Conservatives may have a choice in the 11th Congressional district after all.
Nothing says I love you like “I’m not going anywhere, thank you very much.”
David Trott has a few extra bucks lying around I am sure. The foreclosure king’s self funded primary netted him a win over under-financed Kerry Bentivolio in the August primary. But what the heck, Kerry still has signs, and is an incumbent congressman. Its not a stretch to say that he COULD pull off a write in win, if people can learn how to spell B-E-N-T-I-V-O-L-I-O in time for the general election.
MLIVE is reporting:
He told MIRS on Monday that he and his family will write in his name on the ballot in November and that he is still considering filing for an official write-in campaign.
Write-in candidates in Michigan have until Oct. 21 to file declaration of intent forms for the November election.
“I’m trying to decide whether to send my opponent a congratulations or receipt for the purchase of the 11th Congressional District,” Bentivolio told MIRS.
This guy is OK in my book.
You Betcha!
(24)Nuh Uh.