugent in the wee morning hours of the 9th as election results are finalized, lets it all out. Particularly entertaining and frank, he is thankful for the incredible results. He gets particularly happy when he sees that Michigan went Red (the 9:00), going for Trump.
Language and philosophical advisory: Not for the faint of heart, young children, or puppy cuddling, safe-space, college pee-pants protesters.
You Betcha!
(9)Nuh Uh.

"and all you beautiful ladies out there, just think in terms of scrotum. You gotta let it swing heather yond to and fro, and bash down tall buildings. It's about, the scrotum is about tenacity and Take No Shititis.... heheheheh."
#MAGA, fuck yeah!
^^^^^^^^^^...the most thought provoking and hard hitting crucially needed politcal commentary from Michigan conservatives on this site since well before the election and we'll on in to our lame duck.
Game/set/match in terms of the MiGOP establishment quelling a revolution which never was within their own party.
They never brokea sweat.
Eat a dick, fuckface.
It would've been a little more appreciated had he ran (and crushed) Hurricane Jenny back in '07 when he said that he would, but good news is still good news.