Tag Archive for Where’s Terri

It’s done. Stick a fork in her US Senate Campaign.

In a largely self-funded campaign that has adopted the unique strategy of avoiding contact with the voters as much as humanly possible, the running comedy of the republican-anointed candidate for US Senate had taken yet another hit this week.

And who is jumping ship this time might surprise you.

{Details after the fold}

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(1)

…by the company they keep.

Chairman B.S. and the rest of Team-“r” might want to pull back on the mutual admiration society they kludged together and reach for a bottle of Maalox®.

Things aren’t shaping up too well in the fantasy world they created for voters this November.

On second thought, skip the Maalox® and go straight to the Prilosec OTC ®.

So what happened now?

{Continued below the fold}

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)