From my inbox:
Trump supporters, 100% Fed Up and SHUR (Sterling Heights/Utica Republicans) invite you for a “Build the Wall” Rally.
Join us with your family and friends, at Van Dyke Ave., north of 15 Mile Rd. in Sterling Heights. It will be on Saturday, February 9th from 1:00 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Snow, Rain or Shine, we will be walking on the sidewalk. Dress warm.
Bring your signs (be respectful) and/or flags. Let’s show our county, state and country that WE SUPPORT OUR PRESIDENT. Trump Unity Bridge will be with us!!!!
We will meet at the Marketplace Court street Mall at the east side of Van Dyke Ave., north of 15 Mile Rd. It is across the street from the Chrysler Sterling Stamping Plant. You can park by the street mall. Then, we will spread out along Van Dyke Avenue. See map below.
More details will be coming up soon. Stay tuned! The event is free, but please register to plan accordingly.