Tag Archive for Wayne County Board of Canvasers

The usual suspects (Updated).

Short update from my earlier post today.

After waking up and finding that my phone has blown up with texts, I’ve been told by my sources onsite that the City of Detroit is up to its old tricks when it comes to election shenanigans.

After a pallet of ballots (yes, I said pallet), mysteriously appeared without any documentation as to its source, Detroit election officials began to play games with observers by letting Republican Poll Watchers leave the ballot counting room in Cobo Hall throughout the day, but would NOT let their replacements enter the room, claiming that their numbers were “violating” Detroit’s Wuhan Virus policies.

When things began getting contentious after being locked out (and Detroit PD called on scene), Detroit election officials began covering the windows to the room, so that no outside observers could see what was happening inside.

Just a quick reminder to readers that this isn’t the fist time that Detroit election officials have played games with elections.

During the ’16 Presidential Election, Detroit election officials couldn’t reconcile an issue where 59% of the precincts poll books did not match the results from the polling machines.

Back in August of this year, the Wayne County Board of Canvassers were made aware of problems with counting being done incorrectly (i.e. counting beginning before the required poll books were available) and how insecure the ballots were in transit to Cobo Hall for counting.

NUMEROUS issues with poll books were reported in a subsequent meeting.

And, of yeah, I cannot forget to mention how large amounts of AV ballots mysteriously went “missing”.

It should be noted that the Vice Chair of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers, is one Jonathan C. Kinloch. Aide to Gretchen Whitmer and Chairman of the 13th Congressional District Democrats (“The Mighty 13th”). Along with that brief introduction, he has a very interesting history not included in his bio that I may go into at a later date.

So not getting too far off topic, where was our Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson at during all of this?

Stay tuned…

Scratch that!

Nope, nothing irregular or questionable happening here!

Even more incriminating footage (start watching at 5:27 mark).

Anyone want to take a wild guess as to how many election protocols have been violated in just that above clip alone?


You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)